Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 6 is an accomplishment. Looking forward to you sharing day 7 tomorrow.,


@SoberWalker I love it! People being kind to animals always make my heart melting. Still remember @Laner helping this snow leopard few weeks (months?) ago. You people are truly beautiful :blue_heart:

@Just_Laura Thatā€™s it?! I always enjoy reading your before sleep check-ins with my morning coffee and today you made it so shortā€¦ What can I say, my day is ruined, coffee doesnā€™t even taste good anymore. Thank you Laura, thank you! :wink::wink::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I had difficult night cause my son was waking up several times. He is afraid of Mike Tyson now :woman_facepalming:t3: My husband was watching some fight on his phone and he seen it too and now he thinks Mike Tyson is some ultimate villain and he will come and kick our asses. We explained him everything, we even show him some videos with Mike and his pigeons, but he still worry about this ā€œmean boyā€. Kind of funny, kind of not.
Anyway, I managed to wake up earlier, run 5k and took cold shower afterwards so now I feel good and fresh. Today I have appointment at 9am about that work in kindergarten so for sure gonna check in second time later to let you know how it went.

Big hugs :blue_heart:


Hope your kindergarten opportunity works out. Have a great day.


@Whereswaldo Congrats :tada: on 100 days of sober !.


Day 983 AF

Whats up, gang.

Worked from the office today. Iā€™ve been dealing with laptop issues. Donā€™t like the drive up there, but it was good getting out of my apartment and catching up with my co-workers. I passed out for a bit after getting home. Chilled with the kids and played video games.

Nothing much going on this week. I need to get back to my walks. Iā€™ve been lazy with it. Planning to head out to the park tomorrow morning.

Well, thatā€™s all folks. Gonna crash out. Have a good night everyone!

ODAAT :heart:


Day 368. Beautiful morningā€¦ Off all week. May go for a walk this morning before itā€™s too hot for my dog. Have a fab day folks



Not feeling much better yet. Going to be pretty hot today outside so I might better hurry a bit and get my groceries early. And retreat in the shade of my home after that, get my fan out, dust it of, and put it into action. And drink plenty of fluids. Verbena/ginger tea with honey works pretty well to sooth my achy itchy throat for a bit.

How crazy I was to believe alcohol helped against the heat. And so many people still do. The opposite is true. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

@K_S Itā€™s good to see you Kenny. Glad youā€™re back
@Whereswaldo 100! Big congrats on triple digits friend!
@wahtisnormal Iā€™m sorry friend. Thereā€™s so little we actually do control in our lives. Hoping your situation improves :people_hugging:
@Brittc Belated happy birthday wishes, enjoy your kayak trip today!
@Mischa84 Good thoughts and positive vibes your way!


Little update: I got this job! After school vacation Iā€™m going to start working in kindergarten :tada:
Its such a good feeling to finally know what I wanna do in my life. Took me a while :wink:




Been AWOL, but still sober.
My life is about to become amazing!!!


Sobriety is amazing.


Congrats on 100 days mate


@Mischa84 This is such great news friend :heart_eyes: :tada: Itā€™s a good thing, to do the stuff you love. I only truly found out what it is in my 40s :wink:
@Mno Sending more getting well wishes your way :people_hugging:
@Lefty624 I know it is difficult when your mind is driving you nuts, but your brain needs a lot of time to get settled in this new life without drugs. Sending you patience, and hoping switching meds will help too.
@SoberWalker Never would have thought of Friesland as a paradise for turtles :wink:
@sarath_unrelax Having a good plan for an upcoming, triggering situation is a very good idea :+1: Do you have any idea what it is about payday specifically that puts you in danger of relapsing?
@JazzyS That swim and walk sound very nice :smiling_face: Glad you got out of the pool on time :grin:
@Brittc Great job on getting through your birthday day sober :muscle: Kayaking sounds rad :canoe:
@K_S Nice to see you back Kenny :wave:
@wahtisnormal Your home situation sounds really, really awful. I am very impressed how you manage to get through life and these extreme kinds of challenges and stay sober. You are a hero :woman_superhero: I hope you can get to a slightly better situation soon. :mending_heart: And please do come here and vent, if you feel this helps. Maybe just to feel a bit of connection.
@Whereswaldo Congrats on 100 days! :partying_face: :sunglasses: That is huge!!!

217 sugar
81 UPF
88 gluten
67 dairy
0 overeating

My hormonal shenanigans are not making my eating life easier :roll_eyes:

Anyways, today Iā€™m going to enjoy the summer, invest some time in my monthly review, take a walk, do some yoga and join a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening. I did not get to join one yesterday and am looking forward to todayā€™s.

Letā€™s keep peace, kindness, and freedom in our hearts today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


@Brittc congrats on double digits :tada: and belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face: enjoy kayaking!
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I never want to see that zero again, must stay focused!
@Vanessa8 congrats on your sober vacation :tada:
@Juli1 you ARE worth it! So pleased for you :blush:šŸ©µ
@AnnaE congrats on 400 days :tada:
@SussexGuy congrats on 1000+ hours :tada:
@Twizzlers congrats on 50+ days :tada: Iā€™m so glad youā€™re out enjoying your garden :blush::sunny:
@IamThechange thank you :blush:
@sober26 congrats on day 1 :tada:
@wahtisnormal :people_hugging: Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with this again, glad you were able to get out of there, I hope things are calmer now :crossed_fingers:t2:


@Whereswaldo congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@K_S welcome back :blush: congrats on 28 days :tada:
@SoberWalker thank you for rescuing the turtle :turtle: šŸ©µ enjoy family time :blush:
@Mischa84 your poor boy :pleading_face: bless him. I hope your appointment goes/went well :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: ā€¦yay, you got it! :raised_hands:t2: well done :clap:t2: :tada:
@acromouse congrats on 80+ days no UPFs :tada:

1415 days no alcohol.
880 days no cocaine.
395 days no vape.
11 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

I felt slightly better yesterday, but fell asleep quite a few times unintentionally, which isnā€™t like me at all. I have a strange rash around my neck that isnā€™t sore nor itchy, and I just am not enjoying this odd, not-quite-right feeling, I also still have the cough Iā€™ve had for atleast 3 months, so I phoned the doctors when they opened at 8:30am and a doctor just called back while Iā€™ve been catching-up here, I am going to see him in-person tomorrow afternoon.

I attended my tattoo removal appointment yesterday and I think Iā€™ve decided to keep it. The removal would cost Ā£80 per session, and take 10+ sessions over the course of 18-24 months to remove. So a lot of money, and a lot of time, I donā€™t hate it that much, I donā€™t even hate it at all, I just feel like I donā€™t live up to what it says (So you use your light and shine it like crazy), so it makes me feel like a failure.

Today I am doing laundry, and waiting for the catsā€™ supplies delivery, thankfully itā€™s coming via a courier this time, not the postal service that get it wrong all the time. I also need to send my postal vote off for the general election here in the UK, which takes place on my birthday, so Iā€™ll take a short walk to the post box and back.



But that is what you do friend. I can see that here. You just seem to have a blind spot there for yourself. You might have a misconception how your light looks like :wink:


Checking out of day 100. Thank you everyone for your kind words, they mean more than youā€™ll ever know. I finished up a great work day with a gym session. My wife also finished up work and starts maternity leave today.
Solid day!
Thank you all again :tada::raised_hands:


@wahtisnormal How are you doing today Zoe?
@sarath_unrelax bring prepared is the best thing you can do for yourself. Being able to recognize triggers and having the ability to overcome them is amazing work. Keep going strong :muscle:t4:
@SoberWalker so sweet of you to rescue the turtle. Grateful he/ she will be safe :pray:t4:
@Lefty624 great work on powering through. It does get easier. Hope the med switch helps. Keep fighting for yourselfā€¦ odaat
@Mischa84 thatā€™s awesome Mischa. Congratulations :tada: :tada: all good things take time ā€¦at least thatā€™s what the saying sYs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:ā€¦so happy for you
@DogtoothCowboy great to see you checking in. Excited to hear about the amazing ways your life is gonna change.
@CATMANCAM glad you got the appointment to check out your cough. The tattoo removal does sound expensive and time consuming. You are not a failure. Wish you could see how amazing you are and how far youā€™ve come. I am glad you are keeping the tat and will hopefully see yourself in this new light :people_hugging:
@Whereswaldo whoop there it isā€¦ triple digits :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:. Great work friend. Keep stacking up the days :hugs:

Checking in on Wednesday morning
Decent sleep. Itā€™s cloudy so I figured I would catch up here before walk as Iā€™m running a bit behind this morning. Looking forward to my morning routine and then hopefully will get some tasks that have been lingering completed.
Have yourselves a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 288 drug free
Day 170 alcohol free

Checking in. I have been very emotional these past few days. Thinking of the past again, my ex, etc. Feeling overwhelmed at my ability to provide for myself and my children in the future. No child support yet from their father. Feeling like I am stuck in a bit of a rut. Me working three jobs is exhausting, nor smart. I need to reevaluateā€¦I would like to purchase another home for my kids and I but feeling discouraged. With this I recognize I need to up my self care and connection. Going to go for a morning run and take it simple and slow today. Hope everyone has a strong and serene 24 :pray:t4::purple_heart:


207 days
Last night was a busy one at work
Today was a busy one at home, had some hard kid stuff to deal with but itā€™ll all be ok
Back at work tonight and its been quiet so far. In a role tonight thats not as stressful as some of the possible roles and I enjoy doing it.