Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

What’s it called? I’m in Perth and have some friends that are looking to go dancing :nerd_face:


*Day 2164 :walking_woman:
Yesterday I had my final session to fix my peacock feather tattoo.
In a long story short:
22 february 2022 I got married. In my hair and bouquet I had peacock feathers. So I decided to tattoo 2 of them on my upper arm.
This is what the “artist” made of it:

This was the one on the front :sob:
The tattoo shop apologize and admitted it went wrong. They payed all the laser costs. After that they tattoed a better on over the scars, but I still wasn’t completely satisfied.

I found another tattoo shop and she days she could upgrate it a bit for me.
This is how it looks today, still sore and red but so much better! (Ps it’s even better as the picture!)

When it’s a bit healed after a few weeks it wil be less black and bold and will blend in more.
I can finally close this case after more then 2 years… :face_with_peeking_eye:
It was traumatic to have something on my arm that I hated. Glad I was strong enough the get my right and have it solved.
All that I never could have done while drinking.
I’ve changed so much and became so much stronger then I was!
Today? Off from work and going to climb the church tower today with a friend. 97 metres above ground. That must be a great view on my city I guess :wink:
Have a awesome day if you can!
Ore a comfy sleep :blush:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 176.

I’ve been struggling with stomach problems for weeks. Everytime I eat something I get a bad stomach ache and feels bad. The doctors office isn’t really helpful guess they’re starting to get out of options :laughing:
They’re already short staffed so I get it.
This morning I decided to use my opportunity to choose my own doctors office within our province, not necessarily the one located in my village.
Called the neighbor village doctors office which is a private clinic and got to talk to a really nice nurse. She said it’s probably stress, even if my brain doesn’t feel stressed my body can. So I’m supposed to eat small meals often, not much spices, all the fruit and veggies I’m not allergic to. No Coca-cola or similar soda, no coffee not even decaf,preferably boiled or oven baked food. Preferably potatoes or rice instead of pasta.
And more liquids instead of solids. For at least a month.

Tried that advice for breakfast, rosehip soup, a banana and one slice of bread without butter or anything (I don’t like butter I prefer mayonnaise) and for the first time in like a month I don’t feel bad after a meal. No stomach aches, nothing.

I feel like a really old lady. But I can live with that if it works.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


Today I reached a milestone. Checking in with 60 days sober!!


@Cynthia1 Congrats on 60 days Cynthia! Two months are great. :partying_face: :tada: Do you mind sharing what tools are helping you with your sobriety?
@MrsOdh Glad to hear you are getting some relief from your discomfort. I feel you :heavy_heart_exclamation:
@SoberWalker Great tatoo story! Thanks for sharing. And do have fun on that tower and pleaaaase take some pictures for us :pray:
@Dustysprungfield Nice to hear you are putting all that saved money to good work. That project of yours for next summer does sound exciting!
@Mno My daughter saw that picture and was ready to jump to the rescue of the cat as she thought it was being weighted and sold against its will :laughing: On another note I am very happy to hear you are finding good connections at work :heartpulse:
@Mira_D Sending you strength for your path to peace.
@GOKU2019 Congratulations on your anniversary. 18 years is a lot of work :muscle: :heart:
@DanaM56 Sorry to hear about your back pain. I hope it lessens soon.
@Butterflymoonwoman We all play ‘roles’ when we interact with others. Maybe you are not sure about your current ‘role’ with those parents? Maybe your role was more often than not being under the influence? It’s ok to experience anxiety in this kind of situations. Sending hugs and good wishes.
@Ballroomdaze Pizza to the rescue! I like that. Although a loved one at home is the real prize here. Well done!

9 months - 274 days no sugar
138 UPF
12 gluten
12 dairy
1 compulsive eating

Today marks my 9 months freedom from sugar and 9 months of my recovery journey. Thank you all for having my back all that time!

Had a good night’s sleep, the weather looks nice, I’ll be off to check out the last couple of locations for the game in a few. Will do some groceries on the way back home. Yoga in the afternoon, Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Whatever life may throw my way today, I’ll try to keep my heart and mind open :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


@goku2019 Man that does suck when others can’t understand the sobriety journey. How even 1 drink isn’t an option for us. Luckily we know ourselves and are able to protect our sobriety. Keep up the amazing work friend.
@bomdhil great to see you stacking up the days – now at 29! Nervous is good – sometimes we need the nervousness to keep us vigilant. You are not alone – keep fighting the good fight. OMG! Cockroaches would have me jumping on furniture and screaming. I would be so furious with my neighbors and hope they can resolve this problem ASAP. You should not have to pay to get it cleared especially if they are not taking care of it on their end – it will be a never ending cycle.
@butterflymoonwoman I totally know what you mean about a “normal life” almost feels boring and mundane. I do believe it is what we make of it – the crazy chaos I lived in was not good for me on every level and I am finding a different kind of fun in my new “normal” It is a true gift :hugs: Hoping all goes well with your sons new equipment :pray: Oh I’m glad it all went well with he new equipment. This is a different environment and you are handling it sober so it makes sense to be nervous but you are a badass woman my friend and you will shine :hugs:
@lisa_lou_who Welcome to the community Lisa and a great job on your 1 week of sobriety. Hope to see you around!
@mno congrats on your 1900 days. Sorry you missed this weeks meeting but glad you had such a lovely nap. Happy to have you a part of the TS sober tribe :hugs:
@brian1965uk I am sorry that you are feeling uncomfortable. You have to do what suits you best. We look forward to celebrating your 2 year milestone with you in November.

WOW so excited for you. This is a big step. On the other note – OMG – what is wrong with people – I do hope this is not some sort of scam. I hate how cynical these scammers are making me but I am starting to question everyone and that sucks. Glad your daughter is safe and that you made the report.
@laner Oh wow – that is a cool looking toilet. Glad it got completed so nicely. Glad you have that light put in – trying to navigate in the dark would be horrid.
@bettertimesahead Welcome to the check in thread. Great work on day 2! Love that you are well supported in real life. This is also a wonderful place for support, advice and distractions. Love the video idea. Keep pushing forward
@mrmoustache Great work on 43+ days – hope the cravings subsided and you are feeling calmer / better
@zzz sorry that you are feeling sick – hope you recover quickly and can play your gig.


@babyapes check out that transformation! Way to go friend. Keep at it – look forward to celebrating your big milestone with you
@tifflynn07 great to see you checking in
@refreshedperspective Sending hugs my friend – hope the basics help. Small victories are amazing :heart:
@hillbillychris Way to go with your 3 years Chris. I know this hasn’t been the easiest year. Grateful you have protected your sobriety :tada: :tada: :clap:
@jeanine Nicely done friend. Triple digits and going strong :muscle:
@just_laura WOW – impressed with it all and glad you had such an amazing night. Hope you can see chiropractor soon :pray:
@mrsodh Yeah – I would have not been happy with that schedule and transportation time. Think that is a smart decision. Have fun with the writing Glad you are giving it a go. Glad you got in to see a doctor – hope you feel relief soon.
@catmancam your numbers are inspiring. Glad you are getting back to your walking :hugs: I just finished that book and so glad that I read it all – such a beautiful enlightening read – enjoy it
@desire2changetoday So lovely to see you back but I am sorry to hear about your mom’s diagnosis. Sorry that you did have a lapse in drinking and diet but am grateful you saw the need to connect to community and get back to day 1. We are here with you. Sending you strength and love :heart: :hugs:
@acromouse Sometimes life does insert the most interesting challenges into our routines. Lad you were able to dance around them and make the best of it. OOH – so cool to have a birthday celebration party game at the cemetery – will need more details LOL. Way to go with 9 months no sugar!! :tada: :clap:


@wakikki Sending you loads of healing love :pray: :hugs: :heart:
@ncgolfer Way to go with 1 month accomplished :muscle: It does get easier and better. Stay connected – find support and keep working your recovery :hugs:
@teresa.13 864 days is awesome – I am so sorry that you are feeling these deep emotions. I do cry a lot when I feel overwhelmed or exhausted. Even if sleep is good, sometimes your body needs more sleep or just rest. Hope work calms down for you too :hugs:
@courtni Way to go with day 5! Sorry it was hard but so grateful you pushed through. No comfort comes from drinking – it is an endless dark hole. Keep pushing forward and showing up for yourself – you will always be happy you did
@ballroomaze So lovely to see you checking in and with 29 days! Great that you didn’t pick the bottle – pizza is always a great options :yum:
@goku2019 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :tada: :tada: WO – 18 years is awesome – sounds like a lovely day spent :heart:

WOW - so beautiful and i am grateful that you did push for what you wanted and did not settle. Have a wonderful day with the church climb Hugs:
@cynthia1 Well done- 2 months is amazing work – keep it going strong :muscle:

Checking in –
609 days alcohol and weed freed (aka 20 months)
1024 days cigarette free
This wifi and weird sleep schedule has me all over the place. I have checked in many times but have lost my draft posts and it made it harder to feel connected. Glad I am caught up with the check in thread LOL
Doing well enough - yesterday was a very lazy day as I let my pain rule the day. I am not doing that today - some more sleep and then will try to be more active today.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart : :heart:


Good morning, evening or just have a good night or day :wink: during the last weeks I have completely cleaned my flat and all storage places, moved many things out to garbage or sold them as I didn’t need some gadgets. I’m really proud of myself, some of the stuff was something like a snowball I was rolling over in front of me all the time and it just got big. It was part of a plan to prepare myself to give it another try and start to live a sober life I deserve. Kind of angry with myself, you know the feelings around starting again but I really want to give it serious try, never and forever. Sometimes I give myself big objectives, this time I just want to learn “to be” and have emotions under control. Have a nice day :pray:

  1. Checking in. Bad dreams (I dreamt that I was trying to get dressed, and I kept dropping my jumper in the gym toilets which was gross and dirty) and disturbed sleep. I’m so sick of my weird sleep :yawning_face:. Tired, but still here. Over but not out. I was annoyed that I was sent a fish pie in vermouth sauce a bit, not gonna lie. But then realised that the same person drank lactose free milk during veganuary believing it was ok. Getting back in my lane is something I need to embrace. Not everyone really thinks every single thing in every single day (like me), so I must accept that ‘thoughtless’ actions are just nothingness. Being super sensitive and hyper aware and hyper vigilant is so bloody exhausting.

It’s called NuTopia- it’s in Freo! My friend went last weekend and she said it was awesome.


Hey all, checking in on day 1530. I hope everybody has a good one!


ODAAT friend…you are doing great and setting up a good foundation for your journey. No room for anger it regret over past decisions…you are making a difference now :people_hugging::muscle:t4:


Thank you :pray::hugs: Yes, I am!


264 days
Gym in the morning. Then just chilled at home.
Back on nightshift tonight. Did a bit of training with one of the guys. Had a good dinner, now in a bit of downtime. Will try watch some training videos later but not sure I’ll have the concentration or motivation to haha.
Days off tomorrow.

Great work @acromouse on your 9months


Especially when half asleep😂 digging the new light extra fancy with motion sensor even!


140 days sober
I must have been needing the extra sleep today because I woke up over an hour later than usual! Amazing for me! It made me late for morning chores but oh well🤷‍♀️ I feel like my work day flew by and I got so much done. Even managed to swing by the orphanage for an hour to visit with some of the kids. Soon school will start and I wanted to find out if there is some who need help to purchase their school supplies or the such. I received a good grant from an aid program to help pay for a certain amount of educational supplies for kids this school year. So got a good idea today of what is needed. Hopefully next week I can get this taken care of.
I finished work a bit early today because I’m waiting on my delivery for coal to arrive. I now really feel in full on winter prep mode. Anywho it was a good day again. Productive, stayed sober and enjoying the sun.


Checking in on day 445 AFAF.
My daughter has been too anxious to go into school the past two days. This is her second week of high school and I’m feeling really bad about it. I’m not sure what to do. I’m going to encourage her out for a walk later this afternoon (I have a workman coming to check the cold water tank at lunchtime so it’ll be after that)
It’s a very gusty day here so it should be invigorating being out.
My daughter has told me that she’s been thinking about her dad a lot recently. She was 6 when he died and she’s 12 now. I just really find it difficult to know what to say to her.
At least I’m not blotting out my emotions every evening with alcohol though.


Day 1472

More tidying! :tada: I got out, hoovered and organized some of my books, and replaced the sun scorched curtains. I took two bags of books to the second hand shop, and what they didn’t want to recycling. My two old computers were also picked up today. Great to feel that the house is getting a little emptier.
It is getting slightly cooler, mid rather than high 30s so I feel less headachey and heavy. Hopefully by September I can start running again. My stamina will be bad again, but any length or speed will be better than nothing.


Day 45 without alcohol, weed and benzos. Goddammit, I have again massive cravings to smoke pot. I don’t have any cravings towards alcohol and benzos, but MJ is for some reason whispering to my ear. But I’m not worried, this is just part of the recovery. I got this.

Today is a sunny and warm day and I took my first daily walk. I just ate vegan tortillas and soon I’ll go for another walk. Walking helps me, it calms my nerves.

Stay strong, friends!