Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Congrats on your 1 week!


Checking in on Monday evening. Hope everyone is having a good start to the week :blue_heart:



The beginning of my work week, itā€™s only three days long. A five day work week after that and then holidays! The countdown is on. I love my job but I love my holidays a bit better. Anyways.

Had a great ride yesterday. Rode some new roads (for me), nothing special but the wind was perfect for a long stretch with it blowing in my back back in the direction of home. Afterwards I took a nap on the couch while the Tour of Spain was on which I largely missed.

Napped too long to make it to my meeting. Which is a pity but thereā€™s next week. Iā€™m here with you all. Youā€™ve been my sober tribe for five plus years and you still are. Iā€™m not alone. Letā€™s have as good a day as wel all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from the polder where the weather was clear even when the sky had a bit of yellow due to Canadian wildfire smoke crossing the Atlantic.

@Lainenicole96 Welcome back and letā€™s do this. Weā€™re in this together and that makes all the difference. Hugs.
@lisa_lou_who Welcome to TS and big congrats on a full week sober!


@Tragicfarinelli Donā€™t be sorry, Iā€™m sorry :people_hugging: Your mother sounds like a terrible person. I know narcissism alot more than Iā€™d like to. I didnā€™t cry much during my last relationship bc I knew thatā€™s what he wanted. Any reaction he could get, so I learned to give him none. But I think it really started with my daughterā€™s father. I was an extremely emotional teenager and got with him at 21. Every time I cried, heā€™d either leave the situation or rage in anger. When it happened in the beginning, I got scared he wouldnā€™t come back or think it was my fault bc usually neither one of us remembered what actually happened anyways(blackout drunks), so I learned how not to cry. I bottled up my feelings to keep our relationship ā€˜comfortableā€™. As Iā€™m writing this, geez! Talk about codependency :sweat_smile: Now I guess itā€™s like, after going thru all that shit, nothing seems bad enough to cry anymore :woman_shrugging: Idk. Sobriety definitely helps too.
@SoberWalker The number on the scale isnā€™t important, how you feel is. Iā€™ve done the type of training you do for years, and my guess is youā€™re feeling amazing :smirk:
@Lainenicole96 Welcome back :pray:


I definitely feel much more relaxed after having 2 days off. I had energy today and did more chores than I planned on(which was none). Kinda bummed itā€™s been 100% overcast the past 2 days straight. No super moon sightings for me :frowning: but grateful it hasnā€™t been wreaking havoc on my body as much as last month :pray: Not too much else to say really. Getting tired already, which is good. Have a great 24!


1900 wow congratulations!


Nice numbers indeed Menno! :sunglasses::star_struck::star_struck:
Have a good day friend!


Yes, beside the sore muscles afterwards I feel great indead. Also being proud at myself that Iā€™m doing this kind of sport with my age :hugs:
Curious about how my body will be when I still manage to do this after a year ore so.


203 days AF
Just checking in.

Much love :heart::cherry_blossom::white_flower:


Good morning. Iā€™m happy, healthy & very thankful for what life is right now.

Have a great day :pray:


Day 689
Good morning :sunny::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 174.

Thereā€™s a circus in town again,same circus we visit every year. And I have the same feeling I get every year. It seems so exciting to work at a circus. See new places everyday.
Every year I think about applying for a job there and run away with the circus.
I wonā€™t of course, but still.

Weā€™re going in the show tonight. Iā€™m looking forward to it. Itā€™s like a tiny bit of magic those hours.

Called my Ma as I said yesterday, she was very much alive. And very much drunk, like me usual.

We where supposed to go to the Cowboy/Western theme park this weekend but the upcoming hurricane stops that. Thereā€™s also a festival in the town we had booked our hotel, and the hotel sent warnings about loud music 24/7, and no parking for hotel guests.
I know a hint when I see one, weā€™re not supposed to go on that trip.
So now Iā€™m looking for something else to do instead.

Every village around here has their festivals this time of the year. Our kids festival was last weekend, the neighbor village with my old church has their the upcoming weekend. Nate has been nagging on me to come. I owe him a big favor but Iā€™m not going to a festival with him. Iā€™m not crazy.

In the end of this month thereā€™s a Old Western festival in another nearby town that weā€™re going to attend if the weather is nice. Thereā€™ll be a Variety and a curiosity cabinet, weā€™ve seen it before and itā€™s really fun.

School as usual for the boys today. Mine wonā€™t start until September 2nd if I decide to go. Still thinking of giving my dream of writing a Harlequin a try. For the first time ever Iā€™ve got the entire plot done.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing you all a wonderful day.
Thank yā€™all for being here and being amazing.


*Day 2162 :walking_woman:
Have the day off for the next 3 days. Filled with nice activaties. Looking forward to tomorrow when I have an appointment with my tattoo artist for the last toutch up for my peacock feather tattoo.

Picture of my lazy red cat snoring beside me. Still not at my lap but beside me is progress too :sweat_smile:
Today? Crossfit training and visiting an old friend whoā€™s very sick.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Hey how is everyone ? I hope good having a broken heart sucks i have been listening to little boy and Preacher Man and i wonder with all that i have been going throu if heaven is a real place? I just dont know anymore

  1. Going to aim for a positive day ahead.


All fine, still sober.
Iā€™ve found a great morning routine on yt. Such a basic moves, reminds me of exercises in basic school :slight_smile: But it feels so good to warm up old joints in the morning.
Im gonna just drop it here, maybe somebody can use it


Absolutely no intention of drinking ever again. Not checking in or posting as much from now on as Iā€™m not really comfortable being around people beyond family.

Iā€™ll come back on my 2 year anniversary in November.


262 days
Busy day at work. Didnā€™t get much else done. Managed to finish early and make it to watch the kids play sport so that was a bonus


272 sugar
136 UPF
10 gluten
10 dairy
2 compulsive eating

Still feeling rather shitty but definitely improving. Woke up earlier, less brain fog, less nausea. Still joint and muscle pain, headache, fatigue and so tired. I am grateful this whole ride is affecting my mental health only slightly.
Today Iā€™m going to do lots of self care, reading, anime, podcasts, naps, lots of hydration. I want to do a short grocery bike ride later and I hope my brain will have some capacity to work on the game.

However stuff may turn out, Iā€™m going to try to keep my heart and mind open for today: :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


@lisa_lou_who welcome :blush: congrats on your week :tada:


@Tragicfarinelli Marley and Me got me too! Also A Star Is Born, back in 2020, itā€™s always the animals, or things I can personally relate too. I rarely watch films these days, maybe I should start again. Iā€™m glad you felt supported by your friends when you were vulnerable with them šŸ©µ I think I fear that uncontrollable sobbing state too as back in 2014 I had a night where I couldnā€™t take it anymore too, I woke up the next day in hospital, I have shame around that and rarely talk about it. :people_hugging: I hope you were able to enjoy your walk around the parks :blush:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: šŸ©µ
@Whereswaldo congrats on 5 months :tada: glad you enjoyed camping :camping: :blush:
@Jesile thank you :blush: I found them on Amazon, not sure whether to get one or not, my cats may think itā€™s a supersized scratching post and I think it would scare them if I used it in the rooms they hang out in. But if I ever have a spare room, Iā€™ll be getting one for sure :grinning:
@Cynthia1 Iā€™m sorry for your loss :people_hugging::mending_heart: but welcome back :blush: congrats on 57 days :tada:
@Tyland sorry for your loss, as well as the break-up :people_hugging: :mending_heart:
@Mno finding your keys must have felt like such a good feeling! That would have sent me spinning too :grimacing: congrats on 1900 days :tada:
@acromouse I hope the counselling session went okay :crossed_fingers:t2: a great idea to help with communicating. Congrats on your double digits for no gluten and dairy :tada:
@Dv713 welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@Lainenicole96 welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 3 days :tada: ADHD is a huge challenge for me too, I have an appointment next month :crossed_fingers:t2:

1470 days no alcohol.
935 days no cocaine.
450 days no vape.
23 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Sunday was mostly uneventful. I woke up with cravings straight away. By lunctime I had to make a decision, crisps or? So I bought an individual thin crust pizza from the shop and cooked it at home. Iā€™m aware itā€™s not the healthiest option, but it had 5 times less calories than the amount of crisps I would have bought otherwise, and way less than the specific takeaway pizza Iā€™ve been craving this whole time of not bingeing, which has now been satisfied, and I didnā€™t have to reset any ED related counters over it. A win.

Yesterday morning was stressful, I was about to start my check-in here, when I received a text from the contractor asking to come round at 10amā€¦it was therapy day so I replied that I wouldnā€™t be home until 1:30pm, but that I was free Tues, Weds, & Thurs, he replied ā€˜no problem, Iā€™ll see you at 1:30ā€™. So that meant I needed to hoover and shower before therapy, but I was stuck in a freeze response because I couldnā€™t make myself do either or focus to do my check-in. I did 3 meditations to try to calm my anxiety, then I eventually hoovered at 9:30, showered at 10:30, and ended up having to drive to the city centre to get to therapy on time, because the taxi app said it was going to be 8mins but I didnā€™t have 8mins spare! Anyway all was well. I even managed to stop at Starbucks on the way home, to get my brother a gift card for his birthday, and also drove in a car park I usually avoid like the plague, to go to get the healthy lunch I usually get on Mondays after therapy.

After lunch, I did a few other cleaning jobs while I waited for the contractor, he arrived an hour late but was only here 30mins. Heā€™ll be back next week when the parts he needs to do the rest of the jobs arrive.

Therapy went okay. I think Iā€™m avoiding talking about any of the stuff I should really be talking about, I just donā€™t know how to talk about it. :man_shrugging:t2:

Today, no committments, would really love to go for a walk. My back is improving slightly and I think I could make it all the way round the first lake, with a couple of brief rest breaks on the benches.
