Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

205 days.
Missed my checkin last night. Was a busy day at work, tired after a bad nights sleep. Was all good though.
Back at work this morning. Already know we’re in for a big day, have a few plans.
On duty for 24hrs today


Same. We do have one for our bedroom which you Velcro a window seal in….but….i don’t trust the cats with the Velcro. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: if it gets too bad, I will set it back up. Or we sleep in the living room with the balcony doors open is another option. But I’ve still got three mosquito bites after 5 weeks and steroids so I’m scared of getting bitten also. Uk is crap in winter and even more crap in summer. :joy:


Double degrees C and add 30 gets you pretty close to F.


Hey Marie, I feel you here…I do exactly the same, I do one thing wrong or someone says something that annoys me, I can’t let it go and spiral into negative shitty thoughts for hours…and then I’m ok😂 What’s paws? Hope you’re well!


Hey all, checking in day 65 I think…

Just in the door from football… Thats the 6th week in a row which is good for me. Starting to feel a little fitter. Running around chasing the younger ones is tough though …I’m feeling my age😂

I bought a juicer today. Feeling excited about that :grimacing: I got a load of ginger, apples, lemons and kale. Hopefully it will solve all my problems :joy::joy:

Hope you’re all good :v::heart:


Checking in day 10!
It’s my birthday :partying_face: the big 33!
Getting ready to go have some hot wings somewhere :yum: Usually I get a birthday drink but I feel strong enough to go without. Will check back in tonight when I’m in bed or tomorrow sometime. I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! :sun_with_face:🫶🏼


Happy birthday! :tada::tada:


Hi Dan

Thank you. PAWS is post-acute withdrawal. Lingering stuff after the first month or two passes. For me it’s brain fog. Just the brain trying to sort things out.

My emotions are still not normal but everyone tells me that’s ok. I’m still very raw and sensitive. Touchy. Everything still seems more intense when emotions are involved. Yes! I want to just have em just disappear from my mind and not grab onto what I/they did wrong and ruminate on it! Might be a while yet. I’m better than I used to be :blush:


Thank you thank you!


Check in at Day 27! 3 more days till my 1 month :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Congrats on 65 days. As for juicing. I met my husband 9 years ago and he had been juicing for years. He is 68 and plays racquet ball 3 times a week. I joined regiment and make sure we have it daily.


Today has been an okay day but im dealing with a massive headache right now :exploding_head:
I went and did my workout at the gym, waited for 45 min for the personal trainer, only to find out that she needed to reschedule. Thats fine but I wasnt really impressed. Things happen I suppose. The appt is now for tmrw at 1pm.

I then came home to fold laundry and do dishes. And now Im just relaxing with my son until I have to make supper when hubby comes home. I have a suuuuper busy day tmrw so i hope to get some good rest tonight.

I also am realizing that I need to increase my self care. With summer break around the corner, Ill need to make sure that I MAKE time for myself somehow. Ive been slacking a bit on this and Im beginning to feel it. Especially over the summer when things get really busy with my medical kiddo and i have no time for myself, i tend to feel like i burn out almost every night. Self care will be crucial and i think i may need to go into my “toolbox” for some of the things i used to do. Thats it for me this evening. Hope everyone is having a good Monday! :butterfly:


@lighter Thank you! I’m sorry you are going through the PAWS symptoms. They do suck and the one thing that got me through is knowing this is all temporary. A cactus is a amazing plant love – way to be a badass plant!
@sadmemequeen Happy Birthday Megan! :birthday: :partying_face: Glad you enjoyed your birthday and the exhibit. You are not a failure Megan. You are there for her and I’m sure she is appreciative of that. Just having a supportive ear is sometimes what is needed :hugs:
@sarath_unrelax Great work on your 2 week milestone :muscle: Keep living One day at a time friend – you are doing an amazing job
@vanessa8 OMG I love that you took a lovely nap in the park – sounds heavenly and peaceful. Glad you are doing so great in your journey – keep it going strong :muscle:

Ah Hell Yes you do! Glad you were able to use the term with your brother. It is amazing how freeing it is when we finally open up and let our close ones know about our addictions. Hope you enjoyed your day of Netflix today :hugs:
@Dolse71 Hope the event went well. Love that fear is now faith. What a great way to view it. Great sober numbers friend :hugs:
@just_laura That is super frustrating about the bank and transfer of funds. I do hope you were able to clear up the issue without too much hassle today.
@mno hope you were able to rest and eat good food today and are feeling better. Sending healing vibes your way :pray:
@twizzlers WOOT WOOT! 50 days is amazing work friend. So sorry my friend for your loss and I know that you will be grieving for some time. Remember you are not alone and we are all here for you. Those ads really piss me off. I a not a gambler yet the ads still get me riled up for the fact that they are so persistent. In some shows I will see the add about 13 times (that’s 13 times minimum for an hour show)… totally ridiculous. I know for apps you can say that some adds are not appropriate but not sure if that is a thing for TV services.


@mindofsobermike YES triple 2’s – I love it! Glad you are looking forward to a workout session –loving it :muscle: keep stacking up the days Mike!
@iamthechange So lovely to see you Ami! YEAH – thank goodness the construction is over. Over 200 days love – that is fantastic. Don’t let your mind go into the past and try to rewrite it. You are here now making the positive changes and setting an amazing platform for your future. Keep kicking ass my friend :muscle:
@trixie1 Great to see you checking in friend. 283 days is impressive work. It is normal to want to celebrate a milestone with wanting to drink. Crazy how our minds work. Find ways to buckle down harder with your tools and possibly write a list of reasons on why you are sober – keep it handy as a healthy reminder.
@catmancam Thanks friend! Great job on your double digits on no binge-eating. I’m sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you were able to rest and are feeling better. Do have it looked at if the sensations persist. Good luck with your tattoo removal tomorrow.
@danwood85 OOH a juicer – enjoy making and drinking your creations. I absolutely love drinking my juices during the summer months especially when its too hot to cook LOL. Hope you are able to rest up those muscles – chasing after youngin’s is super tiring :laughing:
@brittc Yeah double digits! Happy birthday Brittany :birthday: :partying_face: :tada: Hope you enjoy your special day!

Checking in on Monday evening
551 days free of alcohol and weed
966 days free of cigarettes

I had a full day of doing nothing yesterday and still woke up drained today. Luckily i was able to get up and make the deliveries in time and get in a decent walk / workout. I have been dragging a bit today but did manage to get a lot of small things done and no naps LOL. About to finish up with some accounting and then get to bed.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in at the end of day 44. Missed check in yesterday. Came home and fell asleep at 8, still so tired sometimes. Par for the course.

@Timetochange congrats on 1 year! Awesome sauce ! :sunglasses: :raised_hands:

Pretty good day, nothing eventful. Weather has cooled a bit so took a brisk walk for an hour instead of the gym. Love working out outside when the weather is good.

Have a good night everyone.

“For alcoholics, moderation is abstinence.”


Ha ha, thank you Aga :hugs:
Yes, I’m a " what you see is what you get" kind of person. Straightforward indeed. That has is side effects too sometimes, but it’s who I am.
Learning to love myself more and more.


And look who has a one year milestone?
@Timetochange :sunglasses::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

*Day 2106 :walking_woman:
Had a good day at work, nothing special.
Did easy with dinner, no cooking. Just some blue cheese with toast and chocolat as dessert.
Watched Netflix as I had promished myself but fell asleep on the couch. So went to bed early.

After a long period of rain we finaly have good weather here. Blue skies!! 🩵💙 I love them.
Today? Work.
And…4 days before holiday! :confetti_ball:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:
Ps, hope you feel a bit better today @Mno Beterschap!


Congratulations with your double digits Brittany and with your 33th birthday!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Checking in with 79 sober days under my belt. Also I just finished my first vacation sober!
My husband still drinks, so I have plenty of exposure to alcohol, which makes me especially proud of myself.
And I finished This Naked Mind while on my trip. Definitely a great read. :smiley:


147 days AF :muscle:t2:

The contract details for the new job were presented to me yesterday. Everything is just perfect and amazing. Lots of benefits and I got even a bit more :moneybag: then my demands :sunglasses:
Positive culture was once more shown during the meeting. I am realy looking forward to a great place to work :woman_technologist:t2::sunny:

Papers will be signed next week, before starting at 01.09. I got some more free time / long summer holiday. Another present and I don’t have to start during hottest period of the year.
9 more weeks to joyn outdoor pools and life at ease, keep on recovery work.

Ah, one of the benefits is a monthly credit on a card for fitness and even pools…

I seem to be worth it!
Feeling great.

Hugs :heart: