Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in at the start of day 15.
Im on my own, in a foreign city on work. Major trigger alarms.
Maintained sobriety last night. Let’s do it again tonight.
Two weeks down.


Day 449. I will check in again later. Had a really nice day yesterday. Up early, shops, went to see family by Porthcurno so had a cliff top walk… Relaxed in the late afternoon and then watched brassic on Netflix. Sleep was a bit erratic but it has been of late. Woke up early for a coffee


Hope you have some good tools in your sobriety toolbox Adam. Coming here often and communicating sure is one. Have a good sober working weekend friend!


Morning all hope this finds you all well 3 months sober hit :blush:


Hey you! I didnot see you :smiley::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Thank you Menno!

So far so good :wink::+1:


Do you live there? Wanna meet some day? :sunglasses:
Love being there!


Eyo 900 days AF babyyy :pray:
I actually went out with other sober humans last night and it was so lovely. Man it’s so hard being a sober introvert, I so badly love to dance and I do like human interaction but it’s not easy for me at all. I am very grateful for the space last night to be myself.
Went for a run this morning with my husband to start the day. Good food, ufc and some meal prep this arvo. Life is sweet when you’re not trashing your mental and physical health. Who would have thought haha.
Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday wherever you are x


Thanks for sharing that ,I love greenday amazing band, ,think I’ll do a bit of Sunday housework to the American idiot album when it gets a bit later in the morning…hope my neighbours like greenday too !


Yay well done Damian :ok_hand:


Day 1496

I did a YouTube weights workout for the first time since before the summer, and my muscles are extremely tender, and in odd places. Along the tops of my shoulders and neck, my armpits, along my sides. My thighs too, but that is normal. Moving is painful, but if I stay still for too long, it is even worse.
It has got hot again, which is bloody annoying, and my kids are getting on my nerves, quite frankly, and then I feel guilty for being snippy with them. Ate way too many sweet things too, and feel bad about that.
Generally feeling a bit shitty, but have to remember I am sober, and that is something to be grateful for. 4 years ago a weekend like this would have been a dream.


@Misokatsu Sorry to hear you are suffering from DOMS and glad you are taking it as it is, even when you are feeling shitty. Feeling shitty after a streneous workout can also be a kind of way for your system to be recovering. Sending chill vibes :ocean:
@Alycia Congrats on 900 days! Such an inspiration. I feel you on sober socialising. Still have not found the right way and amount of me-time vs people-time.
@SoberWalker Looks like your feet are getting a well deserved rest :grin:
@DamianUK Congrats on three months! That is some serious work :muscle: :partying_face:
@Timetochange That view looks gorgeous!
@ASP Way to go on two weeks. What helps me when I am traverling is to connect to the recovery community via online meetings. Ideally in the evening when I don’t know what to do with myself. Always grounds me, gives me perspective, community. Maybe try it out.
@SussexGuy Congrats on four months :clap: :partying_face: So great to hear you are thriving in your sobriety!
@Just_Laura Thanks for sharing. When I was in active addiction I also thought that I am just a hopeless sick person. Now when I see how ‘normal’ people behave around my DOC I see that this is a mind altering substance for everyone and the behaviour is just a spectrum.

298 sugar
162 UPF
36 gluten
36 dairy

Did my morning run already. Now it’s time for my weekly review. I am very grateful I have this system set up, otherwise I’d just drown in overwhelm.
Other than that, a walk later - the weather is great - some yoga, maybe Recovery Dharma in the evening. Mostly chilling and relaxing.

Finding peace, loving life :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


288 days
Had a good day, went to the gym and trained then was with the kids all day, went grocery shopping and hung out at home.
Dropped them off at Nana’s house in the afternoon and went to nightshift.
Been quiet so far, I led some training for a couple of hours at the start of shift. Had some dinner and now just enjoying some quiet time.


Happy Sunday! It’s going to be another warm one here in Chicagoland 90F. Not going to complain because that is better than -10 and 3 feet of snow haha. Its 5:25 so time to get my happy but out of bed gor a walk and then off to a meeting.

MAKE it a great day my friends.


Day 13, going for a run this morning, then church, then an AA meeting tonight. It’s going to be a good Sunday.


@Chevy55 congrats on getting the position :clap:t2: :tada:
@icebear congrats on all the 3s :tada:
@Pattycake congrats on 14+ months :tada:
@DanaM56 that is very sad indeed, I’m sorry :people_hugging::mending_heart: sending strength 🩵
@wahtisnormal congrats on 5 months :tada:
@SussexGuy congrats on 4 months :tada:
@ASP congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@DamianUK congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Alycia congrats on 900 days :tada:
@allswell welcome to the checking-in thread :blush:


@One4theroad @1in8billion @JazzyS @RosaCanDo @Tragicfarinelli

Thank you all for the support 🩵

1496 days no alcohol.
961 days no cocaine.
476 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

The Survivor’s support group was good, something I said in my check-in triggered a 1.5hr discussion about everyone’s experiences of addiction.

I was awake late last night, but I was fully distracted watching clips of performances by an artist I’ve recently discovered. So bingeing didn’t cross my mind.

Today I feel peaceful without the shame I’ve been waking with recently. My body is thanking me too.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Well hey all most the normal cant sleep feeling so lost. Ex messed me asked how i was doing. I didnt even want to answer. But did tryed to do it with saying anything it sucks when you make a choice to open to someone and comfortable and then the trust and security is gone. Guess im feeling lonely any how hope everyone has a amazing day


Hey all, checking in on day 1554. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 255 AF

Awake early again, as usual, but a decent sleep regardless.

I have a weird thing going on as of late. I ate pizza Fri and donair last night. The thought of eating healthy is feeling kinda gross. I am unsure where this has crept out of as I am typically a healthy eating person but just can’t wrap my head around a salad or veggies at all. It’s like if it doesn’t have some kind of bread I’m out… not sure how to shake this and get back to wanting healthy foods… like I said it’s weird.

Anyway, son is coming and I think I’m finally going to tackle moving the shed and turning into a greenhouse… but first moving it across my driveway, so about 60’ of a 10’x14’ all wood shed… should be interesting. Perhaps I’ll still shot it to grab any of the errors that I’m sure will ensue.

Have a good day folks and enjoy your sobriety