Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

:joy::joy: super scary for those around meā€¦I do the same as your cousin. I do talk in my sleep from time to time in jibberish so some have thought I was possessed :rofl:ā€¦I have no clue Iā€™m doing it.


Day 16 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a great Sunday everyone :sunny::purple_heart:


Day 18
Hope everyone has a great one.


Day 917
Currently at work. Surprised i made it in bcuz it took me 3 hours to fall asleep last night. And then by 1am it was too late to take my prescribed sleeping pill so i didnt get much sleep. Not only that but i have the WORST cramps :frowning: ugh. So im at work in a bit of pain. Hopefully this day goes by quickly. Its going to be a relaxing evening once i get home from work. Looking forward to getting sleep tonight too. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


:joy::joy: In my teens, I had a friend with a glass eye and couldnā€™t close that eyelid at all. It made for some freaky sleepovers. If she was staying over, we always made sure we were in a group, especially after a night of drinking. :rofl:


:rofl::rofl: This cracked me up and yeah that would be super freaky.

My friends would ask me to wear a sleep mask on horror movie nights so I totally get it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just read our news here in Sweden, and Iā€™m already upset by that hurricane.
Our weather report says itā€™s supposed to hit us at the end of next week.

Weā€™ve booked hotel at the Western/Cowboy theme park for their closing weekend and the last weekend for the season. Those plans didnā€™t include a hurricane.

Hope yā€™all stay safe, and donā€™t forget to rest.


You actually should be a hoot at every halloween sleep over party :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Im ok. Not good not bad, but ok just now. Thank you.

How Are you? Is the head better? I hope it is :heart:


@Jesile can you really give that thing a proper hard punch and it doesnā€™t move or yield?


still not doing great but Iā€™m still clean


still struggling but still clean


You have two options; it has 8 ā€œsuction cupsā€, it ā€œsucksā€ to the floor, and itā€™s steady enough to withstand my kicks and punches! And I like to hit it hard! :rofl: Otherwise there is also the option of filling it with water or sand, but since option 1 has always been good for me, Iā€™ve never tried filling it with sand or water (seems too messy for me!)
@CATMANCAM tagging you in this one because it answers your question. I bought it online! The brand is Homcom, they deliver in Europe (e.g. Decathlon), not sure about outside of Europe


Day 1037 AF

Good morning, fam.

Itā€™s been a long week at work. Staying busy with the kids and their schooling. Havenā€™t had a chance to catch up with everyone. Hit 2 years and 10 months sober on the 16th. Gotta say this was the fastest year in sobriety. Canā€™t wait for the 3 yr milestone.

Nothing much going on today. Some old friends wanna hang out at a park with their fams.

Have a great day everyone! Take care. ODAAT :heart:


201 days AF :v:t2::sunglasses:


@acromouse lolā€¦right or I unintentionally traumatized some of my friends :scream: as a kid my one cousin refused to sleep in the same room.
@Wakikki ok is a step in the right direction. Hope you start feeling better soon :pray:t4:. Head still hurts but I managed more sleep (on and off) so feeling better.
@SadMemeQueen Iā€™m sorry you are struggling lol ve. Glad you are staying clean. Itā€™s literally odaat and remember that you are loved- you are not alone :people_hugging::heart:
@GOKU2019 woohoo another month in the bag and countingā€¦ lol ve this for youā€¦ keep up the great work :muscle:t4:


Day 1338,

Leaving the phone at home when leaving the house works likes a charm for meā€¦ā€¦#peace. #grounded#in the moment. Navigating without google maps is fun :pray:

Have a good sober 24 :heart:


I only take my phone if I absolutely have to.
I donā€™t want people to have instant access to me, and I definitely donā€™t want to Carry around things I donā€™t really need. :smiling_face:


Congratulations on 201 days


So proud of you, so proud to see this :clap::clap::clap:


Checking in Day 82. Today has been one of the better ones, Iā€™m spending time with my kiddos. My wife and I are separated and I donā€™t get to spend as much time with them. Iā€™m really having a hard time dealing with it all, but this too shall pass. Some days itā€™s one day at a time, others days itā€™s one hour at a time but Iā€™m staying focused and on task. šŸ©µ