Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

@lisa_lou_who Congrats on your 1+ month of sobriety :muscle: Ah love ā€“ the mind can be a dark hole if we let it and regrets are the worst! We really canā€™t change the past and living in the what ifā€™s or should haves or would haves can be so destructive. You are here now! You are working on a sober life for yourself. Life will have its ups and downs but in our sober journey we can gain tools to help us live life on lifeā€™s terms. Keep up the great work :muscle: :tada:
@mira_d I do hope you start feeling better soon. Hopefully its not Covid. You made the best decisions for you, your family and your nephew at the time. No way could you have known what was going to happen or how things were going to play out. I am sorry that the lawyer was such a putz. Wishing you well and hope you are able to figure out a way to help out with your nephew :pray: :pray:
@rikkofl Welcome to the community Rich! Great work on your 5 days of sobriety. I love your gratefulness :heart: Join us on the Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7 thread. I find that adding gratitude to our daily practice really helps keep a positive mindset
@goku2019 So grateful that you are talking with your wife (hard to hold everything in) ā€“ easier to progress in the journey of sobriety and life when we can have support (especially from those closest to us). Hope you are able to ditch these repetitive dreams soon

Way to go on your 50 days friend! Love how far youā€™ve come and how well you are doing!

Oh that will be a wonderful day! :laughing: Miss you too but totally understand how busy you are with all that you have going on. Excited for your new career and that you are enjoying your Dutch lessons :heart: :hugs:
@twizzlers Way to go friend ā€“ 132 days and kicking butt! Big hugs and good luck vibes your way my friend. Hope you have a comfortable and safe surgery and a quick recovery :pray: :hugs:
@mrfantastik Great to see you friend ā€“ I know that life can get busy and it is hard to check in. Maybe change up the time of check in or the frequency. I know for some a weekly check in works to keep connected and accountable. Great to see you doing so well in your journey!
@rob11 Sorry friend ā€“ break ups are the worst no matter what. IMO, I would not try to reach out to clarify feelings or meet f2f. This may be hard for the both of you and prolong the healing process. I see your update. Wishing you luck with the conversation if she does reach out.
@thirdmonkey OH MAN! That so sucks! Sorry friend. Crazy how expensive some parts can be. YEAH!! Congrats on the job Scott! :tada: Sounds like a perfect fit (goes to show that we never know what is in store for us ā€“ admire your positive attitude through it all).
@rosacando Sorry you have had a rough patch but so grateful that you are finding your way out the other side (such positive notes in your message). Wishing you luck with helping your brother move (wishing that you do not experience any migraines).
@juli1 Sorry friend. I am sorry that your mind is playing these deceptive lies. You are a wonderful beautiful woman my friend (inside and out) and I do hope that you are able to see this for yourself. Remember that photoā€™s are moments caught in a flash and may not portray the true you. Sending you loads of hugs and love Jules ā€“ hoping you are able to see the amazingness for yourself

Checking in on Friday the 13th evening!
632 days free of weed and alcohol
1047 days free of cigarettes
My body has been giving me a LOT of trouble lately and I keep pushing through it. For one of my issues, the doctor told me yesterday that nothing more can be done besides monthly steroid injections or surgery and both are a NO for me. Still dealing with the fuck up from the last surgery and am allergic to steroids so fuck itā€¦ gonna try to figure out a better way to deal with it. My head goes in and out of a shitty space and luckily it is still finding its way to the positive.
I am alive, I am sober and I have an amazing supportive family who love me!
Bummed that the pool is closing for the season on Monday but grateful that they kept it open past Labor Day. Sure makes opening day in Spring that much better so something to look forward to I guess.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am excited. Even if the job stinks, the money and schedule are very good for family.


Day 943
Evening everyone! I was feeling pretty overwhelmed today. Just really rushed. And on top of it all, I was also pretty tired. Theres been sooo many phone calls back n forth, so many emails, trying to figure stuff out for my son. His wheelchair needs repair and this sounds like its going to be a headache, including costly. My son needed a couple other appts made for various reasons also. I spent alot of time talking with people and that drained me. I didnt have time to hit the gym today and my earing hasnt been great either. So that sort of put me in a downer. But ill manage. I did however finish another dreamcatcher and my macarons for my husbands coworker. So im pleased about that. My husband was a huge help today! He got home from work early and cleaned up the kitchen and gave me a chance to sleep for 3 hours in the afternoon. I needed that so badly. Im feeling much better now. Just have to get ready for work now. Thats about it. Hope everyone is having a fantastic evening!


Awe my friend, hugs to u! Im sorry that the Dr didnt have good news for u. It must feel awful. I hope that things continue to improve for u and am grateful that u have such a positive attitude. That in itself is half the battle when fighting health stuff. Juat want to send some healing hugs ur way :hugs:


Huge congratulations on ur new job! Sounfs like there are alot of benefits from working there!


Awe thank you so very much! I will take that beautiful hug :hugs: Wonā€™t lie ā€“ it isnā€™t the best news and I know I am in store for more not so great news but I do know that negativity will only make things worse. I have to find a way to live as iā€™ve finally been given the gift to live in my sobriety (if that makes sense). Thanks to you and others here I am surrounded by loving souls and great friends.

I am glad you got your dream catcher and macaroons done and ALL them calls - they can be so draining. Hope you are able to get all the appointments and wheelchair repairs taken care of :crossed_fingers:
Grateful that your hubby came home early so you could catch up on much needed sleep. Donā€™t be hard on yourself for what you were unable to get done but be proud of what you did accomplish! Much love to you Dana. Appreciate you :heart:

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Checking in with 159 days sober. Chauffering my kids all over town tonight and happy to do it since Iā€™m sober. This is a big perk to not picking up that drink.
This time last year I would have been upset Iā€™m not drinking, counting down the seconds until I could drink or drunk with kids upset and confused about why I refuse to drive them anywhere. Not good times.
Glad Iā€™ve made a positive change in my life, and theirs.


I know Iā€™m seeing this 10 hours later but are you doing OK now?


Another day sober
Just checking in


@Thirdmonkey Congrats on the new job! Sounds like some great perks :grinning:

I feel that :face_exhaling:


Had a slow morning at home, only bc I knew tonight would be crazy. It wasnā€™t even that busy, just horrible scheduling. One busser was scheduled, who our boss forgot canā€™t work Fridayā€™s soooā€¦no busser. I was supposed to be training but she ended up bussing for us, which was super helpful. Except the same thing happened to her last nightā€¦too busy to train. Never has this job been so consistently chaotic. Never. Our manager shirks her work onto the 3 underling managers (which btw, never existed before her), but makes it impossible for us to do it. How am I supposed to look over the entire dining room while Iā€™m in and out of the kitchen taking care of multiple tables?! That alone is a challenge when you have to bus too! Plus 2 brand new guys(literally today) working the kitchen line alone, while chef served the 100+ event alone! So over it tonight :roll_eyes: Going back in the AM, to work alone!

My bodyā€™s in so much pain, especially my neck again, but I know itā€™s bc my mind isnā€™t relaxed. I really need some me time(where Iā€™m not just laying on the couch). Time that isnā€™t rushed for some self care. Iā€™ve been slacking on that for sure. For now, I should eat something and get to bed. Goodnight :pray:


Day 215
Awesome Saturday workout. Weighed in at 91.4kg down from 116.3 in February.
I have signed up for the 5th year running to raise funds for The Black Dog Institute to help with funding for Mental Health Services. I have committed to walk 100km during the month of October and raise funds during that period. Feeling great.


Thatā€™s great Scott! And heaving a beautifull beard is a ā€œmustā€ in that branch too, at least in the Netherlands that is :blush:
Congratulations :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Glad you still manage to flip the coin to the good side Jasmine, I know how difficult that is to do.
Sending you a big hug :people_hugging::heavy_heart_exclamation:
Well make it two.


*Day 2187 :walking_woman:
A big part of my life is being active.
I have an active job being on my feet all day, I walk a lot in nature and I crossfit.
But when you canā€™t do all that because of an injury and your in pain all day it affects my mental state as well. I kept working. I managed with enough painkillers and enough breaks so I could sit for a while.
Iā€™m not a type that sees a doctor regually. If I can fix it myself ore wait for a while to let nature do itā€™s ā€œthingā€ I do so. With this feet injury I waited 1 week and decided to see a doctor. Then prosponed the apointment because I saw some improvement and waited for another week. Yesterday I finally went and got home with a bag filled with strong painkillers and pills that work against inflammation. They make me a bit groggy. But finally after more then 2 weeks of pain I can stand on my feet again instead of waddling in pain. Thatā€™s a big win!
Today? Work :face_with_peeking_eye:
And tomorrow my holiday finally begins! 2 weeks in France! :confetti_ball: This time not a active holiday doctors advice was to rest, so got myself a pile of books.

Have a good day ore night all TS people! :raising_hand_woman:


Hi Vanessa,

Itā€™s a new day and I will c how to deal with everything. Got a fresh haircut this morningā€¦ At a new hairdresser. God I hope she is doing her job. Itā€™s ego shit thatā€™s going onā€¦ Going crazy because of a picture, itā€™s over the top dramatic. But itā€™s like 10 strong horses going wild. I will try to calm themā€¦
Practice. Patience. Impermanence.
Thank you tooā€¦
@JazzyS @RosaCanDo @Mischa84 :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:

228 still doing this sober
Swim at 12 degree lolā€¦
and cinema with niece in the afternoon will do its job today lol

Keep love in your hearts :heart::heart::heart:


Happy Saturday sober pals.
Checking in with 899 days. Thereā€™s a sober gathering tonight with dancing, drinks and food. Iā€™m looking forward to it. I donā€™t feel the best but I think this might help pick me up.
Iā€™ve been pretty consistent with my health and fitness goals but Iā€™ve been isolating myself a lot. Just too tired to connect with others outside of family and work. And the more I put it off, the less I want to see others.
Itā€™s not great. Iā€™m going to try work on this.
Have a wonderful Saturday guys x



Last full day of our little trip has just started. Looks like a beautiful autumn day ahead. Let us all make the best of it. Sober and clean or nothing would come of it. Much love and healing to all who are hurting in one way or another. :two_hearts::people_hugging::two_hearts:


Congratulations! Butchering is gratifying - you see what you do. Itā€™s physically hard work but just take care of your body


I totally agree with @RosaCanDo And the honeymoon period is over for your sobriety too, probably. It kinda sucks that all these things are happening at the same time, or maybe they all have a knock on effect on each other and that is why they are all happening at the same time. Anyway, this where using your tools is the most important. You are smart enough to notice and label what is going on, now time to act proactively to keep yourself on the sober path. You know what you have to do, we are all here to listen and support. :purple_heart:


Congratulations :clap: :tada::clap: