Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Good morning friends
Checking in day 3 (I had a couple drinks over the weekend because I’m stupid). I think I’m having a bit of an existential crisis wondering what’s our point or meaning in life. I feel very out of place no matter where I am or who I’m with. But no time for that - have to get ready for work. At least my job is with a nonprofit that provides early childhood education, so I can feel good about that.


Hey all, checking in on day 1473. I hope everybody has a good one!


Awwww please don’t be so hard on yourself :people_hugging:
Remind yourself why you got it in the first place, you are not a failure at all!
Maybe on tough days look at it and let it be that strong voice inside you telling you you are good enough, as a reminder of how great you are.
You are a shining light :sun_with_face: and you do shine it everywhere maybe shine some on yourself because you are amazing and fabulous and kind and thoughtful and caring and that is light my friend :purple_heart: and then you share it with everyone giving a bit to everyone. You definitely do that here :sun_with_face::sunflower:


Good morning all! Checking in on day 208. Looking forward to an awesome day! My daughters birthday today :heart::heart::heart:
I hope everyone has the most amazing day too!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Happy bday :balloon: to your daughter have a lovely day :cake:


I’m an addict… I’ve never said these words before. I left this initially because I didn’t like all the addict talk. I thought it was negative but now I know it’s a realization. I wasn’t there then.

I’ve been on a spiral that has completely ruined me. Many reached out and I never responded, I must have wanted the destruction.

I’ve never been good with emotions and I don’t like this feeling of being so weak. I am weak, I am hurting. I sincerely want this to be my last day one… I’m ready, I’m an alcoholic, I know this in my heart now.

Thank you everyone for all you did the first time around. You all are amazing humans and I hope to become that on this journey.


@Lotusflower sending hugs my friend. It can’t be easy working three jobs and single handedly taking care of the kids and yourself. I want you to know that you are a strong woman. I am sending you comfort and strength to keep pushing through…do hope that things get easier for you. Kicking ass with your timers girl. Do hope you find time for that self care :kissing_heart: :people_hugging:
@KarenKW hey at least you are back on the sober track and already in day 3. Hope you have a fabulous day at work and keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4:
@IamThechange happy birthday to your daughter :birthday:
@SKhan so good to see you posting. Sorry you relapsed friend. Don’t let the regret swallow you whole. You are here working on your day 1. Make a solid plan. See what happened to cause the relapse. Stay connected. You had a good routine down…are you still doing that? ODAAT is all we can do… remember that you are not alone :people_hugging:


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 119

Almost forgot to check on today, because I thought I already had.

Amazing weather again.
Went to the market, did some garden work and waiting for my oldest daughter to come by with her new boyfriend, while the boys are playing on the pool.

It’s going to start raining again in a few days.
And it’s been totally quiet from Nate this far.

All good.
Wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I don’t have a routine right now, everything changed when I left the restaurant job and started on a med. I don’t know the cause to my relapse as yet, I’m not there mentally. I’m this moment I just know something isn’t right and the fix starts with not drinking.


Day 1778
Hello :raising_hand_man:t2: everyone most of you will not remember me but I was on here for around 3 year then I got a new phone and whatever happened I couldn’t couldn’t get back on my account so I took a break for a couple of years and now I’m back again the good news is I’m still sober and I’m very grateful for that because it’s been pretty rough this last year my best friend and mother to my daughter died suddenly of a brain aneurysm and that has been extremely hard for my daughter and I to deal with but if I had of been still drinking I would not have been in no position to deal with it at all and my daughter would have been without both her parents but life has been good to me too I’ve been on a couple of holidays been to see @Ravikamor in California twice in 3 years also met @Milele she kick my ass :joy: I’ve also been to Fort Worth Texas meeting another friend I’ve also enjoyed the added responsibility of being an single father , anyway I’m trying to enjoy as simple a life as I can now and concentrate on the here and now
Hope everyone has a good day :wave:

  1. Did I tell you I’m hot and hate this weather? :thermometer:

Oi, you kicked my ass first! And you did it twice!!!


Hey! Conor, great to see you back and thanks for the update. So sorry to hear about your friend passing away, how tragic. Hope you and your daughter are doing well. And hope to see you around!


Hi Jazzy,
Thank you for your support and encouragement. I appreciate it. I do feel like giving up some times, but I won’t. ODAAT I go. Self care is my priority right now as I feel my mood dipping. Hugs and love to you. Hope you have a wonderful day :yellow_heart: Proud of you…you are an inspiration


Here it is. That’s a big number, and it feels good, but today is just another day. There are ups and downs in life but doing life sober is significantly better. I’m very grateful to this community and some very special friends I’ve made here. Thanks for being your beautiful, vulnerable and strong (or at least, in my view, always stronger-than-you-think) selves. :heartpulse:


Waking up greatfully sober on day
413 no alcohol
344 no vapes or ciggs 53 no form of nicotine
13 no form of marijuanna

Had a drinking dream that turned into a nightmare lol
The dream isnt important but if i think about it, the outcome could be the same

Im safe and sober today :slight_smile:


Oh yeah I forgot that part :joy:


Checking in

I slept through my alarm but that’s okay.
I’m off to work I wish this weather would make up its mind, it’s been raining on and off for a week and I just want to be outside. Does anyone have any suggestions on things to do for the 4th of July?

I hope everyone has a great day! And thank you all for the support it means the world to me :heart:


Thank you :pray: and it good to see you too


Wow :star_struck: congratulations :partying_face: well done :+1: