Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Flew home to Raleigh this AM and the announcemnt was ‘welcome to RDU, the time is 7:26 and the local temperature is 86 degrees’… that’s not right.


Good morning everyone!
Hope you all have a good day! The heat and humidity is down a bit for today. It’s been miserable the last week or more.
Going to my home group today, then just being domestic on the homefront!:upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face::heart:


We have literally no air conditioning in the UK either. I’m such a baby with this heat, it just makes me sleepy and slow. Good luck :crossed_fingers:t2:


We have beast central air units here. You can’t live here otherwise. Running night and day now. At 830am temperature is 82f/28c with a heat/humidity index of 90f/35c. It’s only 830! High of 95f/35c with heat index 104/40c But this is actually a normal summer day! We’re so happy it’s not like last year, when it was 105-110 every day.

Stay cool :sunglasses: TragicF @Tragicfarinelli


Day 286 drug free
Day 168 alcohol free

Good day, blessings for Monday and the start of a new week. Feeling grateful and inspired. So glad I choose the path of recovery the promises are true! :pray:t4::two_hearts: ODAAT. Strong and Serene 24 :yellow_heart::pray:t4:


thank you Doug my best to take care of me :heart:


Day 115

Big muscle spasm in my shoulder. Too fast on the weights yesterday trying to get finished faster. Ouch I know better. Slow is better. A spotter would have shut that shit down! Also not enough water. I’ll do better tomorrow if this lets loose. It’s a huge knot.

Going to hydrate and work on stretching. Not sure about anything except I want to be sober today. Feeling a bit lost.


I used to think I enjoyed the heat of summer, but since I quit drinking I noticed I’m really not that tolerant to it. Although, I’d take that 27° over the 36° we’ve been having any day :hot_face: (as an American I had to look up the conversion bc…you know…eff the metric system :rofl::rofl::rofl:)


Summer :rage:. I’m already looking at the almanac: “Tomorrow will be 9 seconds shorter.. :laughing::laughing::laughing:
I think you’re up north. I grew up in the northeast near New York City. I’m very pale. Not heat tolerant anymore either …is that a middle aged thing? I’m relocating in a year or two to a cooler climate. It’s really important for me to smell good :laughing:

Have a great day and stay cool, Laura!


Day 283 alcohol free!

Hello all,

Thank you for being a community where one can come and check in daily, and also one that those of us who don’t check in daily (thats me) can also return to when needed.

Checking in again because I’m going to need accountability as I head toward the one year mark (September 15). I’ve already found myself daydreaming of celebrating one year alcohol free by getting drunk. I don’t want to do that, so I’m going to be checking in to help myself stay accountable.

I value this community because I feel supported, especially when tempted. I can be anonymous and still feel a responsibility to this community to be brutally honest with myself and to “stand in my vulnerability” when it comes to my fears about withdrawal from pot, staying alcohol free, etc.

I’m confident I can make it a year, and then I think it would be best for me if I kept on going.

My next step is to cut down on cannabis, with the goal of becoming cannabis free in the next year (I like to give myself time on these things). More on that later.

Thanks for being here. I wish everyone well.


Morning friends :slight_smile: Just at the gym now waiting for the personal trainer to show up. Shes 30 min late lol was running behind apparently from her earlier appt. I already did back and biceps so im all warmed up. I got the rest of my sons antibiotics already so thats good. Just going to get this appt done and then head home to put away laundry and clean. Thats about it for my day. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I hope so too :crossed_fingers:t2:and congrats on 18 months :tada:
@wahtisnormal congrats on 70+ days :tada: I’m glad you found your friend, but I’m sorry for the way they are behaving. Festivals can be messy with the wrong people :weary:
@Chevy55 sorry for the news of your friend :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@Laner congrats on 80 days :tada: I’m sorry about your friend, but glad she’s being taken care of and you can be there for her.
@Butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry the pharmacy couldn’t get it right :pensive: I hope it won’t delay your son’s recovery :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Lainenicole96 congrats on your week :tada:
@Timetochange congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@sarath_unrelax congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Amy30 I’m sorry about the new gig and their bs :pensive:
@Just_Laura I hope you got the issue resolved with your bank :crossed_fingers:t2:


@Mno feel better soon 🩵
@SadMemeQueen happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face: enjoy your sleepover :blush:
@Mindofsobermike congrats on all the 2s :tada:
@IamThechange congrats on completing your home construction :raised_hands:t2: and for 200+ days :tada:

1414 days no alcohol.
879 days no cocaine.
394 days no vape.
10 days no binge-eating.

I’m not feeling well at the moment, but I can’t figure out exactly what’s wrong. I feel light-headed and dreamy, like I’ve been drugged or something, but not in a good way. My pulse is slightly high, but my blood pressure and blood glucose are both fine. I thought maybe it was some tiredness catching-up with me, but I tried to nap yesterday and couldn’t. Meditation wasn’t working for me, I was just finding myself becoming aware the meditations had ended, but had no recollection of hearing any of them. The feeling makes me feel unsafe, which triggers flashbacks that are really disturbing. It’s making me want to eat and eat and eat crisps, because the crunching soothes my anger and “works” for me. I’m not going to though. I decided to give meditation another chance around 21:30 last night, and did not wake up until 8am! I usually wake up to feed the cats and take my morning meds at 2am, then go back to sleep and wake up properly around 5:30am, but I went back to sleep around 8:30am and didn’t wake up properly until midday! It’s very unlike me to sleep so much, so I really don’t know what’s going on. I’m just glad my counters are still intact. :raised_hands:t2:

Yesterday, I did manage to finish the chapter I tried to read on Saturday, and I also managed to hoover, the flat is transformed!

Today has just been a rest and catching-up here.

Tomorrow I have an appointment first thing in the city centre about a tattoo removal, so I need to shower tonight.



Thank you for sharing. I wanted to express my feeling about “alcoholic “ . Before sobriety I knew I was one but just didn’t want to stand up at AA and say “hi I am an alcoholic “. Since sober journey started and I love my AA group it became easier to blurt it out. As I continue down my sober path I find I want to say “I am a recovering alcoholic “. It is all mental game.


Day 366 second check in stay focused and treat each day as day one again

Going to watch poor things this evening… And relax


It’s 28.4 degrees C …… IN MY LIVING ROOM. I can’t deal. Just been to the gym to do a really tough class and they had air con on…was easier than being at home :rofl::joy::rofl:


Day 87 here.

Got bored last night and decided to get a dating (?) app. Most fun I had in a while tbh.
I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing and even being ignored or “not liked” doesn’t really bother me.

It’s just so much fun to talk to these people. I’ve forgotten how much I enjoyed writing with strangers.

For now my settings are basically anything goes. I don’t expect there to be some end goal to this. Hell, I just do whatever and see where that leads me.

Is it healthy? Eh…resounding maybe. But I’ll just have to see how this works out.

See you tomorrow dear people^^


My my! I use my air conditioner for anything over 22c in the house. So that’s about 9 months a year. We’re in a relationship. :laughing:


My home gets so hot :hot_face:
I brought an air conditioning unit for my son’s room it cost like £179. It’s brilliant I walk in his room and it’s like so cool :snowflake:

I want one but the rest of the house has opening outward windows and I have to work out how to have the hose without it blowing back in.
Maybe il use the letterbox for the hose :rofl:.
I brought it in winter bet it’s alot more now.


Checking in day 175 AF :blush: