Checking in daily to maintain focus #69


Phew! Such a relief to finally finish my 6th day of work in a row. Although, it hasn’t been that terrible a week. The struggling kitchen has finally found some help. He hired 3 guys who all live in the same halfway house. They’re all so grateful to have a job so they’re hard workers, but also joke around and have a good time doing it. It’s been really fun the past couple days and everyone’s completely sober! Well, I should get to bed soon. Hope you all have a good one :heart:


Doing it sober.
Busy bee :honeybee:

Sendung love packages :heart::heart::heart::gift:


@Mira_D Happy birthday! Thanks for sharing your story. :purple_heart:

@Lighter Congratulations on 200! :+1:

@Twizzlers Glad you are awake and hope recovery goes well. :heartpulse:

  1. 100 days from that year… Up early and ready to drop off the cats and get away for some days. :sunrise_over_mountains::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Hoping your time away is grand!



Slept better than yesterday. Weather looking’s better too. Let’s take it one day at a time and make today as good a day as we all can friends. Sober and clean to begin with or nothing would come of it. Love.

Pic is from Diamond OR, 6 years ago today, on a previous shared holiday with my friend. Such a beautiful quiet spot in the middle of nowhere.

@Twizzlers Thanks for the update friend. Good news X


Day 4
I’m feeling a bit disappointed today. My sister is returning to college after a 4-day vacation, and my mom asked me to get some stuff for her. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough money to do so. I felt angry and had the urge to drink, but I resisted. Instead, I wanted to share my feelings here.


Proud of you! You resisted the urge, you set an importnt step on changing your coping mechanisms! I hope you’re proud of that too friend. Have a good sober day.


291 days
Workout in the morning then watched some mma on tv before pucking up the kids from school.
Storm has chilled out today, still the odd rain and wind spell.


@MrFantastik Glad to hear the storm is lessening and you are safe.
@sarath_unrelax :muscle: Great job on sharing your frustration here instead of picking up a drink. This is right there where recovery starts. By sharing about your feelings, discovering the patterns that lead to cravings, changing those patterns. Keep at it friend. We are proud of you!
@Mno That picture looks fascinating. Where is that? Are they mining something there?
@Tragicfarinelli Have a great trip!
@Just_Laura Sounds like your working environment has improved for the better. It’s good to be surrounded by nice people.
@wahtisnormal The picture - is this a place where you go to run?
@Sissychris39 Big hugs coming your way :people_hugging:
@tailee17 Thanks for sharing your mishap with us. We are all only human, but our minds try to convince us that we are at least demi-gods on a daily basis. Something wrong with the software if you ask me :joy: My balcony this spring looked akin after I tried to repot my plants in a “clean” way…
@icebear The word “teetotalers” is one of the funniest in the english language. It always makes me smile when some uses it :grin:
@Twizzlers So happy to hear you are out of surgery and everthing is ok. I find staying in a hospital always a bit unnerving but on the other hand I am also so grateful to everyone there working to help others. Love and care coming your way :ocean: :mending_heart: :smiling_face:

301 sugar
165 UPF
39 gluten
39 dairy

My daughter is once again in a migraine state. I am afraid this is going to be thing for the forseable future. She is very weather sensitive like that. Last week when we had cool and fresh autumn weather she was all good. Now with this pressing humidity the migraines are back. So I am hoping for better weather.
I did my morning run, very happy about that. I am going to continue working on the story for my game. I have a very rough scaffolding but am still in a brainstorming phase. I like that chaos. But I also like when things start getting into some shape.
We want to take a ride into the city in the afternoon to find a birthday present for my daughter’s dad. Some yoga later. And I am going to cohost a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening.

Let’s keep looking for peace and ways to love live as it is :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


No mining. Just cows. Happy Valley is an interesting area, geologically speaking for one thing. Right next to Steens mountain (which is the only fault-block mountain I ever saw) formed relatively recently during a lot of volcanic activity in the region. Steens Mountain - Wikipedia


Good morning beautiful people.

264 days sober & no cigarettes.

It’s been about 3 weeks or so since I last posted, feels longer.

I know I’m not quite one year sober but I decided to make some big changes.

My first big change: I work in the fast food industry & I have loved it the whole time I was drinking. I put any/all irritation, agitation & irritability down to the fact that I was either super hungover or half cut going into work. I also get hangry so there’s that lol. I didn’t realise how tired I was in my mind, body & soul.

As the months of sobriety rolled on I became more & more disheartened with my job. The first 3 months of sobriety we’re awful, I cried non stop. The next 3 were manageable, still cried but where was my pink cloud? I am happy sober but there hasn’t been any euphoria .

A month ago my boss pulled me into the office to chat with me “you’re not working as hard as you used to & we’ve noticed, your work has been declining over the past 7-8 months”. I pointed out that even at my current work level I still worked harder than most of his staff. He agreed on that point but said he was still worried about me. I told him I have mental health stuff going on & I would talk to him about it at a later date. He totally blind sided me.

A few days later I handing in my 2 weeks notice & we had another chat. I told him that I’m am alcoholic with 8 months sobriety (he was super understanding & congratulated me) and I needed to try something new/different . I told him I’d been offered a job in another restaurant (he really tried hard to get me to stay) I had been applying for jobs for months. I needed interview experience & wanted to see what was out there.

I am now in a non-fast food restaurant and everything is different, the attitude of the staff & management, the way we’re spoken to is different, it’s so much more relaxed even though we work very hard there’s such a lovely atmosphere.

Other changes:
I’m trying to get fit, I’m on week four of the Couch to 5k. I hate it but I feel fantastic after it :joy: I am cycling to work. I want to start going swimming again.

I’m learning a new language too. French… bonjour

I’m trying to get the things in my house fixed that alcohol allowed me to ignore them. I’m thinking of going back to study, alcohol robbed me of the brain power to even read a book. I’m considering starting to date again, maybe in the new year. Again alcohol allowed me to ignore that part of my life too.

I’ve just been dragged along through life for over a decade & I want to take control. I want to live & love with intention. I want to grab ahold of life & pull it along with me rather than just being a spectator.

I know that everybody say you should wait a full year before making big changes and I think that’s good solid advice, that’s what I was aiming for but I needed to be in a different environment in work. We spend most of our time in work, we need to at least be happy being there.

Anyway I’ll shut up, got to get ready for work.

I hope y’all have an amazing sober day :heartpulse:


Hey all, checking in on day 1557. I hope everybody has a good one!


I love the frappee option. It sounds like you already have a great set up. You’re very welcome :smiley:


I love this update for you :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Day 709

Busy busy week. How’s everyone doing?


Get to go home today :pray: quick update.
If I don’t fall asleep as last night I was just laying awake like in a meditation state not sleeping, I will catch up here and thank you to you all :pray:
I have read all your messages and will reply when I’m able to properly.
Can’t wait to have pet cuddles some food and be in my own bed :bed:
And here hopefully if I don’t fall straight asleep by the time I’m home.


Amazing realizations and changes going on! Great to see! :blush:


Day 1499

Watched The Boy and the Heron. Beautifully animated and very Miyazaki-esque, but I didn’t love it. It was okay. It was nice the husband suggested watching it together, we haven’t watched anything together for absolutely years. Always he is on his phone, I am on mine, or reading.
Took the kids out for dinner to a family restaurant. They ate a main dish each, shared a portion of fried chicken and chips. Then came home and they wanted toast. Crazy how much growing kids can eat.


Day 5. I actually have a plan and the tools I need to make this time stick.