Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 60 - unfortunately I am having considerable issues in my relationship. Feeling like a might be hitting my breaking point, and needing to get out of it.

Emotionally I am a wreck, but I would not be able to navigate these issues and emotions if I were drinking. There is no question in my mind.

I want to feel comfortable and loved


Day 921
Its a beautiful almost autumn day here in Alberta! Just gorgeous weather out. Autumn is my fav season and it always lifts my spirits :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: I have been practicing my speech today for the fundraiser I am attending in Sept. Its going well. Ive almost managed to speak the entire thing without looking down at my paper. For the rest of the day, I will be doing some cleaning. Will do some laundry also. And then prep supper for when hubby comes home from work. Ya thats about it! 1 week until school starts and 1 week until i can get back to exercise! My son is excited for school and Im excited about my new routine also :smiley: Grateful for recovery and for all the opportunities that occur in my life today bcuz of it. :butterfly:


Day 425. OK day at work. Alot of headaches this week. Iā€™m looking forward to the weekend except I am on call on Sunday which is a pain but all ok


Checking in day 234 AF :blush:


Day 2 checking in. :green_heart:


Taking a work break and just checking in. Things are going well. The twins are in school and I am working from home. I have an online meeting with a college planner this afternoon, so hopefully that will answer some questions and provide some direction in my college search for my son. Nothing much else today.


Checking in having reached day 100. Didnā€™t expect to get here on my first ā€˜properā€™ attempt to stop drinking alcohol. Very pleased with myself and looking forward to getting to 6 months next


I did it by being honest with myself, spiritually fit and fully surrendered.

Congratulations on your 9 months!!


Day 30!!! I canā€™t believe it :joy:!!! I bought a book as a price. Thank you @JazzyS @CATMANCAM and all of you :heartbeat: dear sober friends


@JazzyS and @CATMANCAM I bought some white powders that seems be good against cockroaches. I really hate them!!!


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Iā€™ve just come home from a company dinner. Our boss every summer invites us to a BQQ at our job. Itā€™s a kind gesture, but for me it makes me feel very uncomfortable. It means that I have to socialize (not my strength), and this year I think I was the only one at the table with water. I was asked several times if I wanted a drink, which I declined.
But what made me feel most sad is that we have a trainee of 16 years. He was drinking one beer after the other, and after dinner he chose a gin lemon, and sipping on someoneā€™s Whiskey (just ā€œto try itā€). Everyone was cheering him on, and making jokes about how cool he was. Obviously I didnā€™t say anything, cause I didnā€™t want to be the party pooper, but I was the first one to leave, relieved that I got over this event yet another year! :roll_eyes::worried: Somehow I got home feeling uneasy. Tomorrow I get up early, so Iā€™m off to bed! :sleeping:


177th day sober check in.

Great AA meeting today. I am so close to 6 months every one knows my excitement and are so supportive. Also spoke with an 82 year old sober for 5 years married 65 and has a husband with a personality very much like my hubby. We shared some commonalities which is so very rewarding. Spouse will be walking through door anytime now. Most chores complete and hopefully he is not so disappointed in my effort.

I know what I have accomplished and my discipline is improving so very much sober. I should not let him get under my skinā€¦ I am working and praying to remove this defect from me. Self preservation of my self esteem is important.

I have been recognizing even though I was a functioning alcoholic I was not all I could be, drunk. How could I be? The new and improved me So Sober and happy is a benefit and reward for my diligence to remain alcohol free.

Obviously I cannot spend as much time here when I am engaged in being the best wife I can beā€¦ but I will check in when I canā€¦

Thank you to all of you. I am so appreciative for all you do for me.


Do you remember when we could not get you out of the house? Now walking twice a day. Who are you? You my friend are the better youā€¦ stay focused on your goalsā€¦ stay strong on those cravings!!


Congrats on 10 days. Staying on the sober path even when unsettling events occur is fantastic.


@lisa_lou_who Congratulations :clap: :tada: :clap:.
I got terrible coldsores in my latter drinking days. Every 3 months or so, up to 1 cm in diameter and took ages to go away. Since I quit, I have had two I think (over 4 years) and they are much smaller and faster to heal.

@Thirdmonkey Congratulations on 100 days tobacco free! :blush: And how wonderful to be so busy. It is amazing what you can do when you are not drinking.

@Refreshedperspective Well done on 60 days. Sending wisdom and peace about your relationship. :purple_heart:

@Butterflymoonwoman Hope your speech goes well! :pray:

@SussexGuy Congratulations :blush::clap::blush:

@Bomdhil Great job! :+1::purple_heart::+1:


Great story to share. Your son has exceptional wisdom. Well done.


100 days! Congratulations!




Thank you so much for your support


Awesome, thanks :smiling_face: