Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Checking in on day 5

I’m feeling pretty good with all things considered.
I literally did nothing all day, and I’m back to the work grind in the morning. Is it weird to say I’m kinda looking forward to it?

I hope everyone has an amazing Tuesday morning I appreciate you all :slightly_smiling_face:



A relief to know my money isn’t gone. It just got lost on it’s way to it’s destination. Supposedly it’ll appear tomorrow, but even they were confused as to why it took so long. Whatever. Today was fine otherwise. I’m pretty tired so off to bed :sleeping: Hope you all have a great sober day!


Day 367 :slight_smile: now I want to join the 2000 days club… A long way off but day by day

Just been paid. Every month now when I’ve been paid I make a coffee and sit at my laptop and pay everything. Mortgage, gas, electricity, tax etc in regular amounts rather than anything sneaking up on me and I have to confess it’s one of my favourite moments. Completely on top of everything. Aware of what I owe etc.

Blessed to be here. So humbled to be alcohol free in a world which just encourages us all to consume everything


206 days
Taking a little break 11hrs into my 24hr shift. Was a busy day, they’re always good and made the day go quickly.
Had a multi crew training exercise this afternoon which was physically demanding. I’m glad my fitness is getting back to where it needs to be, 6months ago that drill would have been a massive struggle.
13 more hours to go



Called in sick this morning. I guess a colleague infected me last week. It’s a pity I’m staying in as the summer is here. But I’ll be OK. And it will be OK too. I’m sober and clean. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from my balcony last night.


400 days today! It’s the new normal. I am so happy never having to drink again. I’ve also noticed family and friends are drinking less. I guess we set a good example. :slight_smile:
Have a wonderful healthy sober day all! It’s the best decision you can make.


Get well soon, Menno. Another Nurse Kittty on the way! Give you a sun bath!

Congrats to all on each and every single day free of your Drug or behavior of choice.


A good day here today. I have hit the 2nd of my 4 milestones

100 hours - complete
1000 hours - completed today!
100 days - 42% there!
1000 days

I hope everyone has a good sober day, whether you are counting minutes, hours, days or years


@SussexGuy Nice numbers friend! Keep it going! :partying_face: :clap: :sunglasses:
@AnnaE 400 days is pretty darn impressive! :sunglasses:
@Mno Get well soon. Enjoy your balcony and your plants, and maybe just indulge in some benign treats :heart:
@MrFantastik Nice to hear sobriety is giving you strength and stamina for your challenging and very demanding work :muscle: :battery:
@Timetochange It’s a very nice picture you have painted there with you feeling on top of stuff by paying your dues. Sounds like freedom.
@Just_Laura Glad to hear this money situation is just a fluke and not some kind of desaster.
@Juli1 Your new working environment sounds really great. I am happy for you. You deserve to be in a good place :hibiscus: :sun_with_face: Enjoy the outdoor pool season to the max :ocean:
@JazzyS With the weather you are experiencing I am not surprised you are so tired. High humidity always drains all the energy out of me. Sending you some fresh air :leaves:
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope your headache is gone soon. I get you on the self care during times of school vacations. It’s just so much more to take care of. What are your favourite ways of self care?
@Brittc Congratulations! Birthday AND 10 days of freedom. That is a great day. Enjoy it and celebrate yourself :partying_face: :balloon: :birthday: :gift:

215 sugar
79 UPF
86 gluten
65 dairy
27 overeating/bingeing

The day started with my usual morning routine and then a short trip to the doctor’s with my daughter for some examination. Now I am looking forward to a morning of work on my digital prototypes. Groceries and errands later in the day. Yoga in the afternoon. Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Have a blessed day yall, a day of peace, kindness, and freedom :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


@Vanessa8 nicely done on enjoying a sober vacation. That is an impressive milestone. Definitely something you should be proud of. Keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4:
@Juli1 wow this all seems so amazing. So very happy for you girl. You are worth it! :people_hugging:
@just_laura so glad they found the issue and are correcting it. I have to go to bank today for similar issue. They deposited my money in someone else’s account. I didn’t notice the different number in the transaction slip…glad I keep all the paper :joy:
@anmae yeah 400 days :tada::confetti_ball::partying_face:. Love that it’s the normal now…keep experiencing the joys of sobriety
@SussexGuy congratulations on hitting another milestone…that feeling is the best. Keep at it friend…you are doing great :muscle:t4:

Tuesday morning check in
Good morning y’all…hope you are enjoying your Tuesday
Slept ok ish… waiting for coffee to brew so I can hit the pavement. Supposed to storm later so that puts a damper on swimming. May hit the pool later as it’s supposed to stay cloudy today. I have already gotten way too much sun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.
Yes the humidity can be draining. Thanks for that reminder @acromouse . I am gonna do my best to work around the weather and make the best of today.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 223. Had a good workout yesterday, mamaged 53 minutes for 3 miles :rofl: its a start, hit some weights and punching bag. My girls facetimed during my workout and my youngest said let me see you hit the punching bag. So i set the phone up and busted out my sick moves, she goes " holy dad, your gonna break the thing" my girls always make me giggle. I did have a hard time shutting my mind off, been a while since ive been able to do that so idk if it was from the endorphins or what. Also decided im going to buy some roller blades tomorrow when i get paid. Thought that would be fun. Much love everyone


Hey all, checking in on day 1472. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 51 check :white_check_mark:

What a beautiful day today.
Have walked Polly and have all the meat and vegetables marinating because I’m having a BBQ today - we’ll just cooking dinner on it :yum: not a gathering.

Had temptation to buy non alcoholic beer :thinking: for later then I thought why am I doing that ?
For me personally that’s just not a great idea especially only at 51 days! . So I will pass on that.
I know some people can be ok - me I don’t think so.
So I brought some sparkling flavoured water :sweat_drops:

The problem when I get in the garden is I don’t move for hours :joy: actually I don’t think that’s a problem I just realised I’m out here I’m out in the garden actually enjoying it and going to cook dinner and a month or 2 back I couldn’t even hang the washing out this is actually really amazing :star_struck: I am going to stay mindfully in the present today and take in the beauty of life.

Have a lovely day everyone :sparkles:



All went well and that’s why I had to have a different mindset, spent too many years predicting the future and expecting the worst case scenario only to find out in the end I was wrong and could have saved myself a lot of stress.




I wasn’t here for a few days. I hope all okay with you guys, sorry but it’s impossible to catch up.

What can I say… Things going on. Tomorrow I have final (I hope) meeting about that work in kindergarten. Tomorrow I should know if I got this job or not. It would be a good start so I’m pretty excited about it. Timing is not the greatest cause soon summer vacation starts so I can’t work anyway but maybe I could start after that. Will see. They know about my limited time situation.

I started Dutch lessons last week and I must admit, level is pretty high there. I like it, I wanna learn. I wanna feel confident talking this language already.

Struggle with finding a time to work out lately but I ride my bike A LOT so I’m fine with that. I will figure it out.

I started watching football again. Last time I followed some championship was more than decade ago and I forgot how much fun it gives me :slight_smile: I’m one of those talking to tv kind of people and my husband never watched a game with me before (he is not a football fan) so its a lot of fun :sweat_smile: Today Poland and Netherlands are playing at the same time so i guess its gonna be tv plus phone watching situation.

Gotta go, my people need me.
Up, up, and away!


Checking in. I’m recovering quite fast, it’s rather uncomfortable and just a bit painful than explicitly bad. I went outside a few times, even took a walk in the forest with my kids – I really missed nature and hikes. But I have to be careful and just gradually increase the load, so I spend most of my time indoors working or resting, reading or watching football. Emotionally this period is quite hectic, it’s difficult to ground myself and get back to some stable mood. The only way I’m able to ground myself is to activate my melancholic-angry mood, but that’s not healthy at all, so I have to figure out something else. I didn’t expect this time to be this challenging mentally, but luckily I’m having therapy in two days, so that’s good.


Checking in day 99. Have a great week everyone!


Day 116

Been in another icky phase last couple of days with weird sad moods and sleeping trouble, but better than last time. It really does take a long time to recover. Summer came in punching hard this week. The long days get me. You want to go out but quickly run back in because you’re nauseous and pouring with sweat. Takes me a while to sort of get acclimated. :hot_face:

Off to the salon to get hair cut and color. I have tons of hair so I keep it at my shoulders for the summer. Can’t wait for the freedom and coolness of less hair! :laughing:

Feel better Menno!

Enjoy your sober days


Busy day today. Heading out to do a grocery shop shortly and then have my personal training appt at 1pm. Hopefully we can meet this time. Then home to tidy up and prep for supper. Thats about it! Have a great everyone! :butterfly: