Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in day 230 AF :blush:


Checking in Day 97

A big day for me as it marks the longest I have ever gone without alcohol since I was 18 years old (Iā€™m now 45)

Itā€™s so strange because it really has been easy for me this time. It was like when I made the decision to remove alcohol from my life something inside me changed. In the past Iā€™ve still had cravings here and there, but this time - nothing!

Hoping it continues


30 days sober Hip Hip Hurray


My one piece of advice would be to come off FB, itā€™s not real. I quit many years ago and now live a social media-free life (OK, I admit that I still have Pinterest as an online recipe book), second-best decision I have ever made after sobriety!


Thanks so much :slight_smile:


Thanks so much, so glad to be at one month :slight_smile:


@acromouse. Courage my friend!!! You are doing so well in other areas!!!
thank you so much for the info. I have attended one time and I have to admit was nice but I am looking for a more theistic groups. I hope to find them.


@Jazzy I hope you feel better of your headache.:pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6::pray:t6: writing here in the night is helpful, very helpful. Usually is the moment of the day in which I use this app


Nigth check in. The moon over the roof tonigth


Congrats on 5 months!! So happy for you!! Keep up the great work. :smiley:


Checking in 133 days sober. :slightly_smiling_face:
Iā€™ll stay sober today too.


Day 233.

Donā€™t know how I can process getting out of this place at the end of this month. I am still unemployed and have no money. I spoke with the VA and they said Iā€™d have to stay in the shelter for about eight months and then register as an in-need housing person (Section 8). Itā€™s something. I havenā€™t lived in a home less than 1800 square ft in about 30 years. Housing is currently a big ouch anyway. HmmmmHahā€¦

In other house news: My daughter brought home opossums last night. She was going to set them loose on this 5-acre property but got a call from work, a wildlife rescue, that they werenā€™t all properly released, so they came, in crates into the house overnight. Apparently, they were loud, but I didnā€™t hear them while I was sleeping.

Still free of alcohol and it matters.


Hello! I havenā€™t been here over a year because I thought I didnā€™t need to login here or get help, but I do. Iā€™m seven hours clean from binge eating and shopping. It may not sound like much, but Iā€™m proud.


Day 56 - Last night of birthday celebrations tonight with my partners family. Feeling very loved by all those around me.

Some feelings of ā€œI donā€™t deserve this loveā€ if you will, but trying to recognize those thoughts and let them pass by.


Thanks Jazz!


Thanks Vanessa!


Congratulations on 5 months!


Checking in day 714. Wrapping up the weekend. My bf flew my best friend in to surprise me for my birthday, so I had a really great weekend with them. I have two day work week and then heading out for a quick 5 day vacation im really looking forward to. Just wanted to check in, trying to get back into somewhat of a routine with that. Wishing everyone a wonderful sober week ahead :sparkles:


Good morning from Australia. Another day another opportunity to grow :seedling::sunflower: Have as good a day or night as you can friends, mindful and sober :heart:


@Tragicfarinelli @CATMANCAM Iā€™m the same way when it comes to crying. I think Iā€™ve cried 3, maybe 4 times, since I quit drinking. Every once in a while a movie will catch me off guard, or a wedding or something, but when itā€™s my own life, I have to be past boiling point in order to produce tears. I feel like it doesnā€™t help anything either, so whatā€™s the point :woman_shrugging: Idk
@Whereswaldo Congrats on 5 months! :tada:
@Misokatsu Donā€™t worry, I donā€™t do that stuff all the time either :sweat_smile: Glad you had a productive day!


Pretty chill day. Definitely wanted to sleep longer, but we had to get moving and get over to my parents. We had a birthday lunch for my dad bc my brother goes to bed at 2pm so he can make it to work by midnight. Idk if I could have that schedule, kid or not! It was a short, but nice time. I was so tired when we got home I napped briefly and woke up with a burst of cleaning energy and then made a nice dinner. Itā€™s still early so I think Iā€™m gonna give my feet a well deserved pedicure :relieved: Itā€™s been over a year since Iā€™ve paid for a proper one, but I have all the tools I need, as long as my back/neck holds up :pray: Have a great night/day/whatever your time is, lol! :heart: