Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 201

Some other language likely has a word for the feeling you get when you start your life over, and it actually starts! I have 3 days before my first job starts. It’s a volunteer position. Just heard last night that I start this weekend. I’ll be riding with someone for a while, which is good. The silliest police calls go to us, then paid police get the rest. Yes we get wildlife nuisance and snake calls a lot! Should be an interesting, fulfilling gig.

I was looking for a true community service job to make me better, and start a new direction. I will meet many people this way and it will also help with my new business in the future. Makes me tear up a little because it’s the very beginning of a new life. Now, I’ve got 3 days of freedom before I start a schedule. :thinking: I’ll be swimming at the lap pool regularly next week, and picking up on the weights more. I need more fitness for the things to come. I might need a boot camp and get my butt kicked. How will I chase a turkey with this spare tire? :laughing:

Enjoy your sober days and thanks :heart:



All fine here sobriety-wise. No desire to drink.

Lately I’m working on my unhealthy relationship with food, with no success. I know all the theory but what I do? All kind of bullshit. I reward myself with food. I punish myself with food. I deserve all that junk/sweets. I deserve to feel healthy. What a fckn mental gymnastics…
First of all - back to intermittent fasting.

I was busy before I started working. And now? Whoa! :exploding_head: I could really use some break, some me time. I’m getting extremely tired of my kids. I don’t know if it’s that age or what but they are on my head so much… Sometimes I feel like if I hear ‘mama’ one more time I’m gonna punch the wall or explode. And of course I have to stay calm. This shit is heavy.


Not usually, but it was today. Usually i drive to the forest preserve but there’s a small park by my house that’s also sufficient for running :running_woman:


3 good things happened today.

  1. I hit 6 months alcohol free.

  2. I won a free night away at a hotel in the city for my wife and I. I had been telling her I’ll take her on a date over the last few days so it was convenient I won a competition I entered a couple of weeks ago.

  3. We visited a house that I worked at today as the lady said she was selling. It looks like the amount she wants is the amount we were hoping to offer. Our house is going on the market next week so we’ll see how this all plays out.

Have a great week everyone.


Checking in Day 371 SAF. Not much going on, just been working and doing my thing. I feel kinda lost this week. I don’t know, it’s weird. You hit the year milestone and there’s so much build up to it ( In your own head) that now you’re like, okay fuck what now . It’s like a sobriety hangover I guess :rofl:. It doesn’t really change the way I’m gonna do things going forward though. Just gotta now enjoy the peace that comes with sobriety. Always ODAAT. Love ya’s :v::green_heart:


Hey Ami. Missed your original post. I’m sorry you had to have the surgery and stay over in the hospital. Hope your on the mend now. :pray::green_heart:


@Sissychris39 30 days is impressive and I’m sorry that you relapsed but don’t take it out on yourself. You are here back on track and that’s what counts m. Do you know what caused you to relapse? Keep at it friend…you are doing great
@sarath_unrelax sorry that you are feeling disappointed. Glad you didn’t pick up. Drinking wouldn’t solve anything and take you down a deeper hole. Be proud of resisting :muscle:t4:. Glad you were able to come here to share - I do hope that helped
@Lisa-B great to see you posting…was just thinking of you. Impressive timers :muscle:t4: omg- these are fantastic changes and in excited for you. Grateful to see you enjoying the fruits of sobriety :people_hugging:
@Jddurden81 welcome back David. Great work on 5 days…keep at it - it gets easier and better
@Lighter oooh excited for you…keep us posted on your new gig. Enjoy your 3 days without a schedule!
@Mischa84 that is heavy shit. Sometimes everything just piles on too high. Sending you love and calmness :people_hugging:
@Whereswaldo wow! Awesome milestone friend -6 months is fantastic :confetti_ball: :tada: :muscle:t4: those are some great things happening for you! Enjoy the night away and good luck with the home :pray:t4:

Aah I like that …a sobriety hangover. Yeah- I do know what you mean. I do know that health (mental and physical) can only improve when we are sober so that is what I’m focusing on. Setting milestones for different aspects in my life. Enjoying the peace is a hell of a treat :smiling_face:


This is very true. That’s what I’m gonna put 100% of my efforts towards I think. Not worry too much about sobriety milestones


Happy hump day!! It’s 0930 and I’m already over 10K steps for the day. I love my morning walks. It’s a great compliment to my morning prayer and readings. Gets my mind right forbthe day. Now time for work.

Have an awesome sober day my friends!!!


Day 1

No binge eating
No shopping


Thanks, @JazzyS . I was stressed out and depressed, which led to the relapses. Im focusing on journaling and breathing exercises.


Checking in with 164 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too. No desire to drink, which is nice but I am more tired than I’d like. Hoping it’s just a phase.


167 days sober
Keeping it short today:
My roof is fixed!! :tada::tada::tada: I’m so happy to be in my house and that my house has a roof again!

I’m off to bed now. Hope everyone has a good sober day.


Day 2512.

Apparently I passed the 2500 mark. I don’t really keep track of the day count any more. Life has been really up and down this year. Career and financial instability has caused a lot of stress. I then allowed that stress to impact my relationships with my loved ones. Even in sobriety I have had to check myself to make sure I’m doing the next right thing. And this year I’ve missed the mark on many occasions. I have had to grow as a person and a partner. I’ve had to take more accountability and learn more acceptance. And as I’ve done these things I’ve noticed an improvement in the outcomes of my life.

Because I am sober, I get to do the work. And because I do the work, I get the rewards.


I’m sorry to read you relapsed, but on the other hand… here you are, still! Well done for staying connected! :muscle:t2::clap:t2:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Feeling quite good today, even though I had a headache all day long. I slept well, but the weather was weird, cloudy and humid, gives me headache sometimes.
I’ve been reading 2-3 times x day my list of “why’s”, and even though I’ve written that bullet point list myself, it’s helpful to re-read it over and over again!
On my 40-minute commutes I’ve also been listening to “alcohol lied to me”, and easy read taking into account that Craig Beck has a very dry and (to me) funny humor.
Other than that, I’m just about to get my wardrobe sorted! Summer is over, and certain clothes can be stored away. Tidying up and organizing stuff helps me feel comfortable! :grin:


Congrats on 6 months, thats amazing! :fire:


@Mira_D belated happy birthday! :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:
@Lighter congrats on 200+ days :tada: the volunteer position sounds very interesting, excited for you :grinning:
@rikkofl congrats on double digits :tada:
@Twizzlers I’m glad it went well :people_hugging: I hope you’re at home by now, recovering with your son and pets 🩵
@JazzyS thank you :blush:🩵 I really don’t know what was happening for those 12hrs with my leg because it’s been fine since and I haven’t taken any of the pain meds today. Will keep hold of them to settle it if it starts misbehaving again. Blood clots scare the hell out of me too. Grateful it wasn’t that :raised_hands:t2:
@Tragicfarinelli exciting! Enjoy your time away :blush:
@sarath_unrelax I hope sharing here helped a little, much better than the alternative :clap:t2:
@Lisa-B I’m glad your new work environment is better and you’re enjoying exercise :blush: congrats on making it all happen :clap:t2::tada:
@Jddurden81 welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 5 days :tada:
@Whereswaldo congrats on 6 months :tada: and #2&3 too, exciting times :grinning:

1499 days no alcohol.
964 days no cocaine.
479 days no vape.
4 days no binge-eating.

Yesterday I had a very strong craving to vape. I was quite close to falling for the addict lie of “just having one”, but as close as I was, I also knew the truth; that I’d be right back where I started, and that’s a place I don’t want to be. N.O.P.E. (not one puff ever).

Today I’ve been for a walk with the two Safe Soulmates facilitators, it was nice, despite the gloomy weather. Typically, it was very bright outside after I’d been home a couple of hours.

I am having a bug issue. There were loads of tiny bugs in the entrance to the flat I live in. I may have mentioned it when it first happened, but I bought some spray and thought I’d got rid of them all, because when I hoovered last Thursday, the floor was clear for a couple of days…but on Monday, they were back with a vengeance :weary::grimacing: I sprayed them all again. I’m going to take everything off my shelving unit, and then take that out, then hoover and spray the whole carpet. This time, I was brave enough to lift the mat that is in there, there weren’t any bugs under it, but there was a huge crack all the way across the concrete. I’ve also noticed the metal carpet sealing strip has lifted up in there, so now that’s the only place I can think they are coming from. I’m going to do what I just said I’ll do, tomorrow, then if they make yet another appearance I’ll have to contact the estate agents. Bugs really freak me out!



I hear you! For me, it was 18 months because that’s how far I’d gotten previously. Ever since that milestone passed, it seems like I am having to work that little bit harder to make each sober day count. Weird how the mind works :man_shrugging:t2:


You are funny. That turkey maybe chasing you!