Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

@Juli1 :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Thirdmonkey yay! Congrats :tada:
@JazzyS Ugh, I’m sorry, that’s the last thing we want to hear when we see a doctor :cry: :people_hugging: I do love your mindset though 🩵
@Just_Laura ugh, your new manager needs an intervention or something, I’m sorrry it’s so chaotic atm and that you’re in pain :people_hugging: I hope you do get some you time asap :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@SoberWalker I’m glad you’ve got some relief from the pain and will be getting some much needed rest and reading :books: time :raised_hands:t2: enjoy your time in France :fr: :blush:
@Alycia have a great time tonight :partying_face:

1495 days no alcohol.
960 days no cocaine.
475 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Therapy was hard yesterday. It was highlighted that apart from with my mum, who passed away when I was 8, I haven’t had a single healthy relationship with anyone, not family, not caregivers, not partners, not friends, for the rest of my life. Because of that, I have internalised a lot of the abuse and neglect from these other relationships, and that is affecting the way I relate to myself and other people now.

After two weeks of no control whatsoever, and finishing the ‘defeat your cravings’ audiobook, I have made a committment to myself that I will not binge again. I just have to get past the initial sadness and depression that appears when I first stop “feeding” the addiction (binge-eating).

Today is the monthly Survivors support group, so I will be attending that, and doing my usual daily routine things.

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:


  1. Can’t wait to get away on Wednesday, the ocean is calling me. Will take my wetsuit (it’s freezing here already) and dry robe for some sea swims in the tidal pools there. Also planning a 16km walk of another section of the coast path between Ramsgate and Margate. I’ve already done most of this route before, but planning to extend it in reverse, catching the Ramsgate to Broadstairs leg at low tide to walk the beach section. We have an apartment directly on the seafront and I’m excited to cook fresh fish, and just unplug completely. Today, I’m tired from a very late night for me, so cancelled my cardio classes today. I think we will drive out to a spot to walk in the sunshine.

Sounds like I will never drink again. It never worked for me. Not even that I won’t drink tomorrow. I hope you know what I mean. The only way that works for me is finding new tools to better cope with my feelings. To learn identifying my needs, acknowledge them.

Also telling people about how I feel and that I am currently thinking about drinking, binging or whatever helps. But for this I had to be honest to myself as well that most of the times I just fucking wanted it. And telling someone about it who possibly wanted to help me was no option anymore.


She did, it’s fine now. We stayed civilised….now the healing can start :pray:


Day 253 AF

Up on a Saturday for 5:30am and gearing up to mow a few clients. Meet with an exterior painter for house this morning and a contractor for potentially building a house on our lot next to our property to use as a rental.

I was offered a position as Sportsfield Technician yesterday for the municipality for which I am extremely excited as working for Parks was my intial reason for signing up for this work.

Things are going well and I feel very grateful for the life’s journey I have begun since becoming sober. I’m truly feeling happy and grateful for all I’ve been granted.

Be well TS fam and I wish you well in your journey of contentment and joy that I think only truly comes in a sober form and when you accept the joys that life can bring if you let it.



Good morning and happy Saturday! 0542 here so coffee is a must lol. Today I’m teaching some classes then silk screening about 50 t-shirts for an upcoming open house im having.

Have an awesome sober day my friends!!


297 sugar
161 UPF
35 gluten
35 dairy

Busy day today. Already done a lot, lots on my list. Goint to focus on staying in peace and keeping heart and mind open :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Your post really resonated with me… thanks for sharing friend!


Hey all, checking in on day 1553. I hope everybody has a good one!


Eyup sober fam, checking in before going to sleep.

My mind has been in a rut these past couple of days and I really need to get back on track. Insecurity and pressure were the triggers. But I know better, and just need to muster the courage to act the part. Tomorrow I intend to ‘simply’ do so… :grin:


How? Neglecting my healthy routine was my biggest mistake. Once I get back into the flow, I know my mindfulness will follow, because that’s where it’s thrived up until now. I don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

I’ll check in in the morning again to maintain focus. Hope you have a good day or night whoever and wherever you are in the world right now friend, we’ve got this… :v:


Day 54 check in.

Another Saturday waking up without a crippling hangover. Enjoying a coffee and just took time writing in my Five Minute Journal. Started writing in this 5 days ago and I think it has helped this week. I had a couple of bad days mentally and that resulted in some heavy cravings for a drink. I was bored at times and in the past I would have just drank or gotten high.

Reflecting on the week now, I’m proud of myself. I’m proud that I can sit in that boredom sober now. This journey has only just begun. This sober lifestyle is something I genuinely enjoy now. Having a clear mind each day brings happiness in itself.

Bad days will happen. We can’t be happy 24/7. Life is hard. But life is worth living when you have the right people around you. Today I’m grateful for this app and all of you. A goal of mine is to attend AA meetings but my social anxiety really inhibits me. Eventually I will muster up the courage. But for now this community has been super helpful. Reading everyone’s stories and thoughts reminds me I’m not alone in this. We all live different lives but we all have that one thing in common - the desire to better ourselves free from alcohol/drugs.

Congrats to each and every one of you! Whether you are celebrating a huge milestone like 1 year, 5 years or 10 years or even your 1st week or 1st day, pat yourself on the back and be thankful :pray: :heart:


Day 197

Hello! :wave: I’m enjoying some peace at last. It feels strange, the calm and lack of trouble. It’s exciting when I think of why. I’m healing.

Really thought I was broken when I came here. Now I’m beginning to relax. What will I become if I keep going?

Might I become a pumpkin?


Enjoy your days :heart:


Checking in day 180 AF. Hope everyone’s weekend is going great


A friend with 3300 days shared this with me. There is a “holiday” for every day…but I like this one.


Checking in with lucky number threes today!


Day 944
Morning TS fam! :sunny:
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday so far. Im currently at work. Did not feel like going in today but brought 2 coffees :coffee:with me to keep me going. I had weird dreams last night so I wasnt settled. Not using related at least, but still very strange.
Its a beautiful fall day here in Alberta tho, so that always increases my mood. Love that the temperature is dropping and that it is now sweater weather :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf:. Thats about it for me right now. Just wanted to check in and say hi :wave: and have a great day!!!


Love the number!!! Great catch!


@just_laura OMG that is horrible and sounds incredibly frustrating. Wish someone higher up could see how badly she is fucking up and how hard she is being on you all by understaffing and running you ragged. Hope you can rest and get your time for self care :hugs:
@seb CONGRATS – that is a wonderful transformation already – great work on staying sober and getting fit :muscle: Good luck with the upcoming running / walking challenges
@soberwalker Thank you Claudia. So sorry to hear that your foot is still causing you problems. I am glad that the meds help and that you are able to enjoy your amazing vacation. Lovely book selection – enjoy your holiday!
@juli1 A new day and a new attitude – I love it! A fresh new haircut always helps :hugs: Sounds like a lovely day planned – have a great weekend Jules
@alycia WOW 900 days tomorrow. :tada: :tada: Enjoy your sober evening of fun.
@catmancam Thanks Cam. Big hugs my friend. :people_hugging: A huge revelation in therapy yesterday. Hope you are able to continue healing and stretching your safety zones. Have a great time at your Survivors Support group today :heart:
@MBWOMAN OH how lovely – a day to celebrate sobriety! :heart: thanks for sharing
@icebear Love the 3’s – way to go friend — keep up the great work Drew! :muscle: :tada:

Checking in Saturday morning
Had a decent enough walk (my mom joined me and we had some arguments at the beginning but then we both cooled off). Found a new route to walk as too many coyote sightings in last area. Glad I got in a good swim today too and now time for a nap if I can manage.

Happy for a beautiful day! Gonna watch the new Beatlejuice movie soon (hoping today :crossed_fingers: ).

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Just checking in 14 months and two days AF. Life has been very life’s, which is why I haven’t been here in a while, but I visit when I have a chance. Will have to restart my junk food counter again.


Great to see you Patricia! Well done on 14+ months friend! Know we ae here for you whenever you may need - always great to see you :hugs: