Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 933
Today was a really good day! I accomplished all that i wanted to do. I got the grocery shopping done, a killer workout done, cleaning done, and i ate well. Also started another dreamcatcher that im giving away as an auction item for a fundraiser thats being done back home in Wpg, Manitoba. Im sending it off to my mom who will take care of the rest :slight_smile:

All in all today was decent. Just looking forward to a good rest now. Going to do get caught up on some reading here and then relax for the rest of the evening.

Have a great night everyone! :butterfly:


@Chevy55 Happy Anniversary to you both. Congratulations on your major milestone too.


I had to reset my cigarettes counter tonight and I’m quite disappointed in myself for it. I feel like a failure. Perhaps it was a mistake to ditch both cigarettes & booze at the same time. :no_smoking: What do you think? I’m determined to see this through though, come what may. I’m glad that my sobriety counter is still on track though. I’m coming up for 4 days sober so there’s that at least.


@bomdhil Oh I love that phrase you got too – Makes you think and want to be grateful for every moment of your life :pray: Congrats on your double digits my friend – so grateful to hear that the storm is calming for you :hugs:
@K_s How are you doing friend. Glad you finally got your meds today and are doing better. Fear of change can be intense. It is hard to embrace change when we are so early in our own sober journey. Please be gentle with yourself :pray: :hugs:
@kareness I do get over ambitious with my self care agenda sometimes too so I totally understand. Sounds like you did have a wonderful day and got some time with a friend as well. Love it!
@azeke Well done on your 1 month milestone! Very impressive work :muscle: This community is amazing and my main support – could not ask for a better group of friends to do this journey with.
@soberwalker sorry to hear that you are in pain still Claudia. I do hope that your physiotherapy appointment will be helpful :pray:
@alicat22 Congrats on your 2+ weeks! Sending you strength on gaining momentum on your journey – great plan :hugs:
@tragicfarinelli Girl you are doing great with your 250 days. The days you had in your last run are still with you and they don’t go away! I have seen a massive change in you in these last 250 days. I see you changing emotionally and mentally as well as gaining strength in your journey. Be proud of where you are now as you are absolutely crushing it! :muscle: :hugs:
@mrmoustache Sending strength and comfort my friend. I am sorry you are dealing with the panic attacks. I do hope the meds help. Do you have someone that can help you monitor the usage. Some meds are necessary (doctor prescribed) but we need to make sure we don’t abuse them. 54 days is fantastic… keep going my friend.
@zse YIPPEE 9 months is amazing girl – love how you describe sobriety being free from a nightmare. Never giving up – keep up that strong momentum :muscle:
@alycia Triple 8’s – woohoo! That is awesome friend. It is a wonderful gift – grateful to see you doing so well!


Day 444 AF
Super busy weekend and I’m exhausted today. Not sure what I was thinking. I went go kart racing and my back is sore. Dumb! Hoping it starts to feel better soon.

Have a good evening everyone


@thirdmonkey WOW! 7 months caffeine free – how are you feeling? That is impressive work my friend!
@catmancam sorry to hear that your therapist is providing a safe environment where you feel you can explore your feelings more freely. Do you think it may be something you can bring up with her – she may not realize she is doing this. In her mind she may be making that noise to let you know that she is listening. I know my therapist would do something similar and it was annoying as hell. I had to ask her to stop and she mentioned that for her she didn’t want to seem rude and be quiet while I was pouring my heart out. Just a thought. On the other note – can you message your CC company and tell them this is fraudulent? They may be able to remove the charge all together. Sorry friend – these scammers are getting worse by the day.
@mindofsobermike Glad Addie had such a great birthday. OOH Halloween store shopping – i love it! DAMN that is scary – gun shots? I hope all is safe and well now. Oh saw your updated post and man that made me teary eyed. Life is just so precious and I’m so grateful for the reminder :heart:
@mischa84 The symptoms could be so many things but if you have a history in your family then I would definitely get a check up. It is better to catch things early and nip them in the butt. Nothing wrong with be cautious especially when your health is involved. I do hope it is nothing serious but would want you to go seek medical advice as not feeling “normal” is not normal :hugs:
@tailee17 sorry your road trip was so challenging. Grateful you are back and hope you made it to your AA meeting for some good irl support :hugs:
@jesile Oh that is a long time to wait – you got some good patience! Glad your blood work came back good. Man that Peanut really is testing ya – sorry for all the poop issues – hope he is potty trained soon enough :crossed_fingers:
@button83 4 days and rocking it. I know my nerves were shot from the addiction abuse and when I tried to become sober I was a mess. I was on edge and snappy. Sending you strength Julia – It really is ODAAT and that perfection platform that we tend to put ourselves on is unreasonable. It really hurts when we fall from that height and then our addiction is the only thing waiting for us at the bottom. Keep reminding yourself that perfect does not exist (i don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that would fit that description). Why continue to punish ourselves to achieve something that is unachievable.
@chevy55 Such a beautiful tribute and so happy for you Nick – Happy Anniversary friend :partying_face: :tada:
@kris Way to go friend – waking up sober each day is enlightening and so rewarding – yeah to triple digits :tada: Lets keep this going strong :muscle:
@boderline_billy Welcome to the community friend and great work on your 4 days of no alcohol. I did give up my cigs first and then gave up alcohol and weed together. It is different for each of us. You will have to go through withdrawals and mood shifts / sleep issues with all substances so it depends if you want to rip off the band aid once or slowly. Check out the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2) thread for some advice, motivation and support for quitting smoking. We got your back here – take it ODAAT :muscle:

Checking in on Tuesday night
622 days free of alcohol and weed
1037 days free of cigarettes
Wow what a day. I am still a bit off but managed to get some shit done today. Had a leak at my rental that I needed to check out. Luckily it was a easy enough fix and did not take up too much time. I remembered my CT scan appointment today and got that done. Managed to make my other appointments as well. Its been a tiring day and I’m ready for bed. Glad I was able to catch up here before I went to sleep.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Oh that sounds like hell on your back but I do hope you enjoyed yourself in the moment.

Hopefully some ice and hot packs will help :pray:


I love it. I sleep better.


444 AF. That’s an impressive number. Congratulations :tada:



Up early as my friend is arriving this morning and I have to get my ass over to the airport to pick her up. I’m satisfied with the shape my place is in afte two days of clearing and cleaning. A little bit sore myself (yes cleaning is a good workout @acromouse Aga) but I’m OK overall and happy to see my friend very soon. Have as good a day as you can all my friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love. Pic is from 5 years ago, when she was here as well and we travelled through the country. When I still was drunk every day.

@Borderline_Billy On average people are more successful quitting everything at the same time and making it stick than one substance at the time. Including sickarettes. Nicotine is a beast but be sure you can do that too. Together with us all. Keep going friend. Now is the time.


Thank you so much! Hope you are well!


:pray:🩷:pray: Thank you


Checking in tonight with 1 year 5 months and 6 days meth free and 5 months 6 days cigarette free.
I pray you all are hanging in there and taking it One Day At A Time! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Have a :innocent: blessed night y’all


Triple digits! Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:


@Mischa84 Idk much about that type of withdrawal, but I’ve heard it’s one of the longest to go thru (this was from people who heavily abused it). I would imagine this is the issue. Did your doctor explain anything to expect? Maybe phone the office for peace of mind :thinking: Hang in there :heart: You’re strong, lady :muscle:
@Mindofsobermike Post whenever you need Mike. That’s such a difficult situation for anyone involved. Tragic :disappointed_relieved: Take care, friend :people_hugging:
@Chevy55 Happy Anniversary!!! :tada:
@Borderline_Billy Don’t beat yourself up. You’re sober! Great job :clap:


Today was pretty great. But first…yesterday :face_exhaling: On Sunday I contacted my exes roommate to see if we’d be able to stop over and grab more of my daughter’s clothes before school started. He said Monday would be fine and planned for the evening. Right before we were about to leave, he text “I was actually approved for an apartment and I’m moving today. I’ll leave the door unlocked for you. Would you be able to take the cat?” Wtf?! I didn’t even know he was looking! I now realize we’re going to have to take everything! It’s already 5:30, it’s an hour drive there and back, and my car is small! Gotta fit it all in one trip. For 2 hours we collected what couldn’t get left behind. Then played tetris loading it in the car. The cat hid all the time before, and we didn’t end up finding her. I talked to the neighbor and she said she’d take care of her. I really couldn’t’ve taken her anyways, but sad my daughter couldn’t say goodbye :pleading_face:

After all this, I decided to call the jail to see if he finally had a release date. January 18! Damn. In the first letter he sent me, he said “I think this is for the best bc I never saw an end to drug court” Who’s best?! They’re not gonna help him when he gets out this time. He won’t be released to rehab, a halfway house, or anything like that. He just lost everything and will be homeless. Again! Felt pretty angry with the whole situation last night.

Woke up this morning to a new day :sun_with_face: Started cleaning, and had my daughter help sort thru, and get rid of, old stuff before bringing in the ‘new’. Got everything ready for the first day of school tomorrow before I went to work. Easy shift, got out early. Finished up last minute stuff and now it’s time for bed bc we’re waking up an hour earlier than last year to catch the bus. One day at a time. That’s all I gotta do. Goodnight everyone :heart:


Happy anniversary.
Huge congratulations :tada:

Good job,both of you.
Being married and staying married can be a bit tricky sometimes,but the right person is always worth the effort.


Thankful that my life is stable. There is no chaos or pain brought on by alcohol. It took a lot from me and caused me anguish through the years but I’m not in that space anymore. I don’t want to go back there.
I always think of the day zero or day 1 folks when I pop in here as I don’t want to forget that feeling. My best wishes to anyone not in a good place right now. Remember, it too shall pass.


*Day 2177 :walking_woman:
Have an appointment for my feet with the doctor tomorrow. Feel like an old grumpy lady.
Grumpy because of the pain and discomfort.

Today? Working, the fresh stock arrives. So a busy day ahead :face_with_peeking_eye:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 189.

Woke up last night from a huge Thunderstorm. Didn’t go to sleep until the Thunderstorm passed. I love thunderstorms.

This week is supposed to be the warmest week in September since the 1980s. I’m looking forward to it, since it’s also supposed to be the warmest week in two years.

Daughter still sleeps here, we’ve got meetings regarding her all week, and I don’t want her to get away and go back to her boyfriend, and not going to any meetings or actually put in the effort. I know she’s an adult, but the problem is that she can’t really see or think consequences at all. If she doesn’t want to do something or if it gets overwhelming she just takes off.

12 y/o is home with a cold. We had to pick him up early from school yesterday. His teacher called.

We didn’t have to go to the meeting in City Hall. We got our permission for the Trunk or Treat via phone yesterday. So today we’re printing our flyers and next week we’ll have meetings with the local store owners to see if anyone wants to sponsor the event, since there might be people who wants to participate but can’t afford it.

Last time we payed for those people out of our own money. This year we don’t have that opportunity.

Really looking forward to everything amazing this fall.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


That’s rough Mike. I’m sorry for all involved. But glad you can share your emotions here with us. Hoping good times visit you soon and lighten your load. :pray::pray::pray: