Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Checking in day 178 AF :blush:


Checking in on 90 days.

Doing okay, will update tomorrow. :smile:


Congratulations on your 90 days :fireworks::sparkler::star::sparkler::fireworks:


Yeah Lam, way to go!! :tada::white_check_mark:. I’m right behind you! :grinning:.


Wow. What an intense Schedule lately.


Waking up ±6:15
Going to work ±6:50 Driving about 15-20 minutes
Work ends ±18:00
±18:20 Studio to do jamming with band
Jamming ends 20:30
21:00 at home doing repairs, repairing walls til 22:00
Then Snack, Shower, Repeat

Today the same just instead Jamming went to Gym.

Tomorrow the same.
Weekend kind of busy from morning.

But I like it. Can’t say I am in love with schedule like this, tho some parts I do love and actually when the tensity drops off a little bit - You feel very relaxed even if it is quite intense compared to other schedules. So in a way you also learn to work with time more, enjoy free time, enjoy moments, live in a moment, work hard but still feel good…

I mean… It is meditative state of mind - It is my meditation.

Similar to eating simple or do fasting. Then everything is so tasty and good and Blessed :unlock:

I love it :blue_heart:


Hi friends, I’m back.
Checking in with 821 days sober.
I’m redownloading the app after a very close slip this weekend. Went away with my husband and some friends for a winter getaway down south. It was beautiful, lots of nice hiking, spas, a fireplace. But all of our friends drank heavily the entire time. We went to a winery, and in that moment I so badly wanted to join in with my friends and sip a red wine by the fire. It took all my might not to join in on the tasting.
I did manage to enjoy some non alc beers, my husband and I went for a run on the last morning, and we separated from the messy evenings to enjoy some alone time and distance from the partying.
It was a pretty strong reminder that even years after being sober, with a pretty good handle on my cravings, I can still be triggered really hard. And this is how easy it is to slip up after a few years (which is happened to me before) why I have to remember the reasons I keep getting sober and why I’ve gotta stay sober. I’ve gotta fight for a better life sometimes, even if it means saying no to what seems like a few harmless red wines by the fire with friends.


Way to stay committed to your healthy self!! That run would’ve likely not happened if you drank the wine and imagine how you would have felt the next morning? You chose wisely. There were reasons you stopped. Congratulations on your 821 and smart choices!! :people_hugging:


Thank you for sharing this. I threw away years of sobriety, once, and need to be vigilant. After a long time it almost seems harmless because I forget the pain. I fall prey to the horrible lie. Great job stepping away and coming home sober.


So glad you worked through those cravings with your strong sober muscles and thought it all the way through! And it’s really good to see you back. Well done, you :heartpulse:


Checking in at Day 30! :tada: had a cookout today which I definitely would’ve gotten sloshed at in the past. Not today! Everyone was having drinks and I just gently reminded myself that “thats nice for them, nice that some people can do that and enjoy themselves, but I am not one of those people” and viola! Here I am after its all said and done and I didnt have to reset my counter. :hugs: it took me a bit to realize that by reminding myself I cant drink isnt an insult to me, but me doing myself a favor and kindness, protecting myself. Odaat! :pray:t3::blush::yellow_heart:


Good for you. A very big pat on your back. :hugs:


@lefty624 Yeah to your 1 week milestone. You are doing great friend. You will tell your friends and others about your sobriety when you are ready. Don’t think it’s necessary to put it all out there. You take the time you need and just keep working on your recovery :hugs:
@just_laura I also look forward to your posts. Dang girl – insanity that you are having to carry a whole shift on your own with all the hats. I am hoping that you were able to rub your feet and give the some TLC. Glad that your boss is finally gonna do something about it – what chaos!
@juli1 Ah man I’m sorry love. I do know how frustrating it is to live with someone after having your own solo space for so long. Glad you are able to vent here love – hope it helped. Hopefully with the new job you will have some time away which will help your sanity.
@wahtisnormal Sorry love. Hope the therapist appointment helped – it is good to have an outsiders perspective and be able to process what you are going through. Oh I’m sorry to hear about your mom. That has got to be frustrating and so overwhelming to deal with. Big hugs my sweet friend :people_hugging: That dream sounds horrific. Sending you love and hugs
@sunny11 Congrats on your 1+ month of sobriety. :tada: :clap: Great to see you checking in and stacking up the days
@mrsodh Congrats on your 4 months love! Good lord! Sorry that you had to deal with such a drunk disaster and that is your first time meeting him? Smart to impose that rule and grateful that you did not feel the urge to drink.
@catmancam Oh man that is so aggravating! I would be hella pissed off. Sorry that they are not able to get their collective shit together and understand that you are not the one responsible for this debt. I do hope the letter helps (make sure to make a copy of it so that you have it for your records). Grateful you were able to avert the binge urges. Hugs love :hugs: :heart:
@deelzebub So lovely to see you checking in friend. Saw the new haircut and it looks fabulous! Glad you are doing better now. Sending you strength and love to get through the upcoming holidays. ODAAT :heart:
@vanessa8 those dreams do suck but it is always an amazing moment to realize that its not a reality. Keep the streak going!
@tailee17 Yippee!! :tada: :tada: :clap: 4 months and going strong – great work my friend. Keep going strong :muscle:


@jonase 3 months is awesome work friend! Congrats on your sober time – keep it stacking up :muscle: :tada:

So great to see you checking in. Well done on staying vigilant and fighting those triggers / urges. Glad you are back with us utilizing your tools to help you stay sober. It is a great reminder that we are never safe from the triggers or the “I can have just one” mindset.
@stand_like_an_oak Way to go with your 30 days! I love the realization that you are not punishing yourself but actually rewarding yourself by staying sober. Great work Tammy! :tada: :clap:

Checking in Thursday evening
554 days free of alcohol and weed
969 days free of cigarettes
Been a decent day. Got my workout in and errands run but now am tired and hormonal. My head is pounding (think the extreme changes in weather are not helping).
Going to call it an early night i hope – some ice cream first LOL.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in on day 119? I think it is. Or nearly is. Maybe that starts tonight. And 120 on Saturday. Monday, July 1st is 4 months since I drank. Going to start counting months soon. Counting on fingers and toes :stuck_out_tongue: Good problem to have. Too many days!

The day got better as it went on. Recommended activities for the day after insomnia: laundry, watering the yard, light cooking and redirecting the turkeys with water. :laughing:. They were on their way over to mess with me. Lady 2 doors down feeds them. I don’t. So they went to her house. Perfect! I was just too hot and tired for big birds. They’re much like geese with the attitude. Hahaha

Good day overall. Got half a workout in. Ready for a better day tomorrow. Soon, this will get better. :heart:

Enjoy your sober days


Wow congratulations on 4 months!!! :star_struck:


Congratulations on 30 days!!


Thank you very much. I have had a very blessed day.


Thank you! :blush: sending virtual hug and good vibes :people_hugging:


Thank you! :blush::blush:


Thank you so much :face_holding_back_tears::pray:t2: appreciate you always :pray:t2: