Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

100 days ! Congratulations!


Huge congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::fireworks::fireworks::sparkler: on your 100 days :confetti_ball:


Whats going on? Do u want to share?


Congratulations on triple digits!!


Basically feels right now like my life is a series of traumatic events one after the other, just had to leave the house again because I don’t feel safe at home, couldnt even take my own car because it wont start today so i dont even have my own space in that sense either, but glad i was able to take my moms car
Now im just gonna sit in the car and dissociate for a random amount of time before i decide to go back home and cross my fingers that things will have de escelated by then but idk i have no control over anything at this point im just trying to survive


Sorry to hear about your situation. It is really difficult to maneuver through a sober path when your living environment is not supportive. Hang in there and I will pray things at home calm down for you to return safely.


Today I am grateful for:

  • Good sharing in my rehab group
  • Being able to go to the gym and exercise in A/C.
  • My mom’s Greek leftovers she gave me.
  • Swapping Family Guy clips with my son.
  • Getting my back waxed.
  • Watching Frazier with my parents.

Checking in Day28.

Hi everyone, I’m baccckkkkk!
I went back to treatment on the 28th of May and just came home today. I missed this thread and my people in it.

#ODAAT :heart:


Heyyyy :wave: it’s good to see you :people_hugging:
Nice 28 days check :white_check_mark:


Welcome back Kenny! I was worried about you, so it’s great news that you’re ok. :blush: Congratulations on 28 days!


Welcome back.


Day 11
Birthday was yesterday and I made it without a drink. Very proud! Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes 🫶🏼 Had a long day of work today and getting things ready to go kayaking tomorrow :smiling_face: yay!
Hope everyone had a wonderful day :sun_with_face:


@danwood85 Ooh I love that! I have that same juice daily with a ¼ tsp of black salt. Did take some time to figure out the right amounts to lessen the burn :laughing: Have fun with the experimenting.
@sober26 Great work on day 1 completed! Stay connected friend – this community helped me when the withdrawals hit hard. ODAAT :muscle:
@lisa-b WOOHOO so excited to be celebrating your 6 months tomorrow – that is an impressive amount of time added up – should be super proud.
@lainenicole96 That sounds like a rough day for sure. Be proud that you handled it sober. I know the early days of my sobriety were full of anger and I was constantly on edge. Just remember that it does get easier. Sending hugs friend :hugs:
@wahtisnormal You know we are here for you Zoe – talk to us. You are not alone :people_hugging: I’m sorry that your home environment is so toxic. Grateful that you were able to get away from it all. Do hope that things are calmer when you return. Remember that the only thing in your control is how you let the situation(s) affect you and how you deal with them. I can’t say that I am familiar with what you are going through but do know that drinking will never make anything better. You have come so far friend – sending positive energy and love your way. :heart: :pray:
@whereswaldo Congrats on your triple digits friend. Love all the changes in sobriety – keep it going – it just keeps getting better! Love the positive attitude.
@k_s So good to see you Kenny – great work on getting yourself into treatment and stacking up 28 days! Keep up the great work :muscle:
@brittc Yeah to celebrating a sober birthday – should be super proud. So excited that you are going kayaking tomorrow – have a wonderful time!

Checking in on Tuesday evening
552 days free of alcohol and weed
967 days free of cigarettes
Got in a good walk and a 15 min swim before the storm hit. Luckily I saw the lighting and got out in time - the ear buds really do work wonders (i did not hear the thunder at all :laughing: ).
My new sporty prescription glasses came in - glad i was able to pick em up.
Had some issues with bank and other fund transfers for work and got everything cleared up. Unfortunately it’ll take a week to get the funds returned. So crazy!
In bed now and ready to sleep.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Happy belated birthday!


Just a quick check in. It’s the end of day 45.
Have a good night everyone.



Just checking in :blush:


Day 16

No Alcohol & Tobacco.

I’m in the office now. I slept about 7.5 hours last night :). It was a good, deep sleep, something I haven’t had in a long time, likely due to quitting alcohol. I want to be more prepared for this weekend because it’s the end of the month and salary time. Most of my relapses have happened around this time. I’ll prepare a plan for the weekend to keep myself busy.

I’ve been going to the gym lately. Although I haven’t seen any improvements yet, I know it will take time. Nevertheless, I’m getting some refreshing feelings in my body from staying away from alcohol.

Living one day at a time.


Hope you are feeling a bit better today @Mno :pray:
Chill the virus out of your system :sunglasses::wink:

400 days @AnnaE :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: Well done for that! Keep those days roling :soccer:

There it is: 100 days @Whereswaldo :sunglasses: Congratulations :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: Triple digits in your pocket!!

Welcome @sober26 :raising_hand_woman:

Wine at the hairdresser @Lighter ? That is a no go here where I live. A coffee ore tea is what you get. Better :sweat_smile:

Welcome back here @K_S and well done for the 28 days again. It’s a base to build on :facepunch:

Stay safe @wahtisnormal , glad you could step out of the situation.

*Day 2107🚶‍♀️
Look what I found in my garden yesterday morning: a turtle!
They do not normally live here. But stupid people who have them as a pet trow them out when they do not want them anymore :face_vomiting:
I live near the water and so this one came out to chill in the sun I guess.

It was a big one! But I catched it and got it to an animal shelter. They are going to bring him to a special turtle care in the north of the Netherlands: Friesland.
He cannot survive here normally. The winters are too cold.
Today? Work and tonight my kids are visiting and hubby comes back home from Germany.
Saturday starts my holiday! :confetti_ball: Looking forward to some time off from work again and see new environment.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:



Checking in on day 6

I had a fairly stressful day at work but I powered through. I honestly feel like I’m more focused and productive. But I’m slightly irritable, I have an appointment next week to get my meds switched around, and I’m hoping that will help with my mental heath. I find my self coming to read frequently, it helps get my mind in a better place. One day at a time

I’ll be checking in tomorrow I hope everyone has a great Wednesday