Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in! :raising_hand_woman:t3:
Today was 10x better than yesterday! Work was alright. I guess my mood varies a lot depending with whom I work. Today I had the ā€œeasy goingā€ colleagues working the same shift. Always makes things easier! :sweat_smile:
After work I decided to go for a walk, first I was too lazy, but finally I went last minute! I only did a 5K route, but thatā€™s better than nothing! In fact I changed my route to get some variety!

The weather is good again, sadly on our neighbor island Menorca the damage suffered from the heavy rains is hugeā€¦ Weā€™ve had chaos at the airport in Mallorca since 3 days, hundreds of flights cancelled and people sleeping all over the terminal! :scream:

  1. Looks like my sister might -yet again- not visit, cancelling same day. Iā€™m a bit annoyed I lost a whole nightā€™s sleep, but thatā€™s not my sisterā€™s fault. What I though was anxiety was indeed anxiety, but also excitement to see my baby sister. These things happen, Iā€™ll move on. Planning on a good nightā€™s sleep tonight and then up for gym. Not sure what else yet as we had planned around my sis being here. Iā€™m feeling more in touch with my emotions and needs lately and being able to name them. Doesnā€™t make them less painful or full, but understanding them is getting better.

I miss my lane swimming so much, ever since I hurt my shoulder I canā€™t swim lanes anymore. Hopefully it will get better again in the futureā€¦




Hey everyone! Quick update for u all, I was accepted for my top choice of an apartment!! I move in next month!!


@JazzyS another day under my belt. In Real Life sometimes is difficult to find a person who understand my struggle. I mean daily. Once a week or monthly I can speak openly with someone


@Jules000 congratulations :clap:t6::sun_with_face:!!!


Day 1337,

The addiction is talking to meā€¦ā€¦it is getting stronger. Intrusive and dark thoughts. Never had it this long before a milestone, 4 years is only in December. I have so much to give, I just donā€™t know how. Iā€™m getting tired again of being the nice guy. People seem to like that version of me, but I hate it, social acceptance is not equal to recovery. F*ck my brother and my family. Need to cut them loose, to save myself, including my mother if she keeps trying to pull me in again like if nothing ever happened. Canā€™t sleep for a bit, thoughts about selling my house grap my back pack and go. Iā€™m to damagedā€¦.ptsd is flaring upā€¦.massive amounts of energy flowing through my bodyā€¦.my brain longing for extreme adrenaline/dopamine shotsā€¦I need to the get a gripā€¦if I go I go fastā€¦.I can be very observant, I can use it to love but it gives me also the power to manipulate and destroy people in a few sentences the latter is getting the upper handā€¦


Hello friends :wave: Checking in sober on a Friday night. Feels good.


Great news! Congratulations!


Hello everyone, itā€™s been a while. I went back to treatment and came home in June. Glad to be back with TS family. Checking in Day80.


@Laner Interesting conceptā€¦ :thinking: & love your work :ok_hand: Thanks for posting :slight_smile:

@JazzyS Sorry to hear that you have to deal with chronic pains, I must have missed that in my absence, that must not be easy :heart: Iā€™m not the greatest fan of meds anyway if Iā€™m honest and believe much more happens in the mind, i.e. the placebo effectā€¦ Hmm, have you tried massages, chiropractic treatment or acupuncture yet? Also yoga/stretching and ASMR or visualisation/calming sleep videos/audios? Just some thoughts, maybe Iā€™m way off :sweat_smile: Glad you got some power naps anyways :raised_hands: Stay strong ey, hope the drained/exhausted feeling passes soon, Iā€™ve been working on mine too :sunflower:

@Rob11 Stay strong buddy! :people_hugging: Glad you posted your situationā€¦ Remember who you are and what youā€™re here for - not just this amazing community or your great achievements (1337 days! What a journey and proof of the potential within you!), but in this life/existence in general friend. Maybe give exercise, a cold shower, meditation, articles or youtube videos covering your specific mood/situation, self-analysing, mindfulness exercises or something nice/different/productive a try to clear your mindā€¦ Youā€™ve got this, weā€™re here for you too if you need anyone to talk toā€¦ You know better than to kick yourself up the arse, itā€™ll hurt! :sweat_smile: Seriously though, self harm wonā€™t ever take pain awayā€¦! Hereā€™s a nice quote: life is like sailing, you canā€™t control the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach your destinationā€¦ What might your ideal self do or tell you now? What did you start sobriety for? You do have so much to give! :wink:


@Just_Laura happy 18 months

Ok @Laner let me try

Mental health - mind health? Brain health? Emotional health

Hangover - i cant think of just one other word to describe a hangover but more symptoms experienced when hingover: dehydrated, dizzy, nauseous, sick, exhausted, foggt thoughts

Cravings - unrelenting desire, a compulsion, an itch that needs scratched

Anxiety - racing thoughts, cyclical worry

Withdrawl - hmm ?

Sober - free from alcohol


Proud of you @K_S i was happy to see your avatar pop up. Keep doing it my friend



Working weekend coming up. Thatā€™s OK. Iā€™m OK. In fact Iā€™m a bit better than OK. Therapy was good, we did get to talk about some important stuff. Even talked about maybe ending contact at the end of the year which I would hate but on the other hand maybe itā€™s time to move on from this particular therapist however much I like her and however much my separation anxiety flared up. Still glad at least we made a start with talking about it.

Also I got the back wheel to my road racing bike back yesterday, just in time to go for a spin when the weather cleared up in the afternoon. Riding is really important for me and my mental health I learned from missing a good bike for a couple of days.

Anyway. Iā€™m going to have as good a day as I can and expect the same from you. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love to you all.

@K_S Itā€™s good to see you Kenny! Congrats on day 80.
@Rob11 Reading your post it seems to me itā€™s high time for action friend. No destruction but construction. Your life seems to need some positive actions in regard to your relationships. Canā€™t do it alone though. You need others like we all do. Professionals, peers, just friends, or a combination. Donā€™t go it alone and work on building. Take really good care of yourself. Donā€™t believe the hype. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


Hey sober fam, checking in for today :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™ll start with a cold shower, breakfast, meditation, jog, work out and healthy lunch. Feeling good overall, on trackā€¦ :seedling::sunflower:

I promise myself to give my best to be my best today. Have as good a day or night as you can friend. :muscle::heart:


Mental health: health of the mind, healthy thinking/thoughts


@K_S Glad to have you back :blush: I was literally just thinking about you yesterday! Weird. Congrats on 80 days :clap:


Woke up early again after 7 hours of sleep and felt well rested. Didnā€™t do a whole lot before work as it was Friday and I knew we were gonna be short staffed bc we have a few college kids who went back already. One Iā€™m especially proud of who got a full hockey scholarship to Yale! He really deserves it. I work with so many great kids and love watching them grow up and succeed in life :pray:

Work wouldā€™ve been fine if we rotated tables like we always used to, but NO! My boss had to assign them, which means you have to pray yours donā€™t all walk in at once. Well, mine did :face_exhaling: I already had a big one and got 3 more at the same time, while the other 2 servers only had 1 table each. Iā€™m over here running my ass off, trying not to forget anything (which I ended up doing bc I had so much going on), while the other 2 were bored. They did help with what they could if I asked, but thatā€™s not how it should be. We couldā€™ve each had 2 tables, waiting for our staggered 3rd, 4th, etc., and service wouldā€™ve been better. Itā€™s like sheā€™s setting us up for failure. Anytime sheā€™s involved, things go wrong. And she wonders why members are complaining about poor service! Ugh, well maybe bc you tried to fix something that wasnā€™t broke :face_with_monocle: Itā€™s done now, quit bitching! (I say to myself)

Anyway. Gotta go back in the morning so I need to get to bed. Goodnight, my sober warriors :muscle:


200 days AF :v:t2:
ā€¦ What a journey!


Big congratulations @Juli1 !!!
Sooo happy for you!!