Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Yes, I design and make video games. I usually work with the Godot Game Engine or other open source dev tools. I try to avoid proprietary development software and that’s why I don’t use Unity.
You work in software development yourself?


Day 50 :white_check_mark:

Really miss Basil my little Bobby Dazzler. :cat2:
Trying to make the routine stay the same for the others.
We will get through this together :pray:

Yesterday was a nice day in the garden with the pets. We spent the whole day out there and they really enjoy the catio they want out there as soon as they wake up :rofl:
Today will be another nice day just calm and chilled.
Might BBQ dinner.

Trigger warning Gambling :


IV noticed in the UK gambling adverts on TV are on every other advert - not just this the problem is they are advertising people at the launderette waiting for a wash to finish and playing slots. Or people waiting in a shopping queue playing slots. I’m finding it very triggering but I cant believe they are getting away with saying stop when it isn’t fun but advertising people playing it when they are in the middle of daily chores its shocking. How do they get away with these things.
Maybe it’s just me ? Noticing this. I didn’t have a big gambling problem - I don’t think I did but I only ever gambled when I took drugs which was alot before I got sober. So maybe if it’s triggering me to think of drink and drugs I did have a problem.

Have a lovely day everyone I will do some morning chores and then I will be back to see how everyone is doing and catch up :star:



Yes. I’m a software engineer and server admin :slight_smile:


So we both spend our time in dark rooms in front of many displays :wink:


Exactly ! for sure


Happy birthday :balloon:
It’s lovely to see you here. I haven’t seen your post yet but I will catch up later.
Just see many happy birthdays to you so wanted to say too🎁


Day 222. Thats a nice number lol. Up and into work, i was going to uber bc its supppsed to rain but i rode my bike anyways. I dont mind getting wet going home. When i get home im looking forward to another work out session. Tried to stay focused on drinking water and not eating so much snacks. Im not kidding i was craving the sweets so bad and did break down and have some last night. Its definitely going to be hard leaving the sweets out. But idk much love everyone


Good morning sober friends! Checking in on day 206. We finally finished the home construction so I’m happy about that! The last couple weeks have been hard mentally, I have a lot of anger at myself for the time I wasted with my addiction, literally complete and utter disappointment. It definitely doesn’t make me want to use, it just makes me sad. Makes me wonder what would be different etc etc etc. I just keep reminding myself I have the opportunity now to make my life what I want it to be, I just wish I could get rid of the noise in my head and the wondering….

I hope you all are doing well, I have so much gratitude for the forum and the people that make up this community, you are thought about every day. I hope everyone has the most amazing day.
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


You’re al1000% correct. You have the opportunity to make life any way you want it from now on. Congrats on hitting the 200 day mark. That’s a big milestone and I’m proud of you. Hope you and the fam iare doing great :v::green_heart:


That’s a real nice number my dude. :+1::fire:


Checking in 285 SAF/ 270 no smokes. Morning guys, have a little bit of time before things get busy this morning so trying to play catch up on the runaway train that is the check in thread. Easier said then done, but you’re all doing great. Have a great day. Love ya’s :+1::green_heart:


Everyone is good! Teaching a second kid to drive, you know it just doesn’t get any less scary :rofl:. I hope you and the fam are doing great :heart: How did the move go?


That’s great. The move went good, everybody’s happy where we’re at. They’ve been spending some days on the beach, while I’m at work :roll_eyes:. But me and the wife have been able to jump on the bike a few times and ride down to watch the sunrise and hangout a couple hours on off days. All in all I’m sober and content. Yeah teaching them to drive is a fucking nightmare :rofl:.


Checking in on day 348. Keep on keeping on…:peace_symbol::pray::heart:

  1. Muggy and sweaty sleep. Gag. The flat is 27 degrees, no joke. By noon. I hate being a killjoy as I know so many people enjoy summer, but I don’t. I like sunlight and clear skies, but cool temperatures. Anyway, we leave the city Thursday night through to Sunday so it will be cooler in the rural areas. I have a big project to complete for my mother in law…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Always a chore to be done when I go, and I end up doing about 30k steps a day! Going to force myself to strength training at 5pm and just knuckle down and lean into the weather where I can. No point moaning I guess.

It’s great to see you and congratulations on 200+ days :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler:

Glad the home construction is sorted! It sometimes for me felt like it would never end but glad it has for us both :pray:


That’s Is brilliant numbers :white_check_mark:

Congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks:


Oh that hits hard! What a brilliant way to summarise my experience with sobriety. Thankyou!


Hey all, checking in on day 1471. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 98. Have a great day everyone!