Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Congrats on the win! :muscle:


Surgery over. Not sure how it all went., more later


Today is a day. I would much rather be home than at work right now. Im tired and i kept my husband up aswell with my coughing last night. I dont know what the coughing is all about.

But im at work. The day itself is okay tho. Just need to push thru the next 4.5 hours.
Oh and then i get a text from our nurse for tonight amd shes not well so cant make the overnight shift with my son. So that means that i need to do it. Not thrilled about that as i have a body scan and personal training session tmrw but im taking an ā€œit is what it isā€ approach. Id rather her stay home than get my son sick honestly. Im tired of mentally getting worked up/drained over these shifts not being covered. So i just stop fighting it. The serenity prayer comes in handy, which ive been using alot lately:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change (people, places, things and situations)
The courage to change the things i can (me and my reaction)
And the wisdom to know the difference

So ya i hope i have enough energy for tmrws gym appt. Its my monthly body scan and then a free personal training appt. Other than that im not doing much else. So i can rest afterwards hopefully. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!! :butterfly:


Checking in on Day 5, a little bit of struggling, been sleeping moreā€¦ not sure if thatā€™s a good or bad thing but itā€™s been neededā€¦ hope everyone a good day :purple_heart:


Checking on day 581 alcohol free.

Enjoy whatā€™s left of your weekend everybody. Stay safe & sober.


You listening to your needs and doing whatā€™s needed is a very good thing Foxy. Big congrats on day 5 and keep going!


Day 65.

Had a good weekend all in all.

Feeling calm, unusual feeling but welcomed nonetheless.

Hope everythings ok at your end too. :smiley:

Have a good start into next week! :muscle: :slightly_smiling_face:


Second check-in for today with a public service announcementā€¦.

Be careful when you order non alcoholic beverages at restaurants. I donā€™t drink NA beverages for several reasons but my wife ordered one today and the waitress brought her a real beer instead.

The wife took one sip and realized the serverā€™s mistake. Fortunately, she still drinks occasionally so it wasnā€™t the end of the world. My advice would beā€¦ be cautious and always ask the server when they put it down on the table to make sure they brought the NA beverage you actually ordered.


Day 350. Getting close to a year.

Iā€™m starting to think that the seasons changing is making me nostalgic for time I spent doing things I donā€™t want to do anymore. Hind sight through rose colored glasses I suppose.

Overcoming cravings will be my new favorite hobby.

I hope everyone has a good day.


And thatā€™s why I always order beer in bottles, no glass needed :laughing:

Might be different in different countries but here you pretty much always get tappers or bottle choices on the meny.
I always go for the bottles, that way I donā€™t get anything Iā€™m allergic to, and nothing with alcohol.

Donā€™t care if itā€™s not classy. Iā€™m drinking from that bottle anyway. :smiling_face:


Hi all, summerā€™s finally arrived here in East Midlands so enjoying it while it lasts - pub garden at lunchtime, was going to have a ā€˜sod itā€™ beer, didnā€™t though, glad I didnā€™t. So today is 63 days AF and counting.


Checking in day 153 AF :blush:


Excellent PSA :+1:

I mentioned this situation a few months ago when it happened to me at work. A young server ordered drinks for her table and I made them exactly how she asked. After she delivered them she realized one older woman ordered an Arnold Palmer (iced tea/lemonade) and not the John Daly (vodka/iced tea/lemonade) that I made for her. She asked ā€œshould I go switch it?ā€ And Iā€™m like ā€œYes! You have to!ā€ Itā€™s a common drink thatā€™s known to be non-alcoholic so thatā€™s what was expected. But it isnā€™t just a case of them possibly being a sober person. Some people canā€™t have alcohol for medical reasons and Iā€™d hate to feel responsible if someone had a bad reaction. I donā€™t even order mocktails when Iā€™m out, but if I did, Iā€™d have to watch the bartender make it to be sure.


Yea exactly! I was thinking the same thingā€¦that could be a potentially disastrous mistake because Iā€™m sure most people who order the NA beverages are sober or canā€™t have alcohol for medical reasons like you said. Either way, it could really have dangerous repercussions.


Iā€™m late as usual :see_no_evil: but still here are my best belated birthday wishes for you Aga :tada::balloon::four_leaf_clover::sunflower:
Hope you had a good day .


So beautiful!

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Day 93 and Day 1 of my road trip. Made it to the hotel after a looong delay only 45 minutes from the end. Surprise severe weather with flooding and big hail. I had just barely made it to some ghost town that happened to have a car wash with bays and a roof! The sky turned green and it started flooding. Then, hail. And somehow there was a magical car wash!

Now Iā€™m in the middle of nowhere at a hotel, on a nice cool night in another state with a cheeseburger. Glad I came north despite the drama. Oh and Iā€™m driving the speed limit now with my out of state plates. Now I can slow down. I havenā€™t had a chance to take pictures but will start tomorrow.

Not a thought of drinking. Not even when I was trapped in the car wash. I just had to wee very badly. :laughing: Adventure!


@CATMANCAM thank you!!!


Thanks @acromouse . The bad news is that I am in day 0 binging with food. Pizza was the stumbling block


@JazzyS . This last hours are difficult for me because some emotional stress. I try to follow your advice of connecting here