Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Yay on 5 days. Stay strong!


WOW!!! Congratulations Richard! Quadruple digits is an amazing accomplishment. Especially with all u have been thru in ur sobriety. Proud of u!


Day 922
The zoo was sooo much fun! It was really an enjoyable time. There wasnt too many people so it was easy to make conversation. Idk why i was freaking out about it or why i was so anxious :woman_shrugging: Worked myself up over nothing i guess. Got lots of good pics. My fav animal was the penguins. They were sooo cute and swam so close to us.

The outing wore me out tho. Pushing my son in his wheelchair with all the inclines and declines on the path, and then carrying all of his medical equipment in a dufflebag on my shoulder, tired me out! I am sooo sore and definitly out of shape. Will have to get back to the gym asap (when school starts up again).

Did some self care tonight and now just relaxing a bit before my son goes to bed. Have to work this weekend so will prepare for that. Yaā€¦ it was an overall really good day! Hope everyone is doing well in their recoveries today :butterfly:


Welcome back! And congratulations on 5 days :slight_smile:



Eh. Feeling a bit if an urge to have ā€œjust one.ā€ My mom wonā€™t leave me the fuck alone and itā€™s overwhelming. I feel it impacting my mood and my motivation. Donā€™t know what to do with myself because Iā€™m just bored and everything feels pointless right now, but I think Iā€™ll try to draw for a bit.

Doing good otherwise lately.


Boredom was a big trigger for me also. That and stress. Great job not giving into the thought to have just one. I came across this and thought id share. Maybe it will spark an idea for u for something to do :slight_smile:


Howdy folks, checking in to maintain focus :v:

My roadtrip has seen an interesting last couple of days filled with beautiful landscapes and lots of wildlife where I currently am. Iā€™ve been keeping to a daily morning routine with breakfast, meditation and a calisthenics workout to start the day, and regularly throw in little mindfulness exercises throughout the day to keep me on track. My current favourite goes like this:

(& there is no right or wrong way to do it btw, you can take as long as you like, be as vague or specific as you like etc :wink:)

Take a break from whatever it is youā€™re currently doingā€¦

  1. Look around you, what are five things you can see?
  2. What are four things you can feel?
  3. What are three things you can hear?
  4. What are two things you can smell?
  5. Name one good thing about yourself?

Give it a try if you havenā€™t already :slightly_smiling_face: it helpsā€¦

It also helps to remind myself of the bigger picture: why I started sobriety?; what my goal/purpose in life is?; what my ideal self and life look like? ā€¦i.e. what is it I truly seek? What will I consider a ā€˜successfulā€™ life? Because we only have one all too short opportunity to shine.

I slept in today, I was so exhausted last night I promptly fell asleep once I lay down. Oh yeah, can you believe a dingo stole my shoe the other night, just gone, the cheeky bugger! Had to make a detour to buy new ones which is part of the reason it ended up getting later than planned yesterdayā€¦ Anyways, thatā€™s all for now, time to get going :slightly_smiling_face: Have as good a day as you can friend! Sober and mindful :muscle::heart:

I promise myself to give my best to be my best today :seedling::sunflower:



So tired :sleepy:


Checking in on a very good day 4. Very proud that I was able to go out for dinner without ordering a drink :grinning:


Checking in with 3 years 2 months and 12 days continuous sobriety. Went for a nice long run on the treadmill today but cancelled that out with ice cream tonight :shushing_face: Hope everyone has a great start to the weekend :blue_heart:


Checking in on this beautiful Friday evening

Went for a ride after work to easy my mind a little and watched a little bit of the sun set I hope everyone has a safe and sober weekend


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 178.

According to the new ā€œeating adviceā€ I got yesterday Iā€™m not supposed to eat the bread weā€™ve got at home. Luckily thereā€™s some loaded mashed potatoes left still, thatā€™ll make a great breakfast :laughing:

Today we plan to visit our local indoor pool. I like swimming and being in water. And I love being in the sauna as well. Not sure why I donā€™t take the chance to go and swim more often. Maybe I actually should make it a weekly thing, sign up for water exercise or something like that.
At least I can check the possibilities and the prices.

Finally realized that my psychiatrist is right. Iā€™m not good at doing things for my own sake. Probably because Iā€™m used not to.

Spoke to my mother again yesterday, unfortunately Iā€™m getting more and more tired of her thinking Iā€™m not good enough no matter what I do. Then I spoke to my brother as well, weā€™re the ones that helps her with everything and make sure everything important gets done. It was shown that Ma and our sisters had a crawfish party last weekend. Neither my family or my brothers family was invited or asked if we wanted to join.

I donā€™t care I wouldnā€™t attend anyway since Iā€™m trying to avoid all of them as much as I can. My brother on the other side was upset. And when he asked Ma about it, she said ā€œWell it wasnā€™t a real party, and youā€™ll be invited for me and Sophiaā€™s Octoberfest laterā€

Weā€™ve never talked about and Octoberfest so I was just as surprised as my brother to hear about that :laughing:

I called her and she said something like ā€œWell, I thought Iā€™d be fun if you could arrange oneā€

How hard do you guys think It would be to immigrate toā€¦ Belize? Or maybe Atlantis would be harder to find? :laughing:

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.

  1. I donā€™t know how I live my life being chronically tired all the time. My sleep is hideous. Hideous. Firstly, I find it hard to fall asleep; often it takes two hours or so. Then, I wake at the lightest noise and donā€™t get back to sleep easily several times in the night. I wake at an ungodly hour in the morning even after all of this. Itā€™s really quite crap now. :grimacing:

Itā€™s funny, I was actually just thinking about starting a sleep topic because I am exactly like you describe. It used to take 1.5 - 2 hours for me to wind down enough to consider going to bed and that was while I was using. Now while sober, I lie awake for another 2 or so hours and then wake up from the slightest noise. The only thing that has helped me (other than sleep medication, which I want to stay away from knowing I have an addictive personality) is blackout curtains to make the room as dark and quiet as possible. Hang in there!


Hey Dirk. I have blackout blinds at home, but Iā€™m away currently. I bought a sleep mask and ear plugs with me so Iā€™m getting the big guns out tonight! I would like to try melatonin but itā€™s not available in the UK! Not easily or commercially anywayā€¦ You can only buy valerian, natural sleep remedies and supplements that support the production of melatonin! I wouldnā€™t (and havenā€™t ever) use sleeping tablets as I also would just abuse them!

You hang in there too. :muscle:t2:



Therapy was intense yesterday, we did emdr and I always feel resistance to that beforehand as I have no direct ptsd, thereā€™s no one deciding instance in my past, not one or two traumatic experiences. Instead my boyhood traumas were formed over many years of emotional neglect and inappropriate behaviour by adults. So itā€™s hard to find instances, scenes, to work with in emdr. But this time it worked great and unexpected and we got some great results I feel. Progress, maybe even e breakthrough. .

I was knackered afterwards and then the heating/warm water maintenance guy didnā€™t show until 4 and as it turned out the heating boiler needs a replacement
part that needs to be ordered. So when my sis messaged me, inviting to come out to the park and share a meal, I didnā€™t feel like it. But after thinking I didnā€™t feel like preparing a meal myself either, I did drag my butt out and showed up. Turned out to be a nice very low key neighbourhood voluntary initiative, cheep and cheerful. It was fun with some live entertainment thrown in as well. And the food was good.

Iā€™m not really rested yet. Today Iā€™m going to do some house chores and see what the day brings. Maybe Iā€™ll eat with sis again in her community garden (who would Iā€™ve thought Iā€™d do stuff with my sis two days in a row?), although right now itā€™s raining. Will see. Iā€™ll remain sober and clean for sure, as using substances wouldnā€™t bring me anything good at all. As it never really did. Never again. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from Flevopark.

@Alicat22 Itā€™s one day at a time for all of us. Congrats on day 5 and keep going. Youā€™re not alone.
@MrsOdh Easter Island?


Looks like a really cozy place, glad you had a great time.

Easter Island sounds pretty good, maybe I can meet the Easter Bunny and hide in some of his tunnels :laughing:


@mindofsobermike 282 days is amazing Mike. Man Iā€™m sorry that incident happened and triggered you. Glad you have someone to talk to IRL ad glad you are still kicking ass ā€“ good luck with the share at the half way house. You are a role model for many :hugs:
@juli1 Damn hormones. Iā€™m sorry that your mood is off. Hope you are able to change focus. I do think that a new challenge is a great idea and heck yeah ā€“ the gym is awesome! A good work out can be so invigorating. Big hugs Jules ā€“ you are doing great.
@tyland Oh thatā€™s good ā€“ hope you get the results soon and are able to regain your energy soon :hugs:
@brokenwolf Totally something to be proud of. 1000 days!!! Grateful you came here to share this milestone with us :heart:
@mrsodh Oh man that sucks ā€“ sorry Sophia! Wishing you luck in eliminating yet even more from your diet. Hopefully your gut starts healing and you feel better
@sissychris39 Glad you reset the counter ā€“ the addict voice is very sneaky and always wrong. You are doing great :hugs:
@Alicat22 welcome back and a hell of a Job with 5 daysā€¦keep working your journey :muscle:t4:
@wahtisnormal man that boredom can real mess with the brain. I hope you were able to find something to do that would keep you mentally and physically busy. This is what helps me when the urges hit.
@1in8billion I love that practice and will try it myself. Thanks for sharing. Omg- a dingo stole your shoe??? How crazy is that?
@Just_Laura oooh I love it ā€¦ triple 5ā€™sā€‹:confetti_ball::confetti_ball::tada::tada::muscle:t4:

Checking in on Saturday early morningā€¦
Gonna restart some PT exercises and hopefully get some of my back pain back to tolerable.
Sleep is so in and out- very grateful that I am not having to focus on anything specific. Want to get back to my workout routine - hoping to do so soon.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Sorry about your back pain. I canā€™t even imagine how horrible that is. But I do see how it affects my husband. Hope your new exercise helps :smiling_face:

About my food, Iā€™m used to it. Iā€™m pretty much born being allergic to everything so it wonā€™t be much of a trouble. I do find it funny that she said that I should be back to basics like Steak and potatoes, when most doctors here recommend the opposite less meat and not to much potatoes because thereā€™s more healthy options. :laughing: Not sure how potatoes are unhealthy but Iā€™m no doctor.


Lolā€¦Iā€™m with you on this one ā€¦I do love my potatos.

Glad you have such a good upbeat attitude. :hugs:

Stretching and movement hurt but help if that makes sense. I rather be in pain in movement than sitting down (may be a mental thing of feeling like Iā€™ve done something). Determined to make today a good day :smiling_face: