Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in not sure what to think or feel about everything that has happened in like 6 mouths of my like i am trying to just feel better stop crying ever sticking day. Im so over feeling this way it really sticks my demons are knocking at my door and i can stand it. I hope once i get seen by this clinic appointment I’ll get prescribed what I need to help me out . Hope what they give me gets me to get a grip on this emotions ugh it’s exhausting


I love this. Thank you.


Welcome Rich
Congratulations on your 5 days.
Great job :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Day 1062 AF

What’s up, gang.

Hope everyone’s doing well.

Staying busy with work and the kiddos. I had to drive up to the office for my annual review. It went well. Got to see my co-workers and talk to other human beings. It gets a little lonely working from home.

Keep having repetitive dreams. Dreams that I’m in high school and can’t get a hold of my wife. Dreams about my childhood apartments.

I’ve been opening up to my wife a bit more about what happened there. I’m glad I could talk to someone without feeling embarrassed.

Nothing else is new. Hope y’all have a great sober day/night!

Take care. ODAAT :heart:

@Frank68 welcome back, bro!
@Bunto congrats on double digits
@Seb congrats on 7 months



Good morning. The weekends roll around pretty quickly these days! Busy one in work today and I have a few heavy or not so nice things to deal with but we’ll take on the Day and manage our way through.
I’m 50 days today. I’ve been here before, but I’m better equipped and more knowledgeable with every passing day. I’m mature and aware of the signs and have systems in place to deal with most eventually.
I’m looking forward to the weekend. I need some exercise, some rest and a little bit of clear headspace.
Hope you have a great Friday :pray:



Im so behind with posts here… I can’t catch up and it’s irritating. I miss you guys! I hope all ok with you :blue_heart:

Here all ok…no desire to drink. Taking care of my body (still a lot of work to make about binge eating and sugar intake but hey, baby steps are steps too). Working out pretty much. Trying to sleep enough. Etc.

This is how behind I am with TS forum:

I don’t have other social media apps and I don’t watch yt shorts (I think my husband is losing himself in YouTube short videos sometimes for real, terrible thing) so just for fun topics here are my guilty pleasure when Ihave some free time. But no free time lately :slight_smile: Can you imagine that happiness when finally I will see all those memes??:joy: Can’t wait.

Ok, I have to run now. They are sleeping to long today :sweat_smile:
Edit: I mean my kids :sweat_smile:



On 50 days!


6:39 am check in :white_check_mark:

132 days.

Hi everyone, I have done some reading around there’s alot to catch up with.
My bone tumour surgery is Tuesday so I will be able to engage more next week when all this is behind me and hopefully recovery will be as smooth as can be :crossed_fingers:.

So between getting prepared for that alongside doing my work stuff I haven’t had much time.

Today I’m adding a roof to the catio, haven’t had much sleep but I’m going to be kind to myself while I get things in order. - The jobs I’m doing now will help recovering smoother.

Apart from that things are okay, they aren’t bad. I can’t complain which is nice.

The small things we do in life make the big things happen




Visited Kröller Müller Museum for the first time yesterday. Situated right in the middle of our biggest and oldest National Park, and with an incredible collection of 19th and 20th century art, it was a total blast. I still caught the most beautiful imagery in the NP though. I feel.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from the Hoge Veluwe.

@Twizzlers You’re in my thoughts friend. Much love and positive vibes your way. XXX


@lisa_lou_who congrats on your month+ :tada:
@Mira_D feel better soon 🩵
@rikkofl welcome :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@Dustysprungfield congrats on 50 days :tada:
@Mischa84 I used to spend hours on the meme threads in my early days, I started on the first one, caught-up eventually, but now I’m only on Meme Wars 74! :sweat_smile:
@Twizzlers I hope all goes well on Tuesday :crossed_fingers:t2::people_hugging:🩵

1494 days no alcohol.
959 days no cocaine.
474 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Therapy today, no idea what I’ll talk about since I haven’t been able to remember any of my dreams the past week, and that’s usually what we start with.

Other than that; reading, morning routine, meditations, and ideally a walk around the lake.



286 days
Halfway through 24hr shift at work. Busy during the day. Been a bit quiet in the evening so far.
Haven’t been checking in daily for the first time since I started. Think I only checked in a couple times this week. Haven’t been reading as many post on here either.
Checking in may have slipped from my mind but I’m still committed to staying sober.
My timer ticks over in the evening so I’ve always posted in the evenings. Thats usually a pretty busy time with the kids.


Day 1364,

Breaking up didn’t go exactly as planned, but oh well. I tried to keep it to myself with a bit of a bullshit story, I didn’t want to hurt her but geus that’s impossible when someone doesn’t expect it. So It was via videochat, enough for me when in a long distance relationship. So she thinks of me of an asshole probably….And save enough for me. She had trauma from childhood, she shared some with me and mentioned I was the first person she ever shared it with. I stayed and she kept on “dumping” stuff about her sex life. I mostly didn’t react, but noticed a lot of trauma reactions. She is totally sexualised and doesn’t see a problem and doesn’t believe in sex addiction. I was powerless against it, I have secundairy trauma from a previous relationship, so this really needed to stop……maybe I write her or still meet f2f, but think this should be fine. We knew each other about 3 months and met 5-6 times. Any suggestions, support is welcome :pray:


@Rob11 I have no experience with that specific situation. But I want to send you strength and care. When I am in a difficult situation it often helps to ask myself what my needs are right now and take care of myself. And I believe that’s what you did by ending this relationship. Seeing your own needs, setting boundaries. That is always tough work. A lot of people find it difficult to accept other’s boundaries and react in a hurtful way. So be proud of yourself for taking care and keep at it.
@MrFantastik If you feel checkin in here is benefical for you overall you might want to shift your checkins to another time of the day. That’s what I did. Had to find the right schedule for me.
@Mno Your pictures are dangerous :grin: . They always make me long for traveling. Good thing my next vaction is set up in about a month.
@Twizzlers Sending you lots of care, peace of mind and love. Preparing and waiting for a medical procedure is always stressful. Good to hear you are focusing on being kind to yourself. Not always easy. :heart: :people_hugging:
@Mischa84 Nice to hear you are enjoying your new career and language lessons. Sounds like you are adventure mode :grin:
@Dustysprungfield Congrats on 50 days! :partying_face: :clap: Sounds like you are really working recovery :+1:
@GOKU2019 I also work from home, and I prefer it like that. But sometimes lonelyness hits. What are your strategies for dealing with the situation?
@Tyland Sending you strength and care. Sounds like you are going through a lot emotionally. Sorry to hear that. Hoping you can get some professional help with that soon :people_hugging:
@rikkofl Welcome to this wonderful place here :wave: And congratulations on five days! These are the hardest ones. :partying_face: :muscle: Sending you good tides for your path :wave: :man_walking:
@PositiveThoughts Sounds like you really need that weekend trip. I hope you get some down time there :camping:

296 sugar
160 UPF
34 gluten
34 dairy

Woke up to a thick fog, went out for a run through the gardens. Everything looked so magical with the fog and the dew.
More work on the dramatical parts of my game, fleshing out the stories and characters. Some yoga in the afternoon and game night with friends tonight.

Today’s intention - as always - trying to find peace and loving life just as it is :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:

  1. Day off the gym today that I granted myself. Still awaiting news about my job application success, or no success. Feels like I’m in a void, but it’s ok. Had a great session last night with my new Inner You group, I felt a strong sense of hope and community and shared struggles. Isolation is killer. It’s a beautiful, sunny (very cold for September) Friday in London and I will take a long walk later, maybe join a yoga class later afternoon to cap off a really hardcore gym week with some gentleness and breath and mindfulness. For today, I have hope and light :candle:

Difficult isn’t it. We all struggle with it one way ore another amd certainly when the mist in our brains clear up because we are sober and clean. This is what has helped me:

I share it here often :blush:
I think you are doing just great: 1 month in your pocket and there’s more to come!!


I think a cooldown period for yourself is needed now. It sounds like you did was best for you to do right now. If you still have second thoughts about how you have handled it towards her in about a few weeks you can decide to try to clear it up. But breaking up is never a great happy activaty :face_with_peeking_eye: For the both! No matter how you handle it.


I sent her already a message, that if she wants to know reason I’ll tell her. But it the same as someone who told me I had a drinking problem in the past, it’s not gonna work. But if she still wanna know I gonna tell her……


Day #285
Soo Happy Friday :grin:
This week went very fast. Everything is fine, still sober and happy.
Hope to have a great Friday and later great and sober weekend :sunglasses:
Stay sober and strong :muscle:


TGIF! (Thank God Im Frank haha). Out for a morning walk and it’s a great day. Happy sober Friday make it a good one my friends!!


Day 195

The Cat got my tongue this week! It’s Trash Day. :woman_shrugging: Happy Friday to those who celebrate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: