Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Yeah I know, thats what makes me more scared. I have had pain in my back for a week or so now, and I have wierd sensastion in my arm for years. So I hope it was only a panicattack or if a hartattack I would maybe be dead now :woman_shrugging:


I read back on some of your posts. Regardless of the fact that you have similar things happening quite a bit it’s still not something to take lightly. A hospital would not be able to blow you off because of your symptoms.

I see that you often feel like you can’t swallow or it’s getting stuck, and it’s affecting how much you’re eating.
Next time you’re at your family doctor ask her if there’s any chance that you might need your esophagus stretched. It’s a real and valid thing.

One time I ate some chicken ( chicken is one of the worst for sticking around in the throat) then swallowed a bunch of vitamins and nothing went down. Not even water.

I didn’t go to the ER. Stubborn and wasn’t in distress. I should have.
I wasn’t drunk. I didn’t drink.

I did go to the doctor the next day or so and he said I needed my esophagus stretched. So there you have it. I was young like you are.

I hope your doctor takes what you have to say seriously. And if they write it all off to anxiety, that they are sure of what they’re doing. And do their best to treat the anxiety.

Big hugs.


Day 186
Friday night check in.
Looking forward to a fairly quiet weekend. Going to watch my friend play his 300th match for his soccer club tomorrow, a great guy and absolute monument to the club and the sport. Sunday, gym and meal prep so pretty chilled weekend ahead.


It’s always nice to read your posts & see those little snapshot photos @Mno…

And 1896 days…! Epic :muscle:


Congrats Damien


Hey all, checking in on day 1524. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 275. Work, then looking forward to making some memories with my girls camping. Heather is coming so that will fun as well. Going to test out the new wheel, set autumns dirtbike up and relax by a campfire. Cant get any better. Much love have friday everyone


Day 224 AF

Seems my issue with work mate has dissipated. Not sure what or why but he’s back to same old self. So we engage, laugh and joke around once again. I haven’t brought up what the issue was. Will leave to him discuss if he wants, otherwise life goes on.
Took today off work as a vacation day and have 4 mows on the books for day. Make 3 times more on mows, lol.
Move my son tomorrow back home while he travels back to BC for two weeks then back to his new apartment when he returns. Booked trip before he knew lease on old apartment wouldn’t be renewed… so a lot of wasted trips, but happy to help him out.

Mow my place Sat afternoon then plant a few new trees with his help, then two large properties to do on Sunday, then back to work Monday…

That’s been my life for past 4 months mostly.

Enjoy your sober weekend folks


It’s all about perception and where we place our values in life friend :vulcan_salute:

Hope you’re alright with the meds dosage & food poisoning you mentioned btw! :crossed_fingers:


Hope u manage to get some good sleep! :sleeping: Do you know what’s causing your sleeplessness? You’ve mentioned pains before, is that something that could be helped with meds or something else? I’m about to go to sleep in Australia, but hope you have a nice & sober rest of your day :pray::heart:


Day 199

I feel so released and at ease today.
Won’t over analyze.
Just taking in the good.



Day 168

Happy Friday to you. All good here. Extremely hot. I’m sluggish. Need to stretch and exercise, and start packing. But :hot_face: I have no energy haha. I’m inspired by thinking of mountains. Up up :mountain_snow: :dancer::heart::heart:

Enjoy your day! I need to get after things.


You’re right I have been incredibly productive and am getting a lot done. But feel like I’m running on fumes. Am hoping this weekend I can recharge and take good time to relax. Taking on this translation project has been incredibly satisfying for work but it is also feeling like healing/mental work as well which can be tiring. I’m learning a lot through it and like that I can learn through my job this way. Also love that I can bring the first material and education about alcohol recovery to the county and that they are excited about this!





134 days sober
Had another productive day here. I’ve had some problematic vocabulary in some of the translations with this project (always happens)…it’s hard when I need to translate words that don’t exist in the target language but this is one of the parts of translating I find most fun because I like the challenge of it. Some challenging words I’ve ran into this time around are hangover, craving/s, anxiety, withdrawal, binge drinking, sober and mental health (there is no word for mental). Tomorrow I’ll go on a long walk and think about what phrases to come up with to describe these new words/concepts.

If these words didn’t exist within your language and without using direct definitions what would you say in replacement of them?


Checking in with 131 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too.
Looking forward to a nice weekend with my husband and kids. I hope you all have a good day.


@acromouse sorry the dosage backfired. Hope you start feeling well soon my friend. Thanks for the sleepy vibes…had a few good naps already
@Chevy55 glad all is back to normal with your work mate. Hope you enjoyed your mow day :wink:.
@1in8billion I did get some naps to catch up. The pain is due to a few different chronic pain issues. Meds really don’t help (the side effects mess with me much worse). I hope you are doing well and enjoying working on your mental and physical health :people_hugging:
@Juli1 Super excited to see 200 tomorrow.
@Laner sending you luck in finding replacement words …that has got to be a difficult task. Nothing is coming to mind at the moment.

Checking in on Friday evening

Been a chill day. Did manage to get some physical activities done today along with many naps. Still feeling drained and exhausted so may try to nap soon.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in. At work. First hours was terrible, but I do feel a bit better now. 1 1/2 hour left at work, and home to twd. Hope for a good day tomorrow because we have family birthdayparty for my son.


104 days check in :white_check_mark:

Haven’t been on much. Just been keeping daily life duties flowing. + Swimming and eating healthy is helping me to wear my self out like a baby :laughing: it helps so much with my mind. Everything makes sense after intense swims.
Can’t wait to try out open water swimming in the ponds on Tuesday.
Might do it all through the winter, start acclimatisation and build up properly and safely.

Anyway just checking in and hope everyone is well



Ah nice Twizz. I’ve not done the ponds myself either.