Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Congratulations with the :one::zero::zero::zero: days @RosaCanDo :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

*Day 2109 :walking_woman:
I’m a little bit grumpy :woozy_face:
I know where that comes from. One of the things is that a co worker called in sick yesterday and another one is on holiday. Because of it my days off are gone now. I managed another co worker to work this morning so I still can go to crossfit. So that’s something :blush:

So today? Crossfit and work.
It’s hot in the Netherlands so our red monster sleeps on different spots now because of the heat :hot_face:
2 nights before holiday :confetti_ball:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Congratulations sweet Rosa!



Congratulations :partying_face: :pray:



I’m feeling a little bit better this morning. Still taking it easy. One day at a time. Will try to write a bit today. Physical exercise will have to wait. Patience grasshopper. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from the paddling pool in the park.


149 days AF
Checking in

Wah I got such a braindust and sadness, feeling stucked. Hammering thoughts about my living situation here in our house with mum.

Realy not used to having someone around all the time. She is taking things easy and I can do what I want, but I just CAN’T! Used to live alone for 21 years. And what about relationships? Damn. What about that?!
Need to vent. Thanks for listening.


I’m a bit late but still want to say Congratulations on that wonderful milestone @RosaCanDo Those numbers look amazing. Can’t wait to get there myself. You are a huge inspiration to me and many others Rosa. Keep on keeping on sweet lady :heart_hands:


@Juli1 Vent away friend! Having someone around all the time would drive me nuts. I am very happy about every hour I have my flat for myself. Better times will come though. Never forget that. Have a good one at the pool :swimming_man:
@Mno Glad to hear you are feeling a slight bit better :heart: Patience is a hard one. I hope you are better at it than me :wink:
@RosaCanDo Wow!!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: What an achievement. The kind of inspiration we all need. Congrats :tada: :sunglasses:
@SoberWalker Have fun dying at crossfit in this heat. This should take your mind off of your shitty mood :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@Mischa84 Forgot to say: The Mike Tyson thing really is wonderful. Kids are just hilarious, and tiresome :wink:
@Just_Laura Just so you know: What you do at your job on a daily basis sounds super-human to me. I would so die in the first 10minutes :hot_face: on one of your ‘easy’ days. But the way your GM does not do their job :roll_eyes: Maybe you should apply for it.
@Lefty624 Congrats on your week :tada: :sunglasses: Well done :clap: Glad to hear you have a supportive environment at home.
@Kareness Put that kid to work :muscle::factory_worker: :wink: Fingers crossed things at the ranch turn out well :crossed_fingers:
@Mira_D Sending you strength for the transition period with your nephew, strength and care :heart:
@Butterflymoonwoman Your life does sound like a lot is going on there. So I am going to send you strength and few moments of relaxation here and there your way :people_hugging: :smiling_face:

218 sugar
82 UPF
89 gluten
68 dairy
/ overeating

I already did a my first ‘run’ out of my ‘run your butt off’ programm - 1min jogging, 4min walking for 25min - so I am very proud of myself.

My eating situation is difficult right now due to the hormonal changes I am going through. A lot of my bodily and mental signals are not very reliable these days and this includes everything around eating - like satiety, hunger, digestive discomfort, etc. So I need a new way to deal with ‘overeating’ and the amount of food I eat. I’ll find a way. I’m out of bingeing and cravings for trigger foods. That’s all that counts for the most part.

Today is supposed to be a very hot day - at least for our climate zone. Next week there will be rain and cooler weather again.
I’ll be working on digital prototypes, have an appointment to get my hair cut, will do some errands afterwards. Relaxing yoga after two challenging days. I might go to the pool later. I’m not much of a pool person - unlike @Juli1 the water dweller :merperson: - but it is always cooler there. Recovery Dharma in the evening and that’s it for today.

Stay in peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Day 369. Nice day yesterday, went down to the beach. Going to do some jobs today as the weather isn’t so good. Then relax


thank you so much, i truly appreciate it :pray:t2: one day at a time is all we can do

Even thinking about how to answer that question is overwhelming if I’m gonna be honest. I’ve just been dissociating a lot and isolating because I just need peace and silence but I saw my therapist today and I scheduled another appointment to see her tomorrow even though I’m not entirely sure what to talk about the whole time but I could still use that space to just process shit. I’m glad I’ve had the last few days off to give myself space too.

Day 74

Saw my therapist and went to the forest preserve for a bit after because I didn’t want to go home. My mom has a new delusion now that’s incredibly disturbing and honestly depressing and I have to live with that now. She thinks one of our family members living with us isn’t her relative, and that they’re someone else who’s stolen their identity. Super fun stuff because once she gets ideas like this, they don’t go away so this will likely be a thing now for the rest of her life that we will all have to continue to hear about. :call_me_hand:t2:
Still feel traumatized and also past trauma has come up at the same time. Had a dream last night that my fiance who passed away was still alive, but he was seeing other people and no longer wanted to be with me. Those dreams are always fun because not only do I wake up feeling heartbreak, but then also grief remembering that he’s actually dead. So on top of everything else I’m trying to process the past few days, grief has come up as well.
Just trying to have as much silence and peace in my days as I can as an effort to heal.
Did get a good amount of stuff done today that I wanted to so I’m happy about that too.
Have to be up early but thankfully I’ll have plenty of time to take a nap before work. As annoying as work is, I’m hoping it will help in a way, having a sense of normalcy and something to take my mind off things. Thankfully it’s a short shift.

Hope everyone is doing well. :pray:t2:


208 days
Just a quick check in


Ha ha, it sure did! There isn’t an airco, only a big ventilator and 2 open garage doors :sunglasses:
My co worker called in while I was training to tell she has Covid. And so I have to work the rest of the day and tomorrow. But my mood is better :sweat_smile:


2288…Babysitting day. I already have the sound track to frozen going through my head.


Day 31 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a great day everyone :purple_heart:


Day 136
Just checking in Thursday night before bed. Hope everyone is doing well :grin:


I’m here I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 120.

My daughter was here with her new boyfriend yesterday. For a bbq.
He arrived drunk, keep up the drinking. Spilled in every room we have.
Dropped the plate with food on the floor.
Flip the table over because he could barley stand.

Peed at our swing, threw up in the backyard.

Told me to shut up multiple times, and eventually tripped on our hedge right out in the street.

Tried to put him to bed, he flat out refused.
We tried to follow him back to our daughters place. It took nearly 1,5 hours, and on the way he tripped into multiple gardens, hedges, in to a trailer and eventually in to some garbage cans.

Spoke to him today and he doesn’t remember any of it.

Invited them again tonight for a non alcoholic bbq. Met them in the village just to discover that they’ve been to the liquor store again.

We agreed to drive him back home if he arrives drunk again.

And we’ve implied a new rule. There’ll be no more drinking in our house or in our yard. Not from us and not from guests.

I didn’t feel the urge to drink at all. Of something this got the opposite effect. I feel like I never want to touch alcohol again,ever.

It’s scary how it turns people to non functional Jell-O Balls with no self control.

The pictures is from the night walk when we tried to get this guy home.

First one is from 01.00 when the sun is going “down” the other one is on our way back 02.30 where you can see the sun going back up again.

That’s all Folks wishing y’all a wonderful day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Hey all, checking in on day 1474. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


So crazy how our minds work, and make us forget these ‘details’ of our drinking past. Thanks for the reminder. Sorry that’s your daughter’s BF.


Hopefully she eventually sees what I see. Or he decides to change his life.

Otherwise I will encourage her to leave him. Sounds rough, but living like that is worse.

I hope everything is good with you.


I’m very sleep-deprived today. But sober. Will drink a lot of water today. Brutally hot weather requires a lot more water. Think it’s contributing to a lack of sleep. Air temps over 100f plus high humidity. Mercy. :full_moon_with_face::comet::fire::fire::fire:


I really like that :sunglasses::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: