Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in again, I feel like I needed that longer meditation… “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. I’ll need to work on that :grin: Have a good day or night guys :pray::heart:



Home! Luna seems to be doing good. I’m fine myself. It’s always nice to sleep in your own bed after being away for a bit. One more week of vacation to go. Will take it easy and play the tourist in my own town some more. Sober and clean.

Have as good a week as you all can friends. Let’s make it clean and sober or nothing will come from it. I will. One day at a time for all of us. Pic is from the Dollard and taken by my friend, on the northeast edge of the country. Again we saw some beautiful stuff here. For a small overpopulated flat country there’s still so much good to see and discover. Love.

@Laner Here’s hoping it will be a blessing in disguise and you’ll have a sturdy roof that can stand the weather and times very very soon!
@CATMANCAM Just want to hug you friend :heart: :people_hugging: :heart:
@SoberWalker @Lola I wanna come too!
@HakeemOsman Great running Hakeem!
@Mindofsobermike 10 Months friend. Going places. Keep doing the right thing friend.
@Tomek Hope you and yours are safe my friend. What a mess out there.
@1in8billion I hope you’re analysing what happened friend. So you learn some and won’t fall for the same trick addiction used this time. In the meantime it’s one day at a time for al of us. And never again really is never again. Take care.


Checking in

I hope everyone has a great Monday



Feeling sad. Lot’s of reasons, main reason being my awareness that I have plenty of friends, but I don’t feel close to anyone. Not a single person. It hurts.

Went for a run today, 2nd day in a row. Tomorrow I’m working the morning shift instead of the night shift (I have to be up in 5 and a half hours and I havent even gotten ready for bed yet :melting_face:). The lack of sleep and opposite work schedule is going to make it really difficult to stick with going for a run tomorrow, I’m probably just going to want to pass out when I get home. Then I have to get up the next morning, likely still sleep deprived, to volunteer. It feels like I just can’t win.


289 days
Last night at work wasn’t to busy so headed to the gym after dropping the kids to school. Then just had a relaxing day at home.
Currently lying on the floor in the kids room playing some songs for them while they go to sleep. Will try not to fall asleep myself haha


Day 2367. Up before my alarm, ready to start the new job. I guess I am excited. We shall see how it goes.


Good luck :+1:. Keep us posted!


Honesty is a great place to start. Hiding and secrets only make us sick. Can you look back at before the relapse and see any signs or hints? They say a relapse starts way before we think it does.


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:!


Have a good one Scott!


@Laner woah that must have been strong wind :astonished: I’m glad it got trapped so you still have it atleast. I hope it can be repaired asap and at a reasonable price :crossed_fingers:t2:
@HakeemOsman congrats on your half marathon, that’s an amazing time!:clap:t2:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I hope you enjoyed the movie :clapper:
@Mindofsobermike congrats on 10 months :tada:
@Manpreet welcome :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Jules000 good luck with your move :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@1in8billion congrats on your honesty :people_hugging: sorry it happened. A long meditation is a good place to sart :man_in_lotus_position: 🩵
@Mno hugs back :people_hugging:🩵
@Thirdmonkey good luck! :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:

1497 days no alcohol.
962 days no cocaine.
477 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

Another peaceful morning without shame. :raised_hands:t2:

Today I had a phonecall from the cessation nurse, we agreed to reduce the nicorette mouthspray. Then I have Monday therapy, so after here I need to shower. Then later this evening I have my ADHD assessment.

I hope you all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



I plan on it!


I will! It will be a whole new experience.


@Thirdmonkey Good luck on your first day! Hope it turns out well. Keep us posted!
@MrFantastik Happened to me yesterday. Went to cuddle with my daughter and woke up when she wanted her bed for herself :joy:
@wahtisnormal Could you set up a running schedule where you only run every other day or four out of seven or something like that to accomodate your work schedule?
@GOKU2019 Thanks for sharing your party story. I find it always interesting how we starting seeing new things at familiar places or events once we get sober.
@1in8billion Great job on coming clean and sharing your relapse. Sneaking around is always a part of addiction. Do you have any idea what preceded the relapse? And what you could do differently next time?
@Mira_D Nice to hear you are feeling good again. You are right: Health is a treasure we take for granted too often.
@Jules000 Best wishes on your move day! Looks like a big new step in your life. Congrats :partying_face:
@icebear Staying in contact with my family who lives in the affected area. They are safe at the moment and it apparently stopped raining. Hoping this whole thing passes soon.
@Manpreet Keep at it friend. The first days are the worst. Once you are out of this things will improve. Keep yourself occupied, invest in lots of good quality self care and stay connected. Maybe join a meeting, maybe online. Support is crucial in these early days. Rooting for you! :muscle: :people_hugging:
@Mindofsobermike Congrats on 10 months Mike! Quite a journey you’ve made. Respect!

299 sugar
163 UPF
37 gluten
37 dairy

Had a shitty night. Waking up with a hormone induced panic attack. How I hate that. I slept a few hours and feeling better now.
My daughter is off to school. She had a migraine episode yesterday and it took us a while to find the right combination of meds. In the end it all worked out. I just hope for her to be migraine free for today.
I am going to prep for my first class this term. I’ve got most of the stuff already set up from the previous terms. Then some work on story telling.
Class is at noon, errands after that, yoga and relaxing in the evening. Maybe a meeting.

Looking to stay in peace and love life no matter what :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Hey all, checking in on day 1555. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hello all, going on day 14 here. I woke up feeling completely horrible today. My diet yesterday was shit, processed food for breakfast, no lunch, went to an ice cream shop with a friend midafternoon and had a banana split then she made some sort of carrot soup for dinner. Felt bad last night and worse this morning. I have to get the sugar as well as the alcohol out of my diet. Hope everyone has a great start to the week!

  1. Checking in.

Happy Monday! Another hot one today. Feeling great and excited about the day. Its awesome to wake up clear headed and not shaking because I did nothing but drink all weekend.

Make it an awesome day my friends!



Back at work tomorrow. A few yucky things, like seeing students I failed again, dealing with (I feel) patronizing or dismissive coworkers. Also, just busier, and so will be less tolerant of husband.
My muscle pain seems a fair bit better, maybe it was just time or I relented and used a medicinal compress.
More rubbish eating today. Very glad I will at work and away from various snacks that are in the house.


495 no alcohol
135 no form of nicotine
3 no form of pot

Ordered my big book of aa and 12 step and tradition book. I should have them in a few days

I want to practice the program. Spoke at a online meeting and feel good about that.
Could be starting church. Still have to plan.

Clocking into work
Be back soon