Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Thanks for input i did a full panel i think thats what they call it


@CATMANCAM I hope your back hurts less. Pain Back is hard, very hard. My prayers


@tailee17 and @JazzyS thank you :blush:


Good morning hope everyone had a good night. Something i keep thinking about the last few nights is why do i let someone i love s
So much allow them to continue to hurt me why canā€™t I just let her go? It reminds me of when i first was going thru withdrawal when i first got clean but and time i feel it is worse because it not going away shoot at least the things with using like triggers using dreams ect. They come and go this feeling seems to hang on for dear life and that is how i feel most the time this days . Holding on for dear life ! But i just try to keep moving forward and not pick up one day at a time try it it working for me. Hope everyone has a great day. Try to keep your head up and ill try to do the same .


Day 922
Today is going to be a fun day (I hope)! My son is attending a birthday party at the zoo. Hes super excited!! Im excited too but also a bit nervous, just with interacting with the other parents.

I got paid today also, so i paid the internet/cable bill and ordered a few things off amazon that ive been needing. So im excited to receive those items next week.

All n all today is going to be a good day! Hope everyone has a great day also! :butterfly:


DAY 1000

Not really got much to say, just felt it was something to be proud of!


141 days sober
Today was one of those days where nothing goes as planned and the world tilts sideways. I could have been annoyed but I went with it. I didnā€™t get much done in the end but my coal finally arrived, the shepherd came back with some sheep I was needing to trade and a friend came to help me wash laundry, fill buckets and beat out the tushuks. So not a bad day but not the most productive workwise.
It is already starting to feel like the beginning of winter which is a cozy feeling. I wanted to visit my neighbors but just ran out of time and will go tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a good day and keeping sober!


Day 61 - Just had my first therapy session in a few weeks, boy was there lots to unpack! Through my sobriety I have realized there has been a hard truth in my relationship that I have not felt adequate, or fully accepted.

My partner and I are both investigating ourselves in a responsible way, which is demonstrating the love we have for one another. All and all, I am protecting my peace and continuing to show kindness and respect for my partner.

Life is a crazy experience! Lots of love to you all


Keep up with it! You got this one day at a time


Day 5
No binge eating

Day 1
No shopping


Second update for today.
The new nurse called me this afternoon, she had an entire list of more things I should avoid eating.
She had read my journals again and realized that my reactions could be a cross reaction to things Iā€™m already allergic too. She said that in some cases the proteins are extremely similar almost identical. Like in peanuts and soy. But thereā€™s other proteins in the same family where the protein chain is more like cousin bit still can cause a reaction. And those proteins like pea protein, quinoa,chickpeas,beans, lupinbeans and other additives made of those is more and more common in especially dairy free and vegan food.

So she recommended me to avoid those as well.
I didnā€™t knew that, and my old doctor never told me.

I should still be careful with solids, try to avoid processed pre-made food and now also watch every ingredient even more careful then I already do. She also made a joke about that I should go back to the basics like Steak and potatoes.

She also recommended me to bake my own bread, since glutenfree bread often contain those ingredients and also try to go back to real milk, by adding a little bit everyday. Because she didnā€™t though milk ever was the problem. Weā€™re going to do some blood tests after two weeks and see.

Interesting,not sure about that milk think but Iā€™ll guess I give it a try. Feels good to have a doctorā€™s office that actually cares, even if it costs a bit more.


135 days sober from booze and nicotine

Ive been reading other ppls checkins for encouragement and i have been having a little chuckle to myself cos somone i cant remember who said ā€œanytime under 365 days is baby soberā€

This i like alot and i will say it now when i have to tell ppl i dont drink cos i like it and its funny so thanks for that fellow sober warrior. Bank holiday here un uk ive got a good few days off gonna weather watch n might get my butt on the golf course at some point if not no bother. Catch ya later :crazy_face:


967 days. Still alive. Working tonigth, and my son just called feeling sick, wanting me to come home. To much on my hands and mind.


1000 days sober is amazing!!! Way to go! Thatā€™s so inspiring!


138 days sober. Iā€™ll stay sober today too.
Iā€™m helping out in the kindergarten class today. Enjoy your day everyone.


I relapsed on the shopping yesterday online. I bought an expensive purse that i donā€™t need. Im returning it once it comes. The addiction kept telling me its not really a relapse if Im returning it. But I realized addiction lies and acknowledge the situation, that its definitely a relapse even if i return it. But i canā€™t beat myself up over it because that will get me absolutely nowhere.


1000 days you shout be proud and extremely accomplished.


Numbers are adding up! Yahoo!


Checking in day 235 AF :blush:


Checking in. Day 5. So tired, but canā€™t sleep. These numbers are inspiring. Iā€™ve tried going sober once before and failed. This time!