Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Feeling tired and maybe sick, maybe just allergies. I am laying down…in the middle of the day…which I never do so possibly i am coming down with something? So tired of being in this house and cant wait for the job interview next week. Fingers crossed something comes along in the next few weeks.

Feeling crap, and these days happen. So i wanted to check in. I made sure to eat lunch, because being hungry makes me HANGRY and going to day rest because my body is saying to do so. Xo.


Day 1363,

Gonna end the relationship, sobriety gives me the opportunity to do it in a loving way (hopefully). I need to re-focus on myself :pray:


Day 226

A photo made of me took me to mental hell.
Not out yet.

Hugz (if ok)


Checking in :wave:t2:
Feeling tired today, I want to get back to doing some sports, I think that’ll give me more energy.
I’ve been lazy lately… ever since I hurt my shoulder. But there’s plenty of things I can do without using my shoulder! Excuses!!
Work was ok, busy but ok to handle.
I’m craving food lately, and I can feel my ED getting a bit out of hand. Hmmm… need to focus and work more on myself! :roll_eyes:
Right now I’m chilling on my terrace, the weather is changing, soon autumn will be here, no more couch terrace sessions! :confused:
Take care everyone!



Feel better soon!


17 days. Going for 20!


I am here with 198 days sober

Humor for the day. With my husband I feel I have to defend my 4 AA Meetings a week. He usually wants a report of the happenings in the meeting. Sometimes I resent this as it is my space. Yesterday he asked “so tell me about your meeting” . Well since I have been sharing so much lately and love my group I began to spill out the topics and my shared detail along with I am losing weight, keeping up on household chores and work and going to gym everyday. My husband had to interrupt the volcano of words and says “that is so terrific but I need to go back to work”. But wait I have more! He says doesn’t have the time right now…

I got the sense he was sorry he asked… :blush:


Day 446. Good day. I am looking forward to a four day weekend :+1::+1:. Went for a curry. Ordered way too much. Now feeling ridiculously full :slight_smile:


Another day sober
Just checking in


Coming to the end of day 12.

A busy and productive day.


I am on 1 month and 1 day, and I’m struggling with my emotions big time. Thinking about my life, my choices. Why did I make the choices I did, how the hell I got where I am. “Why me’s”. I realize that the only way I will start to be happy is to stop feeling sorry for myself, accept that the past is past, and I will never be able to have it again.
I cannot control my way into having what i think will make me happy again. Life doesn’t work that way. I have to lay in the bed I made, let people be happy, let people go.
My biggest regret is not having gotten sober and better years ago.


Checking in again…definitly coming down with something, which makes sense because my house has been a revolving door of sick around me. I need to stay calm, been feeling sorry for myself lately and having regrets about past decisions…
Wishing in a way we didnt spend all our money renovatinf our house for my nephew, not because I resent doing it but now he needs more moneh for therapy and I dont have it to give.
Wishing we didnt spend so much onbthe family lawyer because in the end she didnt help and was very expensive. Again, because my nephew needs more money now.
I have to accept that we did at the time what we thought was best and doing the best you can doesnt always mean its easy or that the consequences arent felt. We were preparing for his future here, and didnt feel safe to proceed without an attorney. Still the figure is astounding, and lately I have been having a challenging time thinking of how my husband and I saved and saved for 10 years, and its gone. Finances are not easy, and I dont regret anything we did for my nephew but still has been a thought playing in my mind. I think especially when we are faced with other challebges I start to feel sorry for myself wondering if the decisions we made were in fact helpful and supportive or if I was stupid.

Anyway, needed to share. I am currently laying down. I could just sleep! In laws are here for the night so its nice hubby has help with the kids so I can rest. I am wondering if its covid; becayse i dont feel a usual sick, but when I have bad covid in the past I had an odd versiob where it wssnt so much a flu or heavy symptoms but just extreme extreme body fatigue, dizziness and my brain doesnt work properly. Hope to feel better soon!

Wishing everyone a beautiful day/night I am goingbto just rest until i put the kids to sleep!


Day 19.
Went to an AA this evening. Haven’t been there in years and was hesitant at 1st but glad I went. It helps, 1 day at a time!


Evening check in … Just getting ready to put my daughter to bed, and then start parking for a weekend camping trip.
It’s been another week of go-go nonstop from 06:30 to 21:30 or later every day.
I hit a wall right at the end of the workday, and really wanted a hit of dopamine and easy pleasure, but I pushed through on my own.
There’s no easy way out - just me building life on my own.


I am deeply thankful for the strength that has carried me through my first five days of being alcohol-free. Each day has been a small but meaningful victory, and I am filled with gratitude for the progress I’ve made. I pray for the focus to keep my eyes on these daily triumphs, knowing they are leading me to the future I am building—one filled with health, clarity, and purpose. May I continue to find the courage to walk this path, one step at a time.



Felt really exhausted today. This morning I got my daughter up and made breakfast and fell right back asleep on the couch. Luckily I learned from my drinking days to set an alarm for the bus.

50 cent wing night at work and I was the only server, but I got 2 bussers which helped. We sold out, I made bank, and was out by 9 so, not a bad night. Just feeling more tense than usual. Trying to breathe and relax but I probably just need sleep. After a snack tho cause my belly’s rumbling. Hope you all have a good one :heart:


One thing about being in a room, is you’re always welcome and seat is always open for you.

Another Day Won is Better Than Another Day One


That sounds dangerous, if you happen to be Dirk and love stuffing your face with greasy food! :flushed:


You’re not the only one. We started with 1,400! I doubt the profit margin was even worth the amount of work the poor kitchen staff did. With only 4 fryers, it was nonstop!


Things are going well, but busy. I got asked to lead at a meeting tomorrow that I don’t usually go to, which definitely takes me out of my comfort zone. I’m trying to decide what to talk about.

I got a card from the vet and another from Chewy, so I guess it’s my cat Taz’s birthday. He is the oldest of the 3 and just turned 9.

Keeping busy with work. Driving to and from school adds a lot to my day and makes it feel like I have less time. I miss the easier summer days.