Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

@deelzebub Big hugs friend. I can imagine a lot of emotions being drudged up and it can’t be an easy conversation. You are right – alcohol would only make things worse and harder to deal with. :people_hugging:
@mrmoustache WOW – I love the attitude and the 45 days. Sorry the BS is whispering in your ear – tell it to Piss Off… you are so much better without that garbage. Keep strong and working your recovery
@catmanca Thank you friend. Oh man I am sorry that the book is triggering these dreams. Grateful that you are not affected by them. So glad you are getting your nerve up to go to the gym / swim – hoping you are able to do so my friend :hugs:
@lisa_lou_who Way to go – double digits is awesome. Glad you maintained your sobriety through the stressful times. Drinking only causes more problems and issues – keep pushing forward :mucle:
@thirdmonkey Woohoo –triple digits no smoking! That is fantastic Scott. :tada: :tada: Way to go friend –keep living a full life and stacking up the days
@sadmemequeen How are you doing Megan?

Oh this is beautiful Sophia :heart: So happy for your son and his ability to make the situation work for him :hugs:
@refreshedperspective Way to go with your 2 months :muscle: Sorry to hear about your relationship struggles. I do hope that you are able to figure it out before hitting the breaking point. Drinking will most definitely not provide any solutions. Keep strong :muscle:
@sussexguy Nicely done with your sobriety – triple digits and crushing it – grateful that you are doing so well and look forward to celebrating 6 months with you next :hugs:
@bomdhil YES! 1 month and excelling Thomas – love that you awarded yourself with a book :heart: ooh- I hope the white powder helps – they need to leave your home immediately

You are awesome my friend. You have to do what is best for you – we would love to still see you pop in on the threads as your voice and support is so beautiful in this community. Really excited to celebrate 6 months with you son :people_huggin:

Checking in Thursday night
610 days free of alcohol and weed
1025 days free of cigarettes
Not much to report. I did manage a long walk around town - slow pace but got a good 4+ miles in. Binge watched a new show One Day in two days time and my goodness it was heartbreaking. Was told it would be a beautiful love story – which i guess it kinda was.
I am super exhausted so gonna try to sleep.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


today’s been alright :heart:


oh good - glad to hear it :hugs: enjoy your evening! :heart:


you too thank you for checking in


Checking in. Day 6. Tomorrow is ONE week! :muscle::pray::heart:



Today wasn’t to bad. Work was steady but not overwhelming. And my anxiety has been better at work. I’m learning that all I can do is try my best and have a good attitude. I been at this restaurant for almost 3 months and that is the longest I held a job in a really long time. I’m going to stay put and eventually cross train to do something besides dishwashing. I’m always afraid to step out of my comfort zone and for years have had similar roles or jobs and with staying sober I know I have a better shot at doing something new maybe like cooking or waiting tables. Plus as I have mentioned before my management team knows about my sobriety and probation and has no judgement and are understanding. They gave me a chance when a lot of other companies turned me down. So this is a good place for me to stick around. Went to a meeting after work even though I didn’t really feel like it but felt better once I did. I was biking home over the bridge and stopped to appreciate the water and downtown view. I have a different feeling about where I live these days and I’m grateful. Met up with my mom and got some dinner and we just talked about life. My parents are awesome at helping put things into perspective for me and help me stay positive. I expressed the stress I’m under from this probation and felony charges I’m dealing with and the repercussions of my choices on my last relapse but my mom helped me to realize I’m doing what I’m supposed to and there is nothing to fear. I probably had to hit this bottom and be scared for my life and freedom to want to truly change my ways. Overall today was really good and now I’m just resting at the sober living watching random videos on YouTube. Im going to stay on this path of recovery from alcohol and all substances no matter what life throws at me. Using or drinking is only a temporary solution and I would still wake up the next day with the same problems and even worse things to deal with. So I’m not going to go back and I’m not going to forget where a relapse would take me. It’s not a option. I’m going to keep staying busy and stay prayed up to my higher power and give thanks. That’s about all for now… love you all! Very grateful for this community!



Thanks Jazzy! Helps me so much having you folks


Hey everyone hope your day is going well trying to deal with i feel is alot of things has everyone ever delt with having low t i read the symptoms on it and i have almost all of them and now i wonder how long this has been going on. Im always down no energy how long does this last for and once i get in to get help how long tell i will start felling beter ? This suck on top of everything else going on trying to find positive to look forward too i guess


Day 109

Today I decided I was ready to go back into my old job (the bar) where I was working when I abruptly quit and became a personal shit show. It’s been about 4 months since I left. I made a fool of myself and hurt some very kind people. Throughout my recovery some have stayed in touch and asked how I was doing. Tonight I decided to go back after my group event I did at church. Was craving some hot wings and forgiveness. I tell yall I have been doing great in my sobriety. Tonight I pulled into the parking and sat there for over 30 min with anxiety about going in. Not because of drinking, but for facing the people I let down and hurt. Was hard but of course they all were so happy to see me and vice versa. Compliments of how good I looked compared to the past me. Just really damn proud of where I am and where I’m heading. So thankful for this place. Just wanted to share with my sober fam here. :pray:


Congratulations on your 30 days!!


Fricken love this dude. You are right where you need to be. I used to manage restaurants. Just keep doin what you’re currently doing and it will all start coming together in time. This was good to read and I’m proud of you dude


Congratulations on 9 months! :tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


@acromouse Great job on 9 months! :clap: :smiley: :tada:
@Jesile Glad you made it thru today. Work parties are just uncomfortable, but at least you’ll be feeling better than your coworkers tomorrow :+1:
@jbaldwin84 That’s really awesome and nice to hear. I’m happy for you, man :blush:


Luckily I went to bed earlier than normal and fell asleep right away bc I woke up waaay too early. I made a nice breakfast, tided up, and did some crafting with my daughter before I got tired. She went upstairs for a while before lunch so I decided to take a nap, but wouldn’t you know, she comes back early! She never comes home early! Haf lunch and tried to relax for the rest of the short time before work.

Work was great in the beginning, until this separate party started at 7:30 and our bartender had to switch bars and I was left doing 2 jobs again. My boss explained to me what was expected after the party(that I wasn’t working or getting paid for), hinting she wanted me to stay until it was over. Fuck that! It’s not my fault she called off 3 of the 5 people scheduled for the party, including the only 2 guys on all day. I’m not sticking around for an extra 2 hours to do heavy lifting. I finished my room, sent my girls home, and walked right past her when I left. I’m not letting her work me to death. I’m tired, boss :face_exhaling: And I should be getting to bed, so goodnight to you all :heart:


Day 432 AF checking in
Serious back pain today almost debilitating.


Thanks Laura
And good for you telling that manager to shove it. I always let my fellow managers reap their choices on things like that lol. You made the call, now go do your job and cover your mistake :joy:


Hello dark mornings; it seems like autumn is here already!! It’s dull and rainy, but I also think we are in some weird storm hitting another storm. I’m awake by five am again. One of my cats was laying on my chest, nuzzling my neck and wanting attention. The other one was pulling up a sheepskin rug next to the bed, and choking on the fur repeatedly…:unamused::roll_eyes::face_with_peeking_eye:

A contractor came to look at the damage to the soil stack issue in the flat above two days ago and I was so excited, but apparently they declined the job yesterday. Looks like during winter we will have scaffolding up for the balcony renovation and also bathroom remedial fixtures including the ceiling. It’s a lot to have two separate works happening on a two bed flat with two adults and two crazy cats, but let’s just believe it’s ok for now.

I had super weird dreams again: in one, the skin was coming off my feet in actual sheets. The other was vague but a kind of an anxious home invasion setting. I have this same dream a lot; always in the same house from my childhood, and it’s always scary and oppressive and just goes on for hours. I hate those the most as they leave me uneasy all day.

Anyway, let’s Friday.



Let’s Friday. Therapy in a couple of hours. Gotta hurry home after that, as a maintenance person is coming over to do maintenance (duh) on my heating/warm water apparatus. Hope they come early so I have some of my afternoon left. Although it will be a relaxing afternoon I hope. I had three intensive days of work. Need to recover a bit. Sober and clean.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober or nothing will come form it. I will. Love. Pic is the bookstore of my youth, in the area I grew up in, which I just fond out is still there after all these years. Much smaller inside as I remember of course. Still a nice place and space.

@acromouse Congrats on nine months and a day!
@SussexGuy Congrats on reaching triple digits!


Congratulations with the :one::zero::zero: days @SussexGuy :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: You got your triple digits! :facepunch:

And @Refreshedperspective congrats with your :six::zero: days :confetti_ball: I’m sorry about the relationship issues though. But with drinking they will even be worse :sweat:

Well done @Bomdhil , a full month! :confetti_ball:
Proud of you!

*Day 2166🚶‍♀️
The church tower climbing was great, what a view we had! We went up with a smal group of people, just 6 of us and a guide.
I stayed at the viewing point as long as I could to enjoy the view and then went downstairs again with my friend. Discovered we where the last ones and when we returned to the door to the church enerence it was closed! :face_with_peeking_eye:
So there we stood, just the 2 of us locked in a tiny little hallway! :joy::rofl: I discovered a emergency exit that I could get open and decided to wait a few minutes before we should use that one. We rambled a bit on the big wooden door and then heared a key getting in the lock. We were saved :sunglasses:
I laughed my heart out, locked in a church!
I have such crazy stuff lot’s of times :joy::face_with_peeking_eye:

But like I said: the view was magnificent! If you visit my city again @Mno we definitely have to do this together. We also have seen the curchbel and the carillon working. It was so interesting!
Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night TS people! :raising_hand_woman:


@lisa_lou_who we really can do hard things sober :raised_hands:t2: I’m sorry about the cold sore and hope it heals quickly :crossed_fingers:t2: I’m also sorry about your job, and hope you’ll be successful in your search for a new one :four_leaf_clover: congrats on double digits :tada:
@Thirdmonkey congrats on triple digits for no tobacco :100::tada:
@MrsOdh I love this for your son :clap:t2::star2::grinning:
@Refreshedperspective sorry about your relationship issues :people_hugging: but congrats on 60 days :tada:
@SussexGuy congrats on triple digits :100::tada:
@Bomdhil congrats on 30 days :tada: a new book is an awesome reward :grinning: :open_book:
@Jesile that really is sad :pensive: I can see why you felt uneasy. I hope they made sure he got home safely.
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵
@Tyland speak to a doctor and ask for a blood test to see if it is low, then if it is, you can get shots to raise it.
@DanaM56 I hope your back pain settles asap :people_hugging::crossed_fingers:t2:

1473 days no alcohol.
938 days no cocaine.
453 days no vape.
26 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

The rest of yesterday was okay. After checking-in here, I drove to my hometown to collect some meds. Then I did my meditations, and went for my walk. I had to stop to rest my back on a bench at the halfway point again, and for the rest of the way I had to walk so slowly and was in a lot of pain. I know I just need to keep doing it, along with my rehab exercises. I have my appointment with the specialist on 10th September, so that’s hopeful too.

Today is Friday therapy. I have a few dreams to talk about, and the second box of photos. Maybe after the session I’ll look through the 3rd box.



I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 177.

Friday, woohoo.
We where supposed to go to the Cowboy/western theme park today but there’s a storm, rainy and extreme wind so we’re not going.
There’s been so much telling us not to go, the storm, the fact that there’s a festival in the city our hotel was booked, and the hotel even warned people for drunks and loud music 24/7 all weekend. Our car that now starts whenever it wants to and not when we want it. My husband who doesn’t get his money until Monday because the bank had some kind of trouble. Just to name a few.
Feels stupid to defiy the universe in this :laughing:
So we’re staying home.

Going to make some lasanga tonight, and we’re probably going to our local indoor pool tomorrow and then to the local pizza place.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.