Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in on day 85

It feels like yesterday I was nervous about posting for the first time. I’m really glad i had the courage to share, you all welcomed me with open arms and helped me get the tools to stay on the right path. I have a bit of an emotional battle going on with my self at the moment but i am hopeful that it will all blow over
Thank you all.

Have a great night and a wonderful Thursday morning❤️


It sure is lolol, thank you :pray:t2: she refuses to believe anything is wrong with her mental state, it’s been this way ever since i can remember. We got her to start taking medication when I was in middle school, but she accidentally missed a pill one day and then refused to take it again. It’s one of those situations where we literally cant help her and it is what it is since she’s refused treatment so many times. Which just makes things even more depressing, but again, it is what it is I guess.


Day 213
Manflu seems be dissipating slowly. Feeling alot more energetic today thankfully. Just in time to hopefully get out with the camera for some Nature shots on the weekend. Really enjoying my sobriety this time around.


295 sugar
159 UPF
33 gluten
33 dairy

It’s unusually cool today for this time of the year, but the weather has been unusual for the whole year.
My daughter has a nasty cold and stayed home, and is making origami decorations. I did the groceries and am going to work on settings and magic for my game.
I have an appointment with the optician in the afternoon to get varifocal glasses. I’m seriously getting old. Couple’s counseling after that.
Recovey Dharma and relaxing in the evening.

Will keep my heart and mind open, loving life everywhey it is :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:

  1. Just checking in. Can’t wait to go away next week, though I really hope the weather picks up. :face_with_peeking_eye:. What a very strange week it’s been, it’s so cold at the moment- 14 degrees in my living room this morning! Had to wear big socks and hoodies yesterday…Last week it was hot. What is this?

Hey all, checking in on day 1551. I hope everybody has a good one!



Went to work to do prep. There was another part-timer, I used to work at the same place, and we bumped into each other at an English book fair a couple of months ago. He decided to chat to me for about an hour which was pleasant enough, and he may know of some extra work for me, but I really wanted to get on with my prep! Now I will have to rush on other days.
Suddenly got annoyed with my hair and booked a haircut. I haven’t been to the hairdressers since February! So will cut a lot off this time and wait another 6 months!


Lol…that would be the dream. Before my body went haywire I was looking to convert my garage so I could install an infinity pool. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. So happy you did something for yourself. Writing sounds exciting. Hope you are able to sit down and let the words flow. Glad you did connect here today …the need to not want to connect (check in) is a slippery slope. Much love my friend :people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:
@JUSTINo lovely catch and wishing you luck with whatever you got going on today
@wahtisnormal sorry friend. All that sounds super frustrating and hard to deal with. Sending you love and hope it gets easier for you
@Alejondra you are most welcome :hugs: how are you doing today?
@Tyland oh I’m sorry the name is triggering in any way
@Lefty624 glad you did post and know we are here for you. You do not have to go through the battle alone :people_hugging:
@Seb yeah 7 months :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball:. Glad you are starting to feel better. Excited to see what pics you are able to capture :heart:

Checking in on Thursday morning
Glad I got in my walk and swim. It was a struggle but now it’s behind me. Have a few doctors appointments today so it should be fun. Nothing else to report…let’s all kick ass for another day!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 195

Summer is back with a vengeance but I told it it can’t stay past the end of the month :laughing:. I know, I know, that’s way too generous but Fall always comes in October.

I am exhausted, emotionally and physically. Good to be dealing with things head-on. It will all pay off and things will come together. I hate all this uncertainty but it’s going to be ok :white_check_mark:

Lots of love


Checking in day 178. Awesome to see so many posts here everyday.

Enjoy the last couple days of the week!


Happy Thursday! Its going to be a warm one (90’sF) today. It beats having to shovel snow haha! I heard something awesome in one of my meetings this week “You can’t stay clean on yesterday’s shower”. Wow! It was a good reminder that I can’t sit back and coast but need to keep moving forward.

Have an awesome day my friends!!


Hey ya Thursday. I am just drained dont know what to be happy about the small things i guess hope everyone has a amazing day


Congrats on 7 months!


@Finn thanks, I’ll check it out :blush: the reviews sound promising :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Ncgolfer sending strength 🩵
@Thirdmonkey I hope your interview went well :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I hope your doctor’s appointments go well :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:
@Laner I’m so glad things are going well :blush:
@HolySquid congrats on all the 5s :tada:
@Noshame congrats on 16+ months AF :tada:
@Alejondra congrats on 500+ days :tada:
@Tyland heartbreak is very emotional :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Jamoji welcome :blush:


@Mira_D good luck with your applications :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@wahtisnormal sorry you’re dealing with all this :people_hugging: I second Stella’s recommendation of meditation, I find it so helpful most of the time.
@Seb congrats on 7 months :tada:

1493 days no alcohol.
958 days no cocaine.
473 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

I drove to my hometown this morning, posted my SAD lamp off to the manufacturer for repair/replacement, collected my repeat medications, and went to my GP surgery for my testosterone shot.

Came home, gave the cats some attention.

I’ve been listening to the ‘defeat your cravings’ audiobook this afternoon, only two chapters left now.

Time for some meditations :man_in_lotus_position:



Checking in, day 66 without booze and weed. Nothing unusual to report, life is steady.


Congratulations on your two days of sobriety. Hope you enjoyed the meeting. Glad you are here in this group. :blush:


It is in an hour and a half! Fingers crossed


Hey dear community, just wanted to say hello. It’s so rainy over here all day long and it’s not going to improve over next several days. I’m personally glad for this, at least for a while, as it was incredibly hot during summer. I had some minor cravings yesterday in the evening, but managed those emotions well. Well, I feel kind of alone and will find and refresh my profile at some dating websites. Like Buffett said in one of his financial statements, or assessment was it, your chances to succesfully find a date rapidly increases if you are a BI :smiling_face: :wink:


161 days sober
Wow I’m tired! Will keep it short tonight since I’m about to crawl into bed. But another successful but busy day here. My guests did another clinic today. It went well and now we are all tired and ready for a rest. They are supposed to leave tomorrow to go to another village but the road might be too bad because of weather. I’ll have to see how it looks in the morning. I’m so pleased with how well this time has gone and my guests have also said how much they’ve enjoyed this time. I’m hoping for a repeat in the future🙃
Off to bed now!