Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Day 353 check in for me. Wishing everyone good health and vitality today.:peace_symbol::pray::heart:


Welcome to the community Jesse
Congratulations on your 1 month milestone… keep going strong! :muscle:t4::pray:t4:


I’ve recently added a cold plunge to my daily routine and I have to say it’s worked wonder on my mental and physical health I also went for a 5 mile walk this morning then done some house work and now I won’t feel guilty for sitting and watching football :soccer: and on a zoom meeting later
Hope everyone is enjoying there Saturday :wave:


Sounds like a few people in the wars today. Wishing you all relief!

Checking in day 103. Have a good one everyone!


86 days sober
I’m finally home!! The best part of the day was walking up to my house and having such an enthusiastic greeting from the dogs! I’m really tired and jet lagged but will crash soon and hopefully sleep through the night. The travel home hit me hard this time just didn’t get much sleep which brought my anxiety up some but all in all it went well. Just happy to be back.

Having a cuddle with the dogs and will sleep early


Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions

by Johann Hari


Checking in with 83 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too.
We are going to watch fireworks tonight, and I’m really excited about that. My town does it several days early, which is nice. :fireworks:


I’ve been having a hard time reading more than a good article for about a decade now. Might try this one, but reading dharma recovery now


Morning TS fam! Just at work right now. Had trouble getting here bcuz my train was having issues. I got here like 20 min late :frowning: I always hate being late. Makes me feel like my day is starting off on the wrong foot

Anyway i have 4 hours left to go then home to my family. Going to do laundry today and then have to do the overnight shift with my son. Then somehow manage to get to work tmrw mrng. Going to be a looong night i think.

I am having some thoughts of using. My mind is saying that I miss it. In reality i absolutely dont. And of course i wont give in. Im stronger than those lies. But i wish they would go away. Im tired enough as it is, i dont need negative toxic thoughts draining me too.

Hope you all are enjoying ur weekend. Have a great day everyone :butterfly:


Welcome and congratulations on 30 days!!!


Congratulations on 1 week! Try to stay focused on the present moment. What happened in the past is over and done with. Ur doing what u can today to stay sober and thats what counts. Ur making positive changes :slight_smile: its just one day at a time



:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

What happens when life breaks down

When there is systemic contradiction?

My name symbolized all that was corrupt to society

His name symbolized all that was pure

And I was being held in the embrace of a man who was pure


151 days AF
Don’t know what to say :woozy_face:
That’s all for today.


Checking in day 180 AF :blush:


Morning all. Checking in for Day 40. Didn’t think that I would get here, but I’m so grateful. Hope you all have a great day.


Day 481
We had a family day at the zoo today. The coolest thing I’ve ever seen: baby stick insects :heart_eyes:
Sadly, they weren’t very photogenic :confused:
But this meerkat was

Hope you all have/had a great sober day.


Welcome to the TS family :blush:


@Lighter love New Mexico. When are you planning on moving? Excited to see you taking interest in art and dance :heart::heart:
@Conor80 love that you start the day with a cold plunge. I have only managed cold showers and ice face plunges …full body is next on my list. So invigorating!
@Laner welcome home friend. Hope you can properly relax and enjoy your own space. I’m sure your fur babies missed you loads
@Butterflymoonwoman sending you energy and strength my friend. Hope you are able to get some “me” time before you have to jump into night shift mode. Tell those intrusive thoughts to Fuck Off. You are stronger than the lies!! :muscle:t4: :muscle:t4:
@Juli1 hugs Jules. I see today has been a bit rough. Sending you love and caring vibes. Hope you are able to keep the toxicity away. Remember how far you’ve come :muscle:t4:
@BJonns congratulations on your 40 days! You are doing great… keep up the amazing efforts


This is great advice, thank you! All i can do is try to improve, learn, grow, etc. Anything that’s happened in the past is old news. Now focus on my future and what’s in my control.


Just checking in. Long weekend here, and we have some nice plans. Feel a little short on patience, but overall feeling alright. Trying to work on patience with myself too.

Took the kids to a drive thru zoo today, birthday party tomorrow and theres an event in town on the holiday Monday so we have some good plans this weekend. My goal next week is to clean our floors and clean the turtle tank!

About to get supper ready :slight_smile: Hope everyone is having a good day and remmeber, one day at a time xo.