Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Congratulations on your double digits Rich. This is normal to experience. Everyone is different but for me it did take some time for my body to detox from the poison. Stay hydrated, keep pushing forward and know that you are cleansing yourself more every day.


Nothing stunning about me and my life right now, but thank you for the kind words, Cam! :confused:

Checking in :wave:t2:
Back on day 2, last night I slept like crap! Weird dreams, waking up over and over again.
Work has been ok, I had a work lunch, and everybody ordered sparkling water! Even my boss! :see_no_evil: I never used to drink at work anyhow, but it’s always easier when everybody else is on water!
Not much more to tell really, I’ve kept busy this afternoon cleaning, unpacking groceries and listening to an audio book. Now it’s dinner and couch time! :muscle:t2:


Day 947
Afternoon TS fam! Today has been a good day but CRAZY busy. My son stayed home from school as he had a couple appts to go to. Went to the Dr first than to xray. Then we stopped by Starbucks and I tried the Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso. Sooo good!!! I gotta learn how to make these beverages at home. I cant justify spending over $7 for a coffee that often. Once in awhile, like today, its okay. We got home awhile ago and are now having lunch. Going to tidy up the apartment and prep supper. Tonight I may have to do the awake overnight shift with my son. Our usual nurse called in sick so i may have to do the shift instead. We will see if someone can cover. Highly unlikely tho as we dont have many floater nurses available. Hope everyones day is going well!!!


Hey I bought a Mr Coffee Frappee maker and you can literally make any coffee, hot or cold, milkshake, slushies etc with this thing. Plus it comes with a little reusable one cup basket rather than the expensive pods. It was about $100 but ive used it for over a year and it works flawlessly. Also comes with a blender. You can get all the Starbucks recipes online :smiley:


Wow! That must be one hell of a coffee! :joy::joy: That’s why I never go to Starbucks, they have these long fashion names for overpriced drinks that are basically water and a lot of flavored sugary extras! :see_no_evil:


Enjoying this rainy day it’s been so dry here. It’s refreshing. :cloud_with_rain: :blush:


Work afternoon check in.
Last weekend my wife and daughter and I went camping and hiking, with friends who brought their daughter, and are pregnant. No one brought alcohol. It was great. I have plans after work every day this week, and then this Friday I’m going on a big mountain bike trip for the weekend.

Thursday night I’m starting squash lessons. I’ve been wanting to do that for a few years, and just stopped putting everything else ahead of it.

I’m feeling overwhelmed by the schedule me and my wife put on me, but I’m just taking deep breaths, and trying to stay focused and as chill as I can be (barely!)

Take care of yourself :+1:t2::facepunch:t2::muscle:t2:


Ten days is great!


out of surgery :pray:
So far so good :blush:
Miss you all, reading and talking.
I have to stay the night at the hospital and I miss my son and all the pets so much :sob: never spent a night away like this. My no.1 son is brilliant and taking care of them.
I’m very lucky and grateful for all the nurses and surgeons and porters and everyone here on the hospital x

Edit : Thank you everyone for your well wishes and messages, you are always so caring and I appreciate you. :pray:


Day 451. Nice day. All good. Have a fab evening folks. Went for a coast walk first thing. Then a drive over to the other coast line. Weather has been brilliant this week… And went for an evening walk. I need to keep the walks up in the evenings over winter as I tend to just stay in. I can’t believe the years I wasted drinking and the damage I did. Blessed to be sober


Hey, it’s good to read that you’re doing well! But I missed the previous part I guess… why are you in hospital? :face_holding_back_tears:


Oh to remove a bone tumour (non cancerous as far as they can tell, been sent to lab just to confirm)
Doing alot better than I thought I would be and thank you :people_hugging:

When I logged in and seen so many of you all over the world thought of me today I had such happy tears.
You all mean so much to me, and it just made my heart feel loved and warm that you all care so much :pray::smiling_face:


Squash is SO much fun, hope you enjoy it as much as I did (before I stuffed up my ankle) :ok_hand:




Stayed sober for a work function. Hung out with the teetotalers, who were really fun to be around. Nothing like clear and meaningful conversation


Afternoon checkin. I discovered while working Step 4 in AA that I have a fear of events not turning out like I plan or expect.

This is not how I planned the outcome to be. . I needed compost emptied to start anew. Clearly I achieved that part! :blush:


Omg thank u for the idea!! I do have a Mr Coffee machine (makes iced coffee, hot coffee, lattes, and cappuccinos) but it doesnt have the frappe option. How do u like that? I have a Moka Pot also that brews 3 shots of espresso at once. Its quite handy and very inexpensive to the usual espresso machines lol. But bcuz of u i looked up some recipes and im going to be making an Apple Crisp homemade syrup for my Shaken espresso very soon! I didnt even think of looking up recipes :slight_smile: thanks!


@catmancam Sorry to hear about your ADHD assessment not going as you expected but great work on not giving into the binge urge! :muscle: Grateful the meds helped and the leg is better – blood clots are no joke and frighten the hell out of me. Do think the doctor could have had better people skills and bed side manner. Personally I am sick of the medical profession – sorry you had to deal with this BS.
@wahtisnormal UGH! Fatigue is such a bitch to deal with and harder when you don’t know what is causing it. I do hope that the supplements help. I am dealing with the same and know how frustrating it can be. Hope you find some energy soon :hugs:
@laner Big hugs my friend – so sorry that today was so rough and you experienced such anxiety. Grateful that you did take time to find comfort and serenity and calmness. :people_hugging:
@butterflymoonwoman Hope all goes well with the x-ray and appointments from today. Sorry to hear about the last minute need to do an overnight shift – sending you loads of energy and love! :hugs: I too stepped back from buying drinks daily as that habit got to be too expensive. Getting recipes online has been a great way to try em out at home – you can have more fun with it IMO. Oh enjoy making your Apple Crisp homemade syrup for my Shaken espresso – let us know how it turns out :yum:
@positivethoughts WOW that is a lot of positive stuff going on and I am so happy for you. Glad you are getting out and enjoying life. Keep going strong friend – sober living looks good on you!
@twizzlers Thank you for dropping in with an update. So glad all went well with the surgery – hope you are able to get a restful nights sleep at the hospital (being in a unfamiliar place can be hard on sleep) and wishing you a quick easy recovery :pray:


Just a few hours after 30 days free of binge eating and shopping, I relapsed. I want to break down and cry. I’m such a disappointment to myself.


Thank you :pray:t2: i scheduled an appointment with my doctor lol

157 update:
Day 4 of running a mile every day :heavy_check_mark: