Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Thank you guys :blue_heart:
This is first time something like this happens to me but thanks to @Alisa and dr google Im familiar with RICE now (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and Iā€™m riceing myself now :wink:
The idea that I wonā€™t be able to run for some time is making me furious and sad at the same time. It happened in the morning, right before almost 10k bike ride to the trainstation and after 2h of lesson another 10k back. Probably I made it worse with biking but it didnā€™t hurt so bad few hours ago, otherwise would just stay at home. I just want to be able to run :disappointed_relieved:

(Frozen avocado as we are out of ice :wink: )


Nice to see you Squid, thanks for checking in. Sounds to me like you got a good thing going, stuff to be learned, challenges to be met. Which you are doing. That charity gig looks like right up your alley, although they mistook your squid arms for bunny ears. :people_hugging:


Checking in on day 352.;Happy Friday, all!:pray::peace_symbol::heart:


Oh man how relieving is it when you find out it was just a dream! I get halfway through the day before I remember that I had the dream and then it feels like a weights been lifted off my shoulders lol how weird.


100%! Congrats on 4 months!


Awesome work! Congrats on 30 days!


Ugh, and also bruised. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you. This sucks big times! Hope you can put your foot up and cool it. :mending_heart:


Thank you very much. Have a great day.


Morning friends. I woke up SO tired. Im still feeling very run down. I gave myself a day off from the gym so i could sleep until 7am. I did my prayer in the morning which felt good. I didnt feel very connected tho. Its been awhile since i prayed so thats probably why. And now Im going to do a quick morning meditation.

Hubby just got home from work early as his construction site is completely flooded from last nights rain, so I might head downstairs to the gym once I get more energy. Going to do laundry today, give my son a bath, and clean the apartment. Just make today a tidy up day. Thats about it for today. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Thank you sweet friend.
5 months isnā€™t fully loaded :sunglasses:


aah - i see my math was off
Will celebrate properly in a few days :wink: Still an incredible amount of time ā€“ keep up the amazing work Jules :hugs:


Something that got me thru these types feelings was brutal honesty. Realize what happened in the past canā€™t be changed. It happened, and it doesnā€™t have to happen again. Look it straight it the face and own it! Sounds difficult, I know, but I borrowed a page from drunk me that helped me drop the shame. Thereā€™s nothing I could say or do sober that could embarrass me any worse than what Iā€™ve already done drunk :woman_shrugging: So fuck it. Yeah I did that! And?..When youā€™re able to say it out loud, it canā€™t hurt you anymore.

The truth will set you free :sparkles:


I love this mentality! Owning our past helps move toward the future and step out of the shame spiral. Well said!


82 days sober. Iā€™ll stay sober today too.
100 days was my original BIG goal when I sobered up and Iā€™m getting close.
My next BIG goal will be 1 year.



Day 3

Feeling pretty tired and stressed out. My body really hurts today but making the best of it. Resting up until work this afternoon. Trying not to take on the stresses of going on strike with work. Iā€™ve got my backup plan of going back to the restaurant which Iā€™m not at all excited about.

On the flip side, UFC 303 is tomorrow night. Fight night with my kids is always fun.

I havenā€™t been struggling with cravings which is nice. I only have one more event commitment for the rest of the summer. My kids 5th birthday is next week Saturday, itā€™s a sober party that Iā€™m hosting so not feeling pressure around it.

Off to make the kids lunch, enjoy the day everyone!


Checking in day 179 AF :blush:


Checking in to say that overall today has been good and I have some good plans in place to eat and exercise, but I canā€™t shake the feeling that I wonā€™t be able to sleep again tonight.

Need to try and just let go and focus on the fantastic support I have received through the forum. Hereā€™s to everyoneā€™s success!


Thanks @Mno and @Misokatsu for the support. :heart:

I feel like a baby for moaning so much. Like everyone else in the world somehow figured out how to put up with shit for money. And here I am, still a brat. Itā€™s justā€¦ I could put up with the ridiculous requirements if the money was good. And I could put up with the insulting pay if there were no ridiculous requirements. But both + the pure and utter rudeness isā€¦ hard. Itā€™s stubbing out my light and Iā€™ve worked so so hard to restart a small flame within me.

Itā€™s scary how close I got to relapsing today. Sorry folks, Iā€™m weak and fragile and one slight away from breaking.

So Iā€™m gonna take the weekend to clear my head and try and decide if 12 fucking dollars per shitty 1000 word article no one is ever gonna read is actually worth the stress.


Ah Micha, Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through that. Iā€™ve sprained my ankle several times (more than Iā€™d like to admitā€¦ Alcohol is evil!) and the best advice I can give is to go see a doctor ASAP. You want an Xray to check itā€™s not broken and they might be able to give you one of those orthopaedic boot thingies so you can get around while it heals. When I fucked my ankle a few years ago, my husband insisted we go to hospital and I was adamantly against it. But the nice doctor gave me the boot and it was SUCH a game changer.

Itā€™s such a frustrating injury as you donā€™t realise how much you use your feet until you have to rest them.

Hope you get better soon. :heart::heart::heart:


Thanks @Mno @JazzyS and @acromouse for the lovely replies. I do need to carve out time for selfcare. I do love my new volunteer role, but I also do need to make this forum a priority again.