Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

@Deelzebub That sounds hard for your daughter. The move into a new level of school is always tricky. I’m reading a book about school absenteers now. It’s a fantasy fiction but deals with mental health, bullying and fairy tales thrown in.

I don’t know if she likes reading or not.

@Cynthia1 Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@SoberWalker So happy it has been resolved finally and you are finally happy with it! Looks great!


She loves reading so I’ll look into your recommendation. Thanks


Checking in day 157!


@Amy30 good to read from you :blush: those 3 months have gone fast! (It seems so for me anyway) sorry about the MH dive and RLS :people_hugging: hoping settling into a routine will help :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵
@Desire2ChangeToday welcome back, I’m so sorry about your mom’s cancer returning :people_hugging: sending you strength 🩵
@acromouse well done for stepping up to host the RD meeting :clap:t2: :star2:
@Ncgolfer congrats on 30 days :tada:
@Bomdhil oh gosh, I’m terrified of them too! I just had a quick look on Google and there are some natural repellents that may help, maybe if you could put some where they are entering from it might stop them coming in, good luck :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Alycia good to read from you :blush: those nights out sound amazing, I hope you’ll go and have fun :partying_face:
@GOKU2019 belated happy anniversary :confetti_ball::revolving_hearts:
@SoberWalker wow! the tattoo is looking amazing now :star_struck: enjoy the view :blush:
@Cynthia1 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I’ve enjoyed it so far, 5 chapters to go. I’m sorry you’re still having WiFi issues and they have lead to feeling disconnected :people_hugging: but congrats on 20 months :tada:

1472 days no alcohol.
937 days no cocaine.
452 days no vape.
25 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday I was getting angry and felt like bingeing everything I’ve been restricting (takeaways, sugar, crisps), but I walked to the shopping centre and bought the healthy lunch I get after therapy on Mondays, and felt completely fine after I’d eaten that.

I am having a lot of drinking alcohol and chain-smoking cigarettes dreams lately, they don’t affect me too much once I’m awake, but I don’t know why they are happening all of a sudden, and all at once. Maybe it’s because I’ve been listening to Quit Like A Woman, that would make sense! :man_facepalming:t2:

The past two days have been the closest I’ve been to going to the gym and swimming in a very long time. I was hoping today big things would happen! Instead, I couldn’t stay awake when I woke up at my usual time of 5am, and went back to sleep until 7:30! Then I’ve been trying to catch-up here since then, with my cats both demanding my attention in-between, and it’s now 14:30. A walk will have to do.



I am now 10 days sober and feel proud and lucky. I have a quick story to tell.
Every time I have wanted to quit or try to quit drinking the past many months, it seemed or felt like something stressful would happen soon after or I would be extremely busy soon after and I used it as a bad excuse to use again. Well in true fashion, yesterday I woke up to a cold sore forming on my lip which if you have had them before you know they are excruciating. I get them when the seasons start changing. And, my boss (a lawyer) yesterday informed me that she has accepted a position at a different Court and so she was going to begin to close her law practice and essentially I will be out of a job by the end of the year-ish. HOWEVER, I did not let this move my goalposts this time (with the help/support of my husband). I did not drink last night!
I did not just lay down and die and for that I am grateful and I will remember yesterday as a day that was very difficult but I did not need alcohol to get through it. I can get through anything without it. A couple years ago, before relapse when I was having a good streak of sobreity, I bought a house and did not use a drop of alcohol during those months, and I consider that one of the most stressful things that I ever did. I need to stop thinking I need a substance to deal with life because I don’t and now I have even more proof!
Today my boss is starting to tell everyone and starting to talk about how to finish out cases and it’s sad and I am a little crabby about it but I will get through the day and I know I will be so much happier overall if I continue to not drink, so that is exactly what I am going to do today.




@zzz Im stocked too :slight_smile:


Day 2344 AF. 100 days tobacco free!. I have so many darn balls in the air right now. Babysitting, work, camping trips, concerts, preparing a garden for next year, preparing a pollinator field for next year, buying and building a greenhouse.

I wouldn’t change a darn thing. I had no balls in the air as a drunk, I had no life.

My cup overflows

Stay sober friends!


Cheers :maté:

One of my all time favorite yerbas was and I still buy it time to time - Canarias Yellow Package. But it is strong and smoky. I learned one trick in many years to get something similar to that typical Uruguayan PU1 cut that gives that creamy taste: I take something like Kraus and mix it with a little bit of Brazillian Chimarrao Erva Mate. So I usually took like 3 spoons of Kraus and at add less than one spoon of Brazillian one. Basically you add that dust that later gives this creamy texture and grassy fresh notes.




Day 4

No binge eating
No shopping


I like Your style, Mateadora :wink:


Checking in with 137 days sober. I’m reading Reframe Your Brain by Scott Adams. Loving all the ways to look at life and rough situations in a different way. Enjoy your day everyone. :sunny:
I’ll stay sober today too.


Second check in today.
I just have to share my once again hilarious 14 y/o wisdom with y’all.

He is as you know high functioning autistic, and has zero filters. He is always honest and straight forward, which is good. And sometimes not so good.

Here in Sweden school lunch is free, and it’s mandatory to go to the cafeteria and eat. There’s always at least two warm meals to choose from, a big Salad bar and there’s always hard bread with butter, and milk or water to choose from.

My 14 y/o is extremely sensitive when it comes to food, and doesn’t really feel hunger so he is a lot smaller than his classmates (I’m not really a giant either so there’s some genetics in work there to)
School nurse his mentor and other school staff was worried about him all last year because he is so small, and weight so little.

He was even allowed to bring power/müsli bars to School which is supposed to be completely sugar free. So he could get some extra energy. And we’ve been talking about the importance in eating the school lunch.

Now when they are in 8th grade the lunch is supposed to be their own responsibility during a pretty long lunch break. His friends have been dissing him, skipped school lunch and have gone straight to our local pizza place both first and second day of school. They are not allowed to do that, and my 14 y/o follows every rule strictly sometimes to a default. So he hasn’t joined them.

Today he was tired of eating alone so he walked straight in to the teachers office during his lunch hour and had a small lecture about the importance the school lunch have for him. And suggested that from now on someone from the teachers crew perhaps could join him every day so he doesn’t have to eat alone.

His mentor and the school nurse though it was a fantastic idea. And called me to ask if it was okey.

So from today, on his own request he is going to eat lunch with a teacher for the rest of the semester.

I asked him how he felt about it when he got home. And he said that if you have a problem, you need to solve it, otherwise you’ll just be miserable forever. He solved the problem, and now he is happy. :laughing:

I instantly thought about all of us here that is currently solving our problems, so we won’t be miserable forever. In his mind it’s not more difficult than that.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thanks for sharing! Your sons story made me smile. It must bring you a lot of joy and pride having him as your son!


Checking in

I’ve been Playing carpenter for the week it’s been nice to have a change of scenery


Thank you :blush:


Thank you! :grin::grin:


Thank you. I appreciate all of you for your support. :heart:


I am, and he is hilarious most times. He doesn’t realize it himself, and sometimes you just have to resist the urge to laugh at situations like this, because he is drop dead serious.

There’s also a girl that’s interested in him, but he is not interested in her because he “Doesn’t want her problems to become my problems” :laughing:
I’m certain that this kid was an elderly man in his past life and that they just forgot to reset before they sent him back here.