Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in, again!
This afternoon I went for a walk, my first thought was “no, I’m too lazy”, but luckily I gave myself a little kick in the butt, and finally went.
After that I had a nice bath while listening to an audio book. Tomorrow I’m back to work. The next booze filled tournament is this Saturday… :roll_eyes: I guess I’ll re-read “Alcohol lied to me” from Craig Beck this week.
I can honestly say I am so happy that my mom has found the apartment, this was one of our big headache factors, I know this was stressing her out, and now a huge lift has fallen of her, as well as my shoulders! :blush:


If that means you want to drink: don’t!!! And I also don’t believe that or you wouldn’t be here. You might be craving as drinking probably is the only coping mechanism you feel you have right now. Been there. Done that. But please don’t. Distract. Delay. Discuss. Drink water. Deep breaths. Don’t give in. It will kill you. I don’t think and feel it’s your time yet friend. Hang in there Indi :people_hugging::two_hearts::people_hugging:


230 days AF

Still doing it sober.
Methods are not black or white?
RR is my place although not worked through the whole program yet.
And this underwater thing…
What helps, helps.

Keep smiling :heart:


Checking in day 259 AF :blush:


Checking in day, 70 days AF, WF. Again, nothing usual to report. Life is pretty anxious, but I can manage that shit.

Whishing you all the best, stay strong!


Day 946
Happy Monday everyone! Having a decent day so far overall. Went to do a big grocery shop early this morning and then hit the gym. Just got home not long ago. Really struggled today with me comparing myself to others at the gym today. Idk what that was about bcuz i rarely do that. Anyway, i completed my workout and Im so proud that i pushed thru. Now just to tidy up the apartment and put laundry away. Thats about it for the day :smiley: much love to u all!


@Lile01 great to see you love…33 days :confetti_ball::tada::muscle:t4:…hope things get easier for you… remember to breathe :pray:t4: this won’t lasty friend… keep pushing forward cause it does get easier
@Jesile glad you are taking precautions to help your mindset before you have the upcoming function. Alcohol is full of lies and is a poison. We don’t need that in our lives.
@MrMoustache check you out David! 70 days is amazing. Keep kicking ass my friend :muscle:t4:
@Butterflymoonwoman ugh…yeah, I get that mental bs our heads play on us. You are a rockstar my friend…glad you didn’t let that mental anguish get to you and you pushed through :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:… Super happy for you


Day 450.late check in. Fabulous day off. Beach walk, lazy afternoon and half price sale in the garden centre :slight_smile: it’s not very rock n roll :joy: but I feel blessed. Have a peaceful day folks and my thoughts are with anyone who is struggling


Promised myself I would check in sober tonight. Hope everyone is ok.


Thank you!

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It went well, i will elaborate more tomorrow…as I am off to see my grandson. First Monday in a year, i didnt get to start my day out with him. I gotta go see my buddy.


Way to go on 70 days.


@Twizzlers I think Tuesday is your bone surgery day. Thinking about you. Hoping for best results for you and quick healing. Update how you are when you’re able to. Big hugs. Lots of love.


So glad you have found community here. Well done staying sober on a work trip, that’s tough. I’m glad you’re here!


Sounds like a great Monday! I feel myself getting into the habit of comparing some times too. Glad to hear you pushed through and felt better. Not always easy to do so definitely be proud!


Hope you’re staying dry and doing well :handshake:


Haven’t left the house much today lol the dogs don’t even want to go outside… same to you though!


Checking in: Day 56

Feeling a little down today. I’m telling myself that it is the rainy/cloudy weather. My mental health is just so much better when I can get outside for a walk in the sunshine.

Enjoyable weekend though, lots of yard work on Saturday (about 5.5 hrs) then watched some college football at our neighbor’s house and grilled.

Yesterday, I went to a friend’s to watch the 1pm NFL games. He is a big bourbon drinker (used to be my drink of choice) so I was proud of myself to be able to sit there and not drink any. Football season and the fall weather definitely have increased my cravings though so just reminding myself to take it day by day.

Time to read my book and relax before I head to sleep. Hope everyone’s doing well! :heart:


Hey im kinda dreading checking in today because im all over the place didnt know men could be like this or its just me idk but i real dont like feeling this way i would rather be mad, angry, instead of sad lonely heartbroken . Turn around watch hallmark tv and it hits all the dam feeling for me happpy sad funny angry all right back to depressed so stupid. Guess i now know that i never want to feel like this again and if or once i get passed this i will avoid people places and things so i dont have to deal with it again my plan is to pay all the bills off asap get another truck and maybe a trailor and disappear then i never have to feel the worst feeling in the world for me right now. I miss my ex so much and all im trying to do is make my self move on is that right to do ? It was so easy in the past. Maybe it wasnt but i would just go out and pick up and made myself mask up the uneasy feeling inside and then it was ok at the moment with finding or looking for someone else :thinking: i was suck a jerk no wonder im feeling the way i am guess i deserve it hope it ends before i can’t take no more but i am getting it. Life dont play fare no matter how hard you try to get what you real want or care for like my mom passing a few months ago and and my ex asking me to leave alot has happened so so sorry for throwing my broke down on you all just need to get it out.


Sending comfort your way!