Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in day 261 AF :blush:


Daily check in. Not much going on today. Pretty uneventful day at work then bowling league tonight. I had a bad night and didnā€™t sleep much due to having a lot of foot pain. It let up a little today. I may have overdone it with my walk yesterday. Iā€™ll probably skip the walk tonight. Ive been doing good with the diet - no added sugar so far this week. Im really intrigued by the iced coffee maker a couple of people were talking about on here. I think Iā€™ll get one this weekend. I absolutely love iced coffee (but not hot) but only have one or two a week due to the expense. Itā€™s funny that i never gave much thought to how much i was spending on alcohol and it was way more than what i spend on coffee. Of course, my thought process was really messed up on a lot of issues when i was drinking.
Hope everyone is having a beautiful sober day. :purple_heart:


200w (1)
Congratulation on 6 months!


Great picturesā€¦ wow Congratulations on your sobriety daysā€¦


I saw my first wild turkey while driving in the countryside the other day, they are BIG!


@Whereswaldo Congratulations :clap::tada::clap: And what great things happened to celebrate it for you!


@CATMANCAM thank you too mate :pray:
@wahtisnormal thank you! :blush:
@JazzyS thank you! :blush:

Couldnā€™t have done 6 months no alcohol without this app and most of all, you absolute legends!

Now for the next 6 months!


Day 948
Today has honestly just been a day. Im mentally exhausted (and physically too but mentally is what is getting to me). I know having to do the overnight last night has played with my head and emotions. Thankfully we have care tonight. Right now I am an emotional wreck :sob:. I feel disconnected to others (on TS, in my personal life) and to my HP. Before picking my son up from the bus, i had a good cry just trying to talk to my HPā€¦ and i had no words. I didnt even know what to say. I need a hug. I need to remove these fears in my life that are dragging me down. I put on a really good strong front that Im okay and yet inside I have lots going on that usually gets put to the back burner. And then every so often it comes to the surface. I really feel like ive lost my innocence. Like ive missed out on a huge part of my younger years. Ya thats about where im at. I did have an urge to use earlier when all the emotion was coming up. But im okay now.


Iā€™m sorry todayā€™s been so disconnected. I do hope you are able to rest tonight and recalibrate to get a mental calmness around you :people_hugging:

Sending love your wayā€¦:people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:


Heyhey, hope youā€™re doing well wherever youā€™re at sober fam, mindfully learning and growing odaat :sun_with_face:

Iā€™m grateful for another day & opportunity to make it a good one :muscle::heart:


Hey checking in i am trying to be happy tell my self this shall pass. Trying to treat this issue of heartaches like getting clean but it seem like it not getting better but worse getting clean was hard.but after a few days and weeks then mouths everything got easier. I seen the light at the end of tunnel and i started to finally see thinks how i once did clear. I have started to have a realization that throu all the hurt i caused in my addiction its karma coming back to me with nothing to mask my feelings witch sucks but how im trying to look at it is what dont kill ya will make you stronger and if you truly love someone i guess u need to love them enough to let them go have a good one keep your head up One day at a time it really does work thanks for being here


So proud of you! One day at a time :pray:t2:


I needed that! Thank u friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


((Dana)) Not quite the same as in personā€¦I hope you get that well deserved hug. Your post is sad. Regrets are hard to deal with. All the what-ifs and coulda-beens. But you didnā€™t pick up. I hope a good nights sleep makes you feel better.


Glad you are okay little mama. You are so strong. It is okay to break down when you need release. Many hugs always. I appreciate and respect you and your incredible determination. :heart:



Slept like crap and had a tired day of doing absolutely nothing. Not happy about it, but I know my body needs the rest. I am happy I have tomorrow off too. Thatā€™s rare. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have more energy. I hope :pray: Just feeling so blah. Not much else to say. Have a good 24 everyone :heart:


@JazzyS @Mbwoman @SassyRocks
Thank you all soo soo much for ur virtual hugs and such kind words. U all have no idea how much i needed to read them right now. Lots of love to all of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Another day sober
Just checking in.
Appreciate everyone here, fighting to be sober.



Was a good day off. Slept in hard today.
Spent my entire day at a coffee shop reading and writing. Spent my evening in a new group with a new set of humans lol. Iā€™m sharing more about myself, my dismantled life, and my rebirth. Iā€™m becoming involved in my local Community rather than my local bar. Happily filling in the dirt over my old meā€™s grave now. Looking forward to another day off tmrw


Thanks so much!!