Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 216
Sunday night check in. Had a great day. Finally got out with the camera this morning after yesterday’s dismal weather. Hadn’t seen my partner in 2 weeks as she had been out of town visiting her Aunt so was awesome to finally spend some beautiful time together. Hope everyone is doing ok.
Love you all TS Family :heart:


Get comfortable with the uncomfortable that’s what I was told and I’m guessing the Ex is an Ex for a reason don’t let people that don’t deserve your trust take it ,be kind to yourself today . Get out for a walk and shake off all that bad energy :kissing_heart: happy Sunday :ok_hand:

  1. Sunny Sunday. There’s lots of house chores and bits to sort and to do today ahead of a busy week getting away and getting the cats off to their boarding family for some days. Blue is on steroids currently for possible inflammation in a tender spot. Boy is trooping it like a warrior. He will have finished the course before we leave him with his boarders, thankfully. Nothing else to report, was a gorgeous day yesterday. Already done a breathwork and a sunny walk to shake the soul awake. It’s better to live inside recovery than to intellectualise it. When I just think about recovery (and wow, I’m sober, I don’t drink) then I’m not actually recovering shit about myself. Intentions and commitments are working better for me these days. Probably me moving on from being a dry drunk hopefully.

Checking in 181 days. Hope everyone’s weekend was great


Day 198

Woke up a few hours too early, but otherwise :white_check_mark:. I’ll drink a lot of water and be kinda mindful. Kinda mindful is like tremendously mindful, for me :kissing_heart:.

Love you guys!


Congrats on 2 weeks down @ASP we’re here if the cravings get to loud to be of support


57 days sober. Almost at my 60 day milestone :blush: things have been getting better for me every day since thankfully.


Thank you im hope you have a amazing day too


164 days sober
Today been frustrating but I’m still sober. :blush:

We had a very intense wind storm and my roof blew off😩

So I’ve been dealing with this today. Fortunately the main part of my house still has most of it’s roof but am needing to stay at my friends place tonight. Hoping to get it repaired tomorrow. So that’s been my day. Hope it isn’t going to be very expensive to fix…am trying not to stress about it.


It’s a good day to be 20 days sober! Let’s goo!


Love that!
Checking in day 126 AF. I’m so grateful to be sober. I’ve had a few tough cravings and urges especially when dealing with emotional upsets. Normally I would go buy a couple of bottles of wine to escape. But I reminded myself that does nothing, it makes the problems worse and they are still right there the next hung over morning.
I’m grateful to be present for the good, the bad and the ugly. I want to live my life, all of it. Not watch it pass me by.

Have a wonderful day or night.


@Laner holy crap! i hope you will have your roof fixed soon. I adore how calm you “sound” posting about this roof situation, i would definitely lose my shit, calmed down, and lose my shit again :sweat_smile: Stay strong!

@HakeemOsman congratulations! As far as i remember your goal was to finish between 1:40 and 1:50 so you made it! Insane time! Big up :muscle:t3:


Thank you! That was definitely my goal and I’m super stoked I got it done. I’m also grateful it coincides with my 20 days of sobriety. That’s a great way to maintain focus!


Day 945
Gooood morning everyone! Feeling suuuper groggy today. Left work a little early to grab a 2nd coffee at Tim Hortons bcuz i needed it. Im struggling to find the right amount of my prescribed sleeping pill to take a night. I am prescribed to take anywhere from 1/2 pill - 2 pills a night to help me sleep but either i dont take enough and im wide awake for 3 hours trying to get to sleep, or i take too much to where im groggy the next day. I took 1 last night so will try 1/2 pill tonight.

Im currently at work enjoying my coffee while my client sleeps. Hope today goes by quickly. I have to make the grocery list today also bcuz tmrw is my big grocery shop day. This week in general will be crazzzy busy. So much to do.

Anyway, enjoy ur Sunday everyone!!


I had some internal freaking out but then remembered I’ve been meaning to replace the roof for a few years now and now here is my opportunity. :sweat_smile: Inconvenient? Yes. But no real harm was done mostly frustrating timing. Am just glad it got stuck between the buildings and didn’t fly away and hurt someone.


So sorry about your roof @Laner glad you are safe and can stay with a friend. Nothing to drink at


@soberwalker Have a wonderful and safe trip – glad you are able to rest your feet on your journey :hugs:
@danam56 OH I’m SOOOO SORRY! How sad to read this. Grateful you did not drink and feed that urge. Sending you and yours love and my condolences
@wahtisnormal Way to go Zoe – 5 months is amazing work :muscle: I see how much you have grown and all the efforts you are putting in. Very proud of you and looking forward to celebrating many more milestones with you :hugs: :tada: Having a plan and taking it slow and steady and building up from that routine is best. Wishing you luck with your new workout regime.
@sussexguy YEAH 4 months and kicking butt! :muscle:
@asp Great work on 2+ weeks and dealing with the triggers. It is not easy especially when you are alone in a foreign city. If you are willing, check into local meetings to attend. This will help you feel connected. Keep pushing forward :muscle:
@damianuk Yippee to your 3 months – impressive work – lets keep that streak going strong :muscle:
@alycia 900 days AF!!! Way to kick ass! Glad you enjoyed a night out. Dancing is so cathartic!

OMG – so much love and happiness my heart felt just reading this. So happy for you friend. Hope you continue to have a wonderful day :people_hugging:
@laner OH Man – I’m sorry to hear about the crazy storm – grateful everyone is safe. I do hope it can be fixed quickly and is not too expensive :crossed_fingers:
@hakeemosman WOOP WOOP – that is awesome work my friend – what a great way to celebrate your 20 days! That is an impressive running time – should be proud! :tada: :tada:

Wow – love this and a great reminder to be present for it all and not waste away in addiction :heart:

Checking in on Sunday morning
slept like crap but managed to wake up for my walk and last swim of the season. Both were decent but not the best times as I was dragging. Still better than not doing them at all.
Had a few coffee’s now and still exhausted so gonna zone out with a Halloween movie.
Happy Sunday you beautiful people – wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you so much! I’m super stoked because I shave 11 minutes off of my previous run time!


DANG!!! that is impressive as hell. I would be stoked too.


Checking in at 44 days sober. Still get the occasional urge to drink but fight through it and move on to the next day. There is nothing good tht will come of drinking again other than a short buzz and self loathing in the morning. I did think I’d lose a little more weight then I have, only 4 or 5 pounds, so that keeps me motivated. I have been walking every day, One day at a time,