Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

we got this :heart:


Well, I redownloaded this app yesterday. I haven’t drank in three days. I just wanted to check in and say I’m here. Alcohol does nothing but make me feel disgusting. Physically and mentally. Life has a funny way of pulling you back into addiction too. Randomly yesterday a guy I’ve hooked up with under the influence hits me up. It’s something I know could easily pull me back into drinking. I’m starting to lean back into my faith and not only do I not want to drink, but do I really want to be used/use someone for that? I feel this is a test of choosing against both for once. I am such a deep lover. I honestly wish to be a wife. But a serious relationship just isn’t happening for me. As a full time, single autism mom, it’s not easy to meet anyone. But I also believe it’s because I haven’t become my best self for ME first. And then I’m mad at myself because why is it taking me so long? I just turned 28 and from someone who comes from a small town, I see everyone getting married and having babies. Most of them younger. It just always comes back to not being happy with myself. So why can’t I commit to bettering myself? That’s all I want. I’m trying everyday to become the woman I am proud to be. I’m still going to school to become a master esthetician (although struggling to find confidence in it) I have been working on making my home a more comfortable and cute space to live in daily with the limited energy I have. I’ve ordered some clothes to try and feel better about myself. Now I just really need to get on top of working out and eating right. But it feels impossible to do all of it as someone with adhd and executive dysfunction . I’m seeing a doctor soon to hopefully get medicated. I also just think I don’t have enough energy because my body isn’t in a state of homeostasis. So I really need to get healthy.

Sorry for the long rant I don’t blame you if you didn’t read it all lol. Peace and blessings to everyone here. May we get through our hard days and find better ones.


Awesome!! Thanks


So good to see you checking in friend. You are doing great with 3 days sobriety. You are in school and taking care of your autistic son. I know it sucks seeing people our age doing what society expects of us at a certain age but remember that you are doing you and you are doing it well.
Keep up the great work friend. Hope you are able to practice self care and get some “ME” time :hugs:


Probably weird stuff for you!

• “Salmorejo” (dish from the south of Spain made of tomatoes, bread, olive oil, garlic and a bit of vinegar, all mixed) Usually it’s served with small pieces of ham and egg.
• “Trampó” - another Spanish dish, typical from Mallorca (salad of tomatoes, onions, green peppers and I add chick peas, with olive oil, vinegar, salt & pepper)
• Chicken with red peppers, onion, mushrooms and cream, served with rice
• Chickpeas with spinach and onions and some Serrano ham, potatoes, with some cream and curry and other oriental spices!

:rofl::call_me_hand:t2: All done for the week!


WOW girl – that is some good wholesome cooking… sounds great! Not weird at all. I would eat most of it (am vegan so may do some changes lol but am loving the base and the flavors :yum: )


Well, there are some parts in there that are not too vegan… :see_no_evil: I’m not vegan nor vegetarian as you can tell!


Welcome back and congrats on 3 days


Checking in day 231 AF :blush:


Day 1038 AF

Good afternoon, everyone.

Had a good time at the park yesterday. Caught up with some old friends and their families. They were drinking, but it didn’t bother me. Didn’t even crave it. I was busy dealing with my kids at the playground. I ran into one of my cousins, and he offered me a beer. Told him I was still sober, almost 3 years. He was like, “Oh yeah, uh, I forgot.” Idk how many times I gotta tell dude I’ve been sober, lol. He started talking about how I already did my sobriety time, and 3 years was a long time. 1 or 2 beers won’t hurt :unamused:. Reminded me of an episode from Loudermilk. When his dad talks about we’re not alcoholics because of our sobriety time :laughing:. Anyway, I told him it wasn’t for me, and that’s that. It was a chill day overall.

Back to the grind today. Took the kiddos to school and staying busy with work.

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care. ODAAT :heart:


@JazzyS great you feel less the pain in your head!!!
Day 27 here. I feel a little bit nervous. I want to reach 30 days. I don’t want to mess up again. I am afraid of self sabotage. But I will fight


@Jesile I love Salmorejo :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Nada mejor que un buen salmorejo casero en verano… :sunglasses:


@Jesile qué bien!! Hablas español!!! Tienes toda la razón :wink: el salmorejo en verano es de lo mejor y encima si es casero


@Sissychris39 welcome :hugs: back!!!so glad you are around again


Aw, thank you so much! Its great to chat with you again!


Day 918
Hi TS fam! Today has been pretty good actually! Its a scorcher outside so Ive been inside for most of the day. Folded up 3 loads of laundry, did dishes, swept, vacummed and took out the trash. Feels good to have a clean home. Will be heading out with my wagon to go grocery shopping in about an hour. I also practiced my speech for the pediatric cancer fundraiser in Sept. I think its going well.

Today i realized how “normal” my life is haha For decades i was very much a child of chaos and my life was sooo unmanageable. I was always on edge and constantly on a mission to get my next fix. Now… i have such a “normal” life. It just blew me away to think of the differences btwn my life then and now! Im grateful that I feel comfortable living the way I do now. In early recovery it felt very unusual and uncomfortable to live a “normal” life. Sure its boring at times but ive really become to like the quiet and stillness of those boring times. What a gift!

Hope everyone is doing well this fine monday! Have a great day! :butterfly:


Say you’re sick. You’re not feeling well. :mask:


I have accomplished 7 days sober!


Congratulations, the worst is behind you!