Checking in daily to maintain focus #67

187 days

I had a lazy Sunday. But going out for pizza with friends to celebrate EOFY haha
A friend has had a bad 12 months, hence the celebration. After pizza we’re going home to smash a pinata and throw some notes about our shitty 12 months into the fire. Good sober time ahead!



Had a strange night, with loads of not so nice dreams and lots of waking up in between those dreams. I’ve been in bed for quite a while but I’m not feeling particularly rested. Well. One day at a time right. Today, let’s write a bit and watch a sh*tload of sports. Get back to work tomorrow. Sober and clean. Drinking doesn’t help with anything at all. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love. I was picking gooseberries yesterday. Love 'm.

@Binx I’m glad you’re here. Very first thing I had to learn when I quit drinking is that I can’t do it alone. That we’re in this together. Big hugs friend. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:
@Just_Laura 500 days!!! Awesome work & big congrats Laura!
@Mischa84 Picked it up on another thread but congratulating you here Mischa! A full year is the Big One!!! Huge congrats!!!


Thank you @Mno. You helped me tremendously, especially at the beginning. I’m so happy to be here :blue_heart:


Congratulations on the 500 @Just_Laura ! Soooooooo happy for you! It’s been wonderful to watch you grow on your journey!


@Timetochange I went to a festival in our city yesterday as well and realised once more with a lot of clarity how this is not my kind of venue: too loud, too many people, too hot, everything too much. Taking an easy day myself today. Have a good, easy day yourself.
@MrFantastik Have a nice, chill time :sunglasses:
@Just_Laura 500 days !!! :star_struck: Congrats girl :tada: To another sober day together!
@Lefty624 Teething kids are exhausting. Sending you parental strength :battery: :baby: Thanks for the beautiful photo :heart_hands:
@SKhan Good job on building that streak one day at a time :+1:
@Binx Welcome back :wave: I’m sorry to hear about your struggles :mending_heart: Do you have any idea what might do you some good in terms of self care? Time with others? Time alone? A meeting? Time in nature? Sending you strength.
@DanaM56 Good job on seperating yourself from emotional drain. It is always ok to take care of yourself. And intoxicated people are even more draining and assault other people’s boundries than sober ones. Intoxication lowers our barriers to think before we do or speak. So once again: Well done :+1: You really don’t have to put up with this kind of behaviour.
@Ashley_luvz_starz Congrats on your timers! Great work! :muscle: :sunglasses: :tada:
@HolySquid Thanks for the meerkat :heart_eyes_cat:
@Mno Reading long form does not work for everyone. We all have different ways we process information. Reading works for me, but I am rather bad at processing spoken information, especially longer ones like lectures and talks. Each their own.

221 sugar
85 UPF
92 gluten
69 dairy
3 overeating

Last night we had another of those summer storms and it’s still raining. I’m glad about the cool down. It suits my plans for today: My weekly review, lunch at my ex, a bike ride, chillin, yoga and recovery dharma.

Let us bring peace, kindness and freedom to this day friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Congratulations @Mischa84
Soooooooo happy for you!!!
I cannot even imagine you drinking! You’re a wonderful mother and quite the athlete, too! Hoping your current injury will be okay before you know it! Big congrats! You’re a star! A Sober Star!


1 year

I’m so glad that finally, at the age of 40, I know what I want to do in my life. And I already have a work in kindergarten waiting for me after school vacation. I’m attending Dutch lessons, planning to go to college next year. Would I do it if I would still drink? Maybe. But probably not.

I’m also super glad that I stopped with this madness early enough and my boys won’t have memories of drunk or hangovered mommy.

I ran half marathon to celebrate my 40th bday, that would never happen during active addiction.

Because of my sobriety I met (virtually) so many wonderful people on this app, this is my only social media kind of app and I don’t need anything more.

There is more things I’m grateful for and that changed in last year but I gotta go now, my people need me :woman_superhero:t3:

Thank you and I love you :blue_heart:


Thank you @Alisa, you play big part in my sobriety :blue_heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1477. I hope everybody has a good one!


That is profound!


Big congrats @Just_Laura @Mischa84 and everyone enjoying another wonderful sober day :heart:


Day 2291. Time is a premium for me and Ms
Monkey…so we are having date morning. Off to breakfast at our favorite breakfast spot. Then prep for family dinner this afternoon.

Stay sober friends!


Day 139
Sunday night chill time.
Went driving in the countryside side with my partner today and we had a great time despite the cold weather.
Happy Sunday folks


Checking in in day
417 no alcohol
348 no vapes or ciggs 57 no form of nicotine
17 no form of marijuanna

So i was super skeptical about theee gummies to help with good mood and another for relaxation

I got 1 for relaxation and it really worked well so i got the one for good mood and ut really worked well.

They are a mix of vitamins and spices. I did lots of resurch be4 i got them and the company that makes them are trusted. I just want to be careful not to rely on them.

Ill let you all know how it goes soon

Take care


Day 56 check :white_check_mark: ( I think got the day right, glad I got the lifestyle of being sober)
Really tempted today.
I noticed my last relapse I had these same thoughts and downplayed any problematic stuff that ever happened when I drank.
The only strength I have right now is knowing that I have been here feeling like this before and I drank it didn’t get me anywhere.
And that Ive been here before and got past it and had many years sober. I have to choose my strength here.
Because luckily I’m not deep in that it’s not a choice for me anymore. I’m sober and I do have a choice to stay sober or to f it all up.
It didn’t get me meeting people, having fun or any of the delusions. This time I don’t feel I have delusional expectations just that I’m sure il be fine having a few…
I’m holding out.
I really want to drink and that is the same thing that got me before the fact that I was planning it etc… I’m stopping myself today trying really hard.
It’s usually and anxiety thing but this time it’s more of I’m missing out, I can have fun by myself… you know what listing each thought gives it power.
I will not drink today.


Congratulations :fireworks::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::fireworks:


Helll to the yeah girl. Congratulations


Day 228, good morning sober fam. Had a absolutely beautiful day and evening yesterday, not going to get into details lol but it was awesome. Beautiful ride into work, going to hit the treadmil after work. Last night i did induldge in some creme horns and i didnt eat one i ate all 5 :thinking: lol. But yeah looking forward to tomorrow off much love


Sending strength and love. It can be hard, but keep fighting, keep working your program and reaching out. :purple_heart:


Congratulations Mischa. You rock :muscle:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: