Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

Hi Jasmine,

Not immediately, but in the 1-2 year range, most likely. It’s such a beautiful city and much cooler. Lots of work to do on myself and the house first. But it’s exciting to have made that decision just the same . :blush:. I’ve noticed these new old interests coming back. It’s been a decade since I had the long sober streak and it happened then too! When drinking I did much less, life was constrained. Thank you; have a great night




Great job on all ur timers!!


Saturday evening check in……
At a friend’s house who is also sober but I’m surrounded by new people and my BF all of which are drinking. Typically being around people that drink is not an issue. However, today I feel energetically depleted. I’m separated myself from the rest of the group. Sitting outside away from the drinking and energy vampires. Curious that my BF has not come to check on me. Perhaps he’s had too much to drink.

He made a stupid joke at dinner about an incident a couple of months ago where I nearly choked to death. It was frightening and scared me tremendously. I was sharing my experience with people at the gathering and he made an insensitive comment about how I tried to commit suicide. I found nothing about it funny because the experience was terrifying and seven years ago I was hospitalized for attempting suicide. While I’ve never shared the details with him about my suicide idealizations I have shared that I had a breakdown and was hospitalized.

I really have lost my tolerance for drunks and their comments. I’ve worked hard to rise above verbally assaulting people but as my therapist likes to say I’ve got a black belt in verbal jitsu.


I’m sorry if my post is a bit of a downer, but I’m struggling. Any efforts I make to save myself it feels like the addiction gags me then drags me back into hell. I feel tired, stressed, so anxious and really low and beaten. But I hope for better days ahead. I cautiously say…

Checking in, day 1 is complete :white_check_mark:

Have a great sober day friends :heart:


Day 4

A long day at work. Checking in on fight night with my kids. It’s been a very tiring day but maintaining. I’m pretty moody but aware of it which is a win.

Enjoy the night everyone!


You got through day 1… That’s a win! Keep the momentum. Your awareness is key and you’re showing your control over it. Enjoy the night!


Verbal jujitsu… That’s a gem!


Thank you everyone for the advice and replies I’ll have to set some boundaries

I’m checking in a little earlier than usual. :slightly_smiling_face:

The night was tough our son was up most of the night he’s teething. I started the morning off right with two cups of coffee I found a show I haven’t seen in a while
And watched it for most of the morning, I don’t know if any of you have ever seen Green acres but it’s worth a watch. We have our pool up so now we’re just waiting on water :sunglasses: I think I figured out our plans for the Fourth of July so I’m pretty excited about that. So it was a pretty un event full day. But it ended with a pretty sun set

Have a happy Sunday morning everyone


Right? I’m not proud of my verbal assaults. They drain me energetically.

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Being “normal” would be boring anyways right? I guess that’s what makes us all unique :heart:


Checking in at the end of day 49. Not much going on. Just stayed home and did some much needed cleaning.

Have a good night all.


As someone that’s experienced that too… It’s draining for sure. It’s good you know your limits and hopefully in a position to protect yourself from it.


I think poop can teach us a lot about love, no? :sweat_smile: If we’re open to it? Er, heart open. Nose closed.

Day 723.
Good things going on. Some poopy ones too. At least I’m not making it all worse trying to dodge the poopy stuff of life via wine. Never worked.
Wishing you all a fine sober sleep or wake up, and plenty o’ good smells your way. :smile: :cherry_blossom: :orange_heart:


@DanaM56 It’s good to know your limit before they suck you dry (something I learned from my last relationship after I was empty :grimacing:) As hard as it is to listen to unwanted comments, remember that there’s something wrong in them causing them to say those things. Glad you found some peace by stepping away. Sometimes silence is the best answer :pray:

@Binx Welcome back girl :wave: Good to see you again :blush:


It was my daughter’s best friend’s birthday pool party this afternoon. The one rescheduled 2 weeks ago. That day was gorgeous. Today? Nonstop, pouring rain :face_with_diagonal_mouth: They ended up going to the movies and then back to their house for cake and presents. I opted out of the movie bc I didn’t want to sit in the dark for 2 hours, getting tired before my shift. I took myself out for sushi and then went window shopping near the theatre. Overall, a nice afternoon :smiling_face:

Work on the other hand is just getting to be so dysfunctional I can only laugh. So many newbies that weren’t trained long enough, just released on their own. Me, my bartender friend, and one other server were running circles around the 6 others who all seemed clueless. I want, and try to help as much as I can, but I can’t babysit everyone while taking care of my own tables. They’re being set up for failure and it’ll land on one person’s head in the end. All I can say is I had a fantastic night :hugs:

Work ended early. After, I heard from an old friend and we caught up a while. He was around at my worst. He’s seen things very few others have. We used to drink together(among other things), and we’re very much the same in that aspect. He’s still at it, but also very supportive of how far I’ve come. He’s been having numerous health problems and said he’s had to cut down on drinking bc his body can’t handle it anymore. He’s thinking to quit soon. All I can do is tell my story. That the majority of those physical/mental symptoms, which I directly related to, will vanish :sparkles: How everything just keeps getting better and better then further away I get. I also explained withdrawals and how I didn’t expect mine to be as bad as they were as a warning. He’s a really good guy, and I’d love this for him. Maybe one day :pray:

Anyway. The usual Sunday lunch shift tomorrow. Gotta get myself to bed. Remember…the worst sober day always beats the best day drinking. So I know you’ll all have a good one :heart:


500! Huge congrats to you!

I was looking for a fun cake gif, but I guess no one turns 500 years old. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Balloons Celebrate GIF - Balloons Celebrate Colorful ...

Balloons to go with that sushi… Onward, amazing Laura! :orange_heart:


211 days
Got the kids all rugged up and got out early to the gym, had some good hard rounds.
After that we just hubg around for a bit before we went off to the kids swimming. The eldest was canceled due to a code brown in her pool earlier in the morning :face_vomiting:
Home for a chilled afternoon of movies and gaming


Day 372. Walked down to the festival here yesterday. Full of people drinking. Not my scene. V anxious after about an hour. So came home and watched walk the line on Netflix. Or Disney? Can’t recall…

Blessed to be sober. So blessed… Today having an easy day. Back to work tomoro but thafs ok. Good job etx

. Hope you have a great day folks

Last year I went the festival on my own. Drank way too much and then stopped. I just don’t want to go down the road of over drinking forever.


Thank you @Dazercat
This thread is getting far too busy for me, wich is great.
I just can’t keep up :sweat_smile: but of course I’m still checking in regularly. And still happy to be part of this community.
Have a wonderful sober Sunday Eric :heart_hands::pray: