Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Good morning all! Checking in on day 207. So happy to hear from some folks yesterday :heart:. Missed you guys! Busy today, I’m trying to get into an AI lending/finance company and the door opened yesterday for me to get to speak with them, so I beyond excited about that! Just so happy that they are interested in me as well, makes me feel good! I have a 6 hour course in AI certification today to help me understand better for the interview process.

@CATMANCAM, I hope you are feeling better today friend!
@JazzyS so good to hear from you! Missed you girl!
@Twizzlers missed you! So happy to be catching up on some of your posts :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Jasty2 I’m catching up on posts from your new stomping ground and just beautiful, congrats again my friend

I hope everyone has the best day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Missed you too… congratulations on the gig…hope all goes smoothly today with the certification :pray:t4::people_hugging:


Hi :wave: it’s so good to see you posting :grin:
I have missed you here :sparkling_heart:

Sounds like you have been busy and positive stuff is happening. This is exciting :grinning:


That’s good there’s a name for it and it normalises all these stresses and mood swings. I keep telling myself that I’ve been a substance abuser for 20+ years and it’s going to take while for it to get better and not rushing or questioning it. 1st month was tough, 2nd month was manageable and the start of the 3rd is going well… I’m glad you’re feeling better Marie…in it together. Thanks :pray:


Thanks Jazzy! I’ve just finished a juice, I put in 2 whole unpeeled lemons and a lot of ginger…it had a bit of a kick to it :joy: I’m definitely needing to work on it!

Good job on getting through your day and doing your accountancy…hope you’re energy levels recover soon!


Just wanted to share my juice ingredients. I make a gallon every 3 days.


Day 1 in the books.
Grateful for a new start.

Withdrawals haven’t set in yet but I know they will be back in full force in a couple of days.


Hang in there 1 day done. Welcome to the sober journey.


Checking in day 176 AF :blush:


Yay I feel amazing! Cut back to my shoulders. There was enough hair on the salon floor for seven human heads. And she left a lot too! I was asked twice at 10 and 10:30 am if I wanted wine! You think, well I’ll do a morning appointment to avoid the salon wine pushers but NOOO…10 am drinking opportunity :roll_eyes:. Declined, no problem and drank coffee. She asked me why my hair was so soft, thick and healthy and I almost said: ‘because sobriety!!’ But I just played dumb :clown_face:.(…hmmm…I don’t know, my favorite dear stylist, maybe it’s all that cheap rose daily, by the box that made my hair grow…hehe :laughing:). It does look and feel so much better. And the face is not puffy. Yea, it’s true, sobriety is the best beauty treatment of all. And I’m only at 4 months. I want more!

@Danwood85 Right you are, sir! I drank a good bit of my life, not a few months…so it stands to reason it might be a minute. I’m finding the lingering stuff is slowly beginning to fade in intensity. Hang in there!



This looks great Tailee…That’s a lot of juice. Do you add water? I need get good at making a batch and storing it.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed your sober hair cut! :joy:


I run 1/2 cup water through juicer at end (helps ease clean up) if pitcher has lots of veggie residue I may add water enough to clean sides of pitcher and add to batch.

Plus I am juicing for two and lasts about 3 days before it goes bad


Checking in on day 179, tucked up in bed at 9:21pm as I start work at 5am. I do not mind the actual work but getting up at 4am sucks! We have a new manager in work causing a lot of stress so I’m not enjoying that.
When I wake in the morning I’ll be 180 days + 2 hours sober. It’s so strange saying out loud how many days I’ve collected, I knew before day 1 that I needed to quit, I knew deep down it would be a forever type deal, I knew I was alcoholic but saying or even typing 179 days seems crazy because a huge part of me didn’t believe I could get sober, that part has gotten very small, smaller as the days go by. Not only did I not believe I could get properly sober but it never even entered my mind that I could enjoy my life as a sober person. I’m actually eager to try new things, meet new people, have been adventures.
Good night wonderful people 🩷


9 days alcohol free over 7 months weed free. It’s a tough one today. My autistic son shattered his like tenth iPad at this point no matter how protected it is or how much I try to watch him with it he manages to get it outside take the case off and throw it. I’m upset with myself too for not noticing he got it out there I could’ve prevented it. I’m also upset with how I handled it, I yelled at him a lot because I am already so on edge. I know he can’t really help himself though…I think it’s time to just stop getting him any kind of tablet but if I ever do again my autism parents group gave me some good ideas like kids kindle fire that will replace them. His iPad was insured so he got many replacements but obviously not working out. I’m feeling really anxious and depressed today. Stopped at the gas station for gas and some snacks ended up getting a vape with sour candy I guess for dopamine. I don’t even really like vapes and I don’t have a problem with them so I’m not worried about getting one every now and then. The thought of getting buzzball did cross my mind but I want sobriety way more than I want that… just a tough one today. We are going to my grandmas pool today at least.


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 118

Have been a few busy days again.
Day 1 we Visited Karlsborgs fortress that I talked about. And met up with my husbands uncle.
We was supposed to meet his cousin who trains military dogs but he couldn’t make it.
I didn’t want to let the boys down,pulled a few strings and made it possible for the boys to talk to some other soldiers in a nearby city.

The downside is that I now owe Nate a big favor.
Not looking forward to him cashing that in :laughing:
It was worth it though the boys where totally amazed.

Day two I babysat my brothers kids while he was at a meeting. Apperantly he couldn’t be mad at me when he needed a babysitter. Also totally worth it. His kids was so happy to see us again.

And day 3 today we visited a city called Gränna where they make candy canes and all sorts of similar candy. And you can watch them make them irl. It’s been my 12 y/o dream for Soo long so it was wonderful to finally be able to make that come true.

First picture is from Karlsborg city with an amazing view over one of Swedens biggest lakes Vättern.

And the other picture is from Gränna where you actually can walk in to a shop and see them make candy irl.

Tomorrow there’ll be a street market fair here again. And my oldest daughter is coming over with her New boyfriend for some late evening bbq.

Friday we’re going to my aunts house for my cousins communion Saturday.

Busy busy, but I don’t mind.
Especially not when the weather is amazing like it’s been.

Wishing y’all an amazing day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a tough day but you’ve got a plan in place to deal with it. I find coming on here and talking through my issues really helps when I need it. You’ll find difficulties and stresses become easier to overcome the longer you’re sober! You’ll have talked yourself through it or have come up with a solution before your mind had a chance to go to alcohol. One thing I am struggling with though is sweets and food since stopping drinking. Try not to let one addiction (vapes) replace another. Congrats on 9 days, double digits tomorrow!! :tada::tada:



Not ok.


Congrats on 73 days. What’s up? Do you need to talk?


Checking in early today for my 100 days alcohol free.

What has changed in the last 100 days?

  • More stable emotions.
  • More energy
  • Better memory
  • Better skin, hair and overall health
  • Better sleep
  • Our family business is booming
  • I finally built the courage to take action with our home situation - we are knocking down our old house and building new.
  • I’ve started going to the gym a couple of times a week

I am still battling my binge eating problem that has increased since quitting alcohol but I feel confident I can win.

Have a great day everyone!