Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Afternoon friends :smiley: Just checking in on another day clean and sober! My son went off to school this morning (last day of school before summer break) and I made sure to get in a killer leg workout at the gym. Legs are extremely sore so i think i may have overdid it. Grabbed a few things from the dollarstore on the way home and then ate and tidied up the apartment once i got in.

Feeling pretty good today. Dont have any urges to use which is good. The sun is shining and Im grateful to be alive and well!
Hope everyone is enjoying their day! :butterfly:


Welcome back :slight_smile: sending you strength and healing as you continue on ur journey! Glad to have u here


83 days sober!

Tomorrow I will finally be making my way home. After leaving for what was a planned 1 week work trip that unexpectedly turned into nearly 4 weeks due to some unforseen circumstances Iā€™ll finally start the journey back tomorrow! Iā€™m SO excited!

Today Iā€™ve been looking back on these past weeksā€¦before my trip I was anxious how my work things would go and made a good plan to keep myself safe. Work wise my trip was very successful. Then I was put into some stressful things where it made it difficult to get online regularly and keep up in this group and needing to make unexpected trips and worry about my friend but I did it all, got through and stayed sober so I am proud of that. But definitely looking forward to getting home and back into my normal life.

I saw that I am capable of overcoming stresses despite my traumas and anxiety. I saw I can cope and thrive without alcohol. So I feel encouraged by the sudden detours that came up for giving me a chance to see these things more clearly.

Soon Iā€™ll be at 90 days and will be at home to celebrate this.


Thanks so much! I really wish I did a bit better checking in but I found it so hard in such an unpredictable schedule and without reliable internet at times but I still wrote out my daily gratitudes just to myself every day and found this got me by. I think I couldnā€™t have managed as well as I did while drinking for sure. Even just juggling between 5 languages during important conversations I definitely couldnā€™t have done while not sober. And planning all the unexpected travel definitely not so. It really showed me how well I am doing and how much Iā€™ve improved so I feel encouraged.


Yes, this is so important. Itā€™s so much growing :seedling:
Safe trip home tomorrow :airplane:


Thanks! Iā€™m looking forward to being home and also getting back into my routine. I know when Iā€™m in my routine and home itā€™s so much easier for me to participate in this group. And I will get back started on chapter 2 of the trauma workbook Iā€™m going through.


Day 89.

Whew what a time to be alive. Escapism is kicking in hardcore. Will have to limit my screen time for now because holy crap did I waste so much time on this new app.

I think there should be higher priorities right now.

Wishing you all well and Iā€™ll try not to fixiate too much. :sweat_smile:


That is a great place to start. Med changes really can have a weird effect on us. Be mindful of it and may want to talk to your doctor if you need to adjust them. Having a plan in place is crucial for our sobriety along with a good support system. Glad you are back here friend. Lets take this one day at a time :hugs:
@conor80 Welcome back to the forum Conor. So sorry to hear about your loss. Grateful that you are still sober and enjoying a simple sober life :heart:
@rosacando A wonderful milestone Rosa! Congrats again on your quadruple digits. Grateful to see you living life on lifeā€™s terms and stacking up all these sober days. Keep it going strong :muscle:
@lefty624 The weather is playing tricks here too. Luckily it has cooled down in temp for a few hours in the day. I enjoy a good BBQ or a pool / beach day for the 4th. It is also my mothers Bday so we usually end up spending some family time together playing games and chatting. Hope you are able to come up with something fun to do.
@soonersober1984 Welcome to the community friend and a great job on your 3 days of sobriety. Great to hear that you are being vigilant and making changes to help out your journey. The upcoming holiday can be a huge trigger. Plan things now for yourself to keep yourself busy and away from any triggering situations / people. The early days are hard enough, we donā€™t need to add the stress of urges to the mix. Hope to see you around.
@zse so good to see you checking in girl ā€“ man that is a lot going on and Iā€™m sorry your CEO /coworkers are such hardasses about drinking. That is not professional and I a sorry that you have to deal with it. A very tough spot to be in when you have to shmooze for work but the environment is triggering. I am sending you luck that you will get approved for some time off ā€“ third times the charm (right?). Hope you find time for you and some self care :hugs:
@lainenicole96 YIPPEE! Double digits is awesomesauceā€¦ keep it going strong. Hope you are feeling better now ā€“ sending positive vibes your way

RIGHT ON! So very proud of you and grateful that you are acknowledging your strength. Glad that you are finally going to be headed home ā€“ that is great news. Looking forward to celebrating your 3 months with you soon!

Checking in Wednesday eveningā€¦
553 Days free of alcohol and cigarettes
968 Days free of weed

I did manage to get some errands run and tackle a few tasks that have been sitting in the to do pile for a minute. Only was able to complete one and will have to wait on others to finish the rest. I am glad that i finally took apart the bathroom sink and cleaned it thoroughly. It was not draining right and was annoying. I just forget how much i hate dealing with tight spaces :laughing:
I had to pick up a kit for some testing my doctor ordered and there was no line :scream: i was shocked and super elated. Come to find out that she wanted more blood work ā€“ thanks for letting me know. Will do this on Friday as today Iā€™d already had a coffee and my veins are hard enough to find on a good hydrated day.
Not much else going on ā€“ rewatching some episodes of Friends and catching up here ā€¦ hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks, everyone, for the congrats on my 1000 days :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You all made me feel the warm fuzzies.



This is a snapshot of over six years clean. The only thing missing is my two years clean chip because there were no meetings in April 2020 because of covid. I am so grateful for everything that i have gained by getting clean and staying clean. The one thing that haunts me about my ā€œclean bagā€ is the 9mm round. That is the bullet that was in the chamber when I decided to end my life. As harmless as it looks in a photo, it not only almost took my life, but my childrenā€™s father, my wifeā€™s husband, my parentā€™s son, brotherā€™s brother and the list goes on. I wish I could say recovery has been easy, but it hasnā€™t. No matter how hard things got though, I stayed clean.

JUST FOR TODAY my thoughts will be on my recovery, living and enjoying life without the use of drugs.

JUST FOR TODAY I will have faith in someone in NA who believes in me and wants to help me in my recovery.

JUST FOR TODAY I will have a program. I will try to follow it to the best of my ability.

JUST FOR TODAY through NA, I will try to get a better perspective on my life.

JUST FOR TODAY I will be unafraid. My thoughts will be on my new associations, people who are not using and who have found a new way of life. So long as I follow that way, I have nothing to fear.



Lovely to see you checking in with such amazing time and a beautiful story. So grateful that you found sobriety and are around to share it with all your loved ones.

LOVE THIS :heart:


What a powerful message and photo. I got goosebumps when u spoke about that bullet. What a reminder of addiction. Im so grateful u survived that hell and are here to share ur experience, strength, and hope with us :hugs:


Today has been okay. Could be better but obviously could be alot worse. I am feeling a little run down honestly. Im either working out too much, not eating enough to support the amount of energy I burn, or im feeling just plain overwhelmed. I was irritable this evening and really needed to keep myself in check so that I wouldnt project my irritability onto my husband.

Im feeling a bit worried about summer break and the burn out I might feel. I really need to get my tools in place so that I can manage things well. I even tried meditation again. This afternoon i listened to a 5 min guided meditation and 8 min of rain lol my mind was just going and i had a hard time settling it. Did body scans and noticed huge amounts of tension in my jaw and shoulders and upper back. Im just needing relaxation. Im definitly going to be incorporating meditation daily. I need to get back to that for sure. That and prayer. Bcuz i havent been doing much of that either.

I also need to develop a new routine for the summer for me and my son. I need to find the time to do things that I need to do for me, as well as the things he needs such as his physiotherapy which I do with him. Plus i want summer to be fun so planning a few activities would be great also. I HAVE to obtain balance here lol

Ya, just feeling alot right now. Going to get a good sleep ans then wake up for 5am yo workout :slight_smile: Self care time. Have a great evening everyone :butterfly:


Hey all,

Been a few days since I checked in. Been pretty busy with the little Miss, she is off on summer vacay so we came to the city to see mom and nephew. Its been a great visit - got to the pool a few times with the kids and took my daughter to the aquarium today. I can tell my nephew is mixed up because we are here in his space, and it disrupts routine and regulation. We are preparing for his transition to the new home which is very nervewracking but it is the best possible outcome. I will be coming down quite a bit to support him and my mom.

Had a great dinner out with my best friend and tomorrow weā€™re neeting my dad on our way home. Cant wait to see hubby and our boy, who has been sick AGAIN.

Wishing everyone a happy 24. Im very happy to be closing in on a year here, and am so grateful for all of you each day xo.


I havenā€™t checked in for a few days. Iā€™ve just been working and then chilling. I did get a walk in this evening. I havenā€™t been good at keeping up with house stuff this week. There are some boxes piling up that I need to crush and take to the recycling bin. I think Iā€™ll ask my 16 year old son to do it tomorrow. Heā€™s just sitting around with school out and it would be good for him to pitch in. And I need to put dishes that are in the sink into the dishwasher. Maybe I can get that done at least before bedtime. Not my most exciting post but this is life in this current moment. The cats are all good and keep me company on my work from home days.

One exciting thing is that Iā€™m going to take my daughter to a ranch tomorrow to see if sheā€™s a good fit for their horse riding classes. Then she will get on a wait list thatā€™s about 30 people long unfortunately. :confounded:


Checking in at the end of day 46. I was able to read a few posts, but my eyes are getting heavy.

Hope all have a good night.


Checking in on day 7

I ended up chatting with a good friend on the phone today. Iā€™ve known him for years before I even started drinking, and I feel like we can talk about most everything but I just couldnā€™t find the words to tell him that i had a problem and hid it. My wife is happy that Iā€™ve made it a week, she is being very supportive and understanding which has made this week better. I gave what I had for booze away and what nobody wanted went down the drain. This week has been rough but Iā€™m tired of booze running my life thank you for the kind words @JazzyS @acromouse @tailee17 and everyone else

Have a happy sober Thursday everyone Iā€™ll be checking in tomorrow


@Mischa84 Haha! Sometimes I feel like I write too much about stuff that nobody cares about, so good to hear someoneā€™s interested in my life :sweat_smile: I work a ton this time of year and last night was unexpectedly extra busy at work. Then a coworker asked for a ride home bc I was heading to Walmart anyways and she lives nearby. Got my daughter first, dropped my friend, and went shopping. By the time I got home, got the groceries in, washed up and settled, it was 11:30 and I was beat :sleepy: And I had to work again this morning!

PS. The Mike Tyson thing is kind of hilarious :joy: (not the lack of sleep part tho) and Congrats on the job! :tada:

@RosaCanDo Congrats on 1,000!!! :tada: I like round numbers :smirk: Very inspiring :sparkles:


Being as good as I am at my job, alot of times Iā€™m the only one scheduled for certain shifts. Meaning Iā€™m the bartender, server, and busser to anyone and everyone who comes in. This is no problem in the slow, cooler months, but with the golf course busy and open seating anywhere(2 indoor dining rooms and the upper and lower patio), itā€™s alot for just one person. The money is good, and it makes it easy to stay in shape, but itā€™s wearing me down fast. My feet were already hurting from last night! Iā€™ve noticed that bussers are scheduled on lunch shifts with other servers, but never me. The GM comments every time he notices Iā€™m working alone, but today was the first time my boss actually noticed how busy I was and said ā€œhmm, maybe I should start putting a busser on Wedsā€ Uhā€¦maybe you should start paying attention to wtf is going on around here, period!!! This is what I get for doing my job :roll_eyes:

Anyways. First thing my daughter asked when I picked her up was if she could have a sleepover. I was not even in the mood for anything accept sitting on my couch :face_exhaling: After recharging, I finally agreed. Figured it best to just get it out of the way for a while. Now itā€™s getting close to 1am and I can still hear them laughing. Iā€™m sure my daughter is way past being ready for sleep :joy: Hopefully theyā€™re settled by the time I get in bed, which I think will be pretty soon. Have a great 24 everyone :heart:


Congrats on 1000 days @RosaCanDo! Woohoo, youā€™re doing great!!


Check-in Day 17

No Alcohol & Tobacco.

It was a nice day, and I am currently at the office. For the past two days, I have been going to the gym at night. After coming back, I have 500ml of orange juice, sit down on my bed, listen to some podcasts, and then go to sleep. Iā€™ve been skipping dinner as Iā€™m not hungry at night these days.

I want to gain some weight, and I have gained 4 kg so far. My concentration and mood are improving.