Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Been a little since I checked in. Still sober! I’ve been struggling lately. My marriage has officially broke down. A lot of clarity comes from not drinking and it’s not all good things. I try to remind myself of the positivity I’ve gained, but the loneness weighs on my mind.

Work is going well, relationship with my kids is awesome. There’s a lot of good.

I hope everyone enjoys the day.


Day 2 evening here. Our almost 2-year old son woke up at 2:30AM and didn’t want to go back to sleep until 5:30AM, so I stayed up with him. I missed my kickboxing class in the morning sleeping in. At night I thought it would be a tough day, but I managed to stay positive through the day and didn’t have any cravings.


Checking in AF 185 days.
Have a great Thursday/Friday everyone.


Day #291
Still sober, still “housewife :rofl:” but with little difference. Tonight will go to AA meeting. Ive been in one in December when i was around day #20 or something and didn’t like how it went. So today i will "give a second chance to AA " to see how it will go.
Here is great to be with all of you but I need also with others to speak in mother’s language.
I don’t know for sure if I would like to go on the 12 steps programme but at first to go and to see. Time will show :slight_smile:
Have a great sober day/ night and stay strong :wink:


Day 202

I’ve been winning the sleep war, lately. So many more good nights than bad. I am healing up now.

I would like a standard poodle but I’ll wait! No poodle yet. :laughing:. I always overload myself once I get rolling. Let me roll first. Get fitter. Get some jobs lined up.

It’s enough! It does feel like the world is opening up and it started with this one little gig. I just know I’ll be fine. I have the urge to go big. We are like that. Can’t just get a job, I have to remodel the house again, get a dog and a new wardrobe, a new car and skis and a cabin in Red River. :laughing: I’m exaggerating but you know !

Back to today, and just getting myself ready for work Saturday. Those boring incremental things. Work on my business plan. And what shifts do I want? I always want to leap off cliffs and change everything. Then get overwhelmed. I don’t prepare for the next thing, I do all the things out of order. There’s always enough right here of immediate importance. It’s just not as fun as skis and poodles :laughing:

Have a great sober day :heart:


2 months sober today! Delighted with that :slight_smile:


Hey buddy,

I am so sorry! I think that dealing with the storm may have set you on edge. When there’s an unexpected disaster it throws my peace and equilibrium way off. More than normal people. Maybe that is true for you as well. Bad feelings/stuff from the past get dredged up. Losing your roof is a big deal. I am happy to hear it is being repaired. You’re safe and we’re here to help. Wishing you much luck and peace today :people_hugging:


Having my routines helps keep me in peace. I’ve noticed when I get out of it then I’m more easily on edge. Especially if my morning is off…I think getting back into that will help me get my head on straight. I hate this feeling it gives me such a lack of focus.
I’m back in my house now so I’m happy about that. Thanks for the encouragement. :blush:


Another Day…
Sober and Proud.


Yes, just doing normal things helps a lot. Tedious, essential tasks help me when I get thrown off balance. Anything that shuts the brain off. Glad you’re home and it’s all fixed now. I had to buy a new roof last Fall after a storm, but now I know it’s good for a few more storms and I’m thankful for that!

Have a great evening


@jbaldwin84 @Mno @acromouse
Thank you all sooo much for the love and kind words and virtual hugs :hugs: Ita trult appreciated. I needed that more than u know.


Checking in day 205

Beautiful morning…I am up and can do anything I want today. Accounting current, few small chores to accomplish. I just might get into the kitchen (my happy place). Note to others - leaving picked apples in buckets for a week… they do not magically disappear. Nope they are still there… I keep tossing the bad ones but so many remind me they are ready for preparation… Have a great day sober friends.


Good to hear from you!



You know, I have absolutely no problem with telling people I don’t drink (when someone is asking if I want beer/wine/whatever). I was never judged, laugh at, i got only positive reactions or no reaction at all. With sweet on the other hand… I noticed if someone offer me something sweet and I refuse almost always I get some weird comments, some judging look etc. Like "come on, it’s just a bonbon, it fits with a coffee, we celebrating, you are not fat, its not gonna kill you, it not gonna make you fat, don’t be so strict etc. And if I still refuse i feel like a kid who doesn’t want to smoke cigarettes and because of that is not in a gang :sweat_smile: Its so annoying. So, as a people pleaser and chicken, of course I take and ofcourse on the way home i buy more and binge.
Today I had a half success tho. I had some cookie and ice-cream but I didn’t binge afterwards and Im not planning to!

Also, today is Kindergarten Day in Netherlands and I got a gift :slight_smile:

Love you people and be nice to eachother :blue_heart:


Yes tedious, shut your brain off type of tasks are the best. Nothing keeps my house cleaner than anxiety. :sweat_smile:

The sudden need for a new roof sucks doesn’t it? Hope yours is keep strong and keeping on!


Day 949
Morning friends! Today im feeling a bit better. Not mentally or physically tired anyway. But im still having to turn this day around and its only 945am :rofl: Things arent going how i wish they would but thats life lol. My coffee order was made wrong, the hospital pharmacy for my sons prescription was still working on yesterdays orders so it would be hours until his medication is ready, i think im coming down with a head cold and potentially my son is too. BUT… im not allowing these minor obstacles to effect me today. I can honestly say that the problems I have today, are problems i wish i had back in the day. So i am grateful for the issues that Im facing today and that they are sooo minor in the grand scheme of things. I am on my way home now and will get ready for the gym. I think that will help. I feel well enough (so far) and could probably use with some exercise to release some negative energy. I hope u all are doing well :purple_heart: Will check in later.


Every time I visit my inlaws my mum inlaw will ask me several times, what she can offer me in terms of sugary stuff. It’s like the very moment I leave she hits some kind of amnesia inducing reset button and is not capable of remembering that I don’t eat anything with sugar. After so many years I just gave up.
Sugar pushing enablers are the worst :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes! Exactly. I’m so anxious I’m going to clean the OVEN today. That’s super anxious territory
I could make a high anxiety chore list with colors and a direct relationship with tedium/effort.

Yes, roofs don’t last long here. Large hail and wind take them out before the 10 year mark, usually. Need to start a ‘next roof’ fund just in case, haha

Glad you’re feeling better. :blush:


Oh I think we could get on well. :joy: I refilled and then reorganized my spices today which is my favorite high anxiety chore, beat the crap out of my rugs and tushuks. And on my ceiling was a speck of something that’s been annoying me so I stacked items till I was high enough to wash it which didn’t work so I used white out till it was white enough for me to no longer notice it. Then I was satisfied.
Out of curiosity where are you located?


5 Days,

I started to believe in my inner energy, This time im strong