Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Welcome! Agree that it’s not important to think about the holiday yet. Just today, one day. You’ve got this and you’re amongst sober friends now.


Day #206 i havent checking in in long time…
So for the last 2 weeks its soo difficult to stay calmed. I don’t have the need to drink alcohol but for 2 weeks or maybe more i am too nervous, i feel like I will explode in some point. I don’t have time only for myself these days. I didnt have the opportunity to sit and paint. I have to be somewhere with someone (friends) but i want only to sit down after work and not to do anything. On Monday we had an official dinner at work and again i was surrounded with wine i didn’t want to drink but made me mad because my therapist told me to stop going at these dinners but nooo the bosses told you Must be there. And i hate when the CEO comes to me and sees that i dont have an alcohol in the glass and do everything possible to pour wine in the glass Infront of me. Because the other co-workers says to me - when he says you will drink wine you have to drink wine. And I was aaah no but its a mistake to be on different opinion from the CEO .
2 times im asking for 1 week off in July to have some rest from work and 2 times i receive a refuse… Wish me luck the 3rd time to get an approval :grin:
But no matter how hard is now ( there is not only work and no free time, i have also other things on my head ) im still sober
Have a great day/ evening :blush: again i have to be somewhere else… See you later


Welcome to the greatest place ever for sobriety. Congratulations on 3 days.


Sounds like your CEO and some of your coworkers can go on the FRO thread! Sorry you have to deal with that and hoping you get the time off and some you time.


Beautiful!!! Yyyaaayyy :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:


148 days AF

Heat over Germany!
Uhman… It’s this uncomfortable heat again.
Freedom will come at the weekend.

I am hungry all day, yesterday too. Lol.
So what, body seems to have it’s reasons.

Drove to the pool one hour ago and quit, cause I already saw from the outside it was like… Sorry, but pot of boiling meat :roll_eyes::woozy_face::nauseated_face:

Back home, maybe it’s time to shut activities down. Bit hard for my highly powerful aries heart lol.

Thanks for your kind wishes about the new job! Still realy happy about the decision :heart:

Love you guys :cherry_blossom:


Whoooo-oooo :grinning:! Sincere congratulations and thank you for being your wonderful self since day one.


This actually works pretty well to make a cooling breeze. Going to get bigger bottles so it takes longer before the ice melts away.


780, checking in.


It is currently 28.4 c in the living room and 31.2 c in the second bedroom. Cats are hiding and I am sitting deadly still watching the Belgium game. Fairly easy to do as it’s so boring :rofl:

We have tower fans so I would need an ice totem pole to reach the vents. But I have heard that works nicely!

Looks like my guys will see your guys Sunday :soccer:… I’m not sure you need to worry :rofl:


Day ten. Master esthetician school all day to keep me busy but feeling low. I’ll get through it. Just checking in. Hope you guys are having a good sober week


Not sure you saw our guys “play”. Let’s just hope for a fun game and may the least bad one win. :netherlands: :england:


Your game against Austria was my favourite game of the Euros so far… For good or bad, it was open and exciting! Ours is like watching paint dry… :sleeping:


Keep trying buddy - we only fail when we give up. You know where you want to get to and you know it’s possible, you had a good run before, just need to try try again


Hellooooo Conor! I’ve missed you, friend. So glad to see you checking in. I was incredibly saddened to hear about your loss. Sending you lots of :heart:.


Thank you so much @JazzyS
@RosaCanDo amazing number, congrats :clap:

180 day AF & cigarette free
10 days no binge eating

Work went well today, very busy but we had fun. Normally after a busy day like today I would tell myself that I deserved a drink as I worked so hard today, that was my old life.
Spoke to my sister today about my sobriety & I got a bit emotional because I’m so happy with every decision I’ve made in the past 6 months, it’s been exhausting at times but immensely worth it.


I’m glad to see you’re back. :smiley: I would check for your posts each day. My last relapse lasted 10 months and was awful. Welcome back my friend. Day 1 sucks but it’s better than being stuck in that unrelenting spiral.


Checking in day 177 AF :blush:


Hey :wave: good to see you too Mike


Hey :wave: thank you , it’s good to see you too