Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

I’m so sorry @Laner :disappointed: I’m glad you’ve got your friend for support today :heart:


Checking in 10m26d

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

It really is all work, read, meetings and sleep at the moment. People are too people-y for me right now. A bunch of people from my meetings who have been around a while have all set a date to go to a meeting to see me collect my 1 year chip which, is so lovely of them. One day at a time, eh? lol
Very tired at the moment; quite lonely, but getting through it.


@HakeemOsman congratulations on 20 days!!!
@Laner omg!!! Thays awful! That must have been some wind storm!! Hope its a fairly easy fix.
@Chevy55 i think processed foods and foods high in carbs are very addicting. Its like once u start eating them, ur mind tells u that u need more amd that it is enjoyable. I get like urself at times. Usually i crave healthy foods but i go thru phases where i want greasy, carb filled, unhealthy meals lol Then i end up feeling unwell and start eating healthy again. I can really feel the difference in my energy levels and within my body when i eat better food. Maybe just try to make one of ur usual healthy meals and eat it. Ur body and mind may realize what its missing :slight_smile:
@misokatsu great job on the workout friend!! And yes, this is so true…

What a realization eh? It really puts things into perspective when we think of our past lives and how we wished for what we have today. I do hope ur day improves tho :hugs: Sending hugs ur way!
@alycia wow! Congratulations on 900 days!!! Great work!!
@damianuk huge congratulations on 90 days!!!
@asp proud of u for staying sober last night under the circumstances. Congratulations on 2 weeks!!! (Well 15 days now). Stay close to us and to ur supports. U got this!
@sussexguy fabulous work on 4 months!!! Great to see u posting and doing well :slight_smile:
@wahtisnormal Yay! Congratulations on 5 months!!! Great job!! I love ur mindset and ur positivity! Im very much an all or nothing type of person, especially when it comes to the gym. Like u mentioned… Consistency is key to success. I dont need to be perfect at every workout, but i do need to be consistent. Im proud of u for making positive changes in ur life!


Thank you! I’m super stoked!


@JazzyS @19801 @Butterflymoonwoman
Thanks! Yeah was definitely a bad windstorm. Probably the worst I’ve experienced since being here.


Ten months today. Feels good, been having fun with my girls. Went for a late night ride after they fell asleep last night. Tupper still feels weird to me. But yeah much love


Yes and yes!! We can sober walk through town, lunch, museum?


Congratulations dude your rocking sobriety glad you’ve had a nice day :tada:


Day 3 today, and it’s been a challenging ride so far. Anxiety, low energy, dullness, and sleepless nights are hitting hard .It’s a battle with my mind and body, It’s tough to adjust to a new normal without alcohol😑


we texted back and forth a little but I ultimately decided I’ll wait until I see my therapist on Thursday to talk any further


Lovely! I am in France now for holiday. Will send you a pm when I’m back. Hope my feet is better by then too, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


@AZeke 44 days is impressive. You are right…no good can come from going backwards. You are doing great and keep it up. Weight loss in sobriety is so different for each of us…keep living a sober active life and it will happen :pray:t4::muscle:t4:
@Mindofsobermike yeah 10 months!! That’s awesome work my friend. Keep it going strong :muscle:t4:. Glad you are having a good weekend with the girls

@Manpreet welcome to the community and great job on starting your journey. 3 days is super impressive. Just think you are that many days farther from day 1 and you’ve just about finished with a weekend :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:. It is a hard road but so worth it. Find ways to keep yourself busy so you don’t have time to entertain the urges. Try to find a support system (this community is great for it, a meeting or recovery group in real life is also helpful)- we need each other to get through this journey. Glad you are here with us…hope to see you around :hugs:
@Twizzlers how are you doing? What time is the surgery scheduled for on Tuesday? Sending you love and know we will be with you in spirit :people_hugging::heart:


Fantastic half marathon time, my friend!


Thank you! I’m super grateful I was able to make it happen. I wanted anything between 1:45-1:50.


Checking from sloppy rainy central Europe. Sober on a work trip. I hope all my Eastern Europe friends are staying safe in Storm Boris. :blue_heart:


Another day
Another sober day.


:slight_smile: ay 449 second check in

Watching peaky blinders… Off work Monday and Tuesday.

I’m pleased to be at home and alcohol free. I have been looking at new training shooooes as a treat. Pontificated all day and no further forwards. :joy:


My thoughts are with the people in Central Europe that are experiencing torrential rain, floods and dam breaks, that ain’t no joke! :worried:


Congratulations Mike on 10 months!!!


I hear that. I always feel so much better when I eat healthy. Absolutely find me dragging when I eat crap.

That said, it’s addictive crap and I have found I fall down that hole occasionally… now I just gotta pull myself out. Perhaps beginning day this past week with toast and peanut butter is what got this started as I did t have the cup for my blender to make breakfast smoothies… I have it back now so will get back to that in morning…

Appreciate your thoughts. It made perfect sense.