Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

@Seb Nice shot. Really great colors.
@MrFantastik What sport does your daughter compete in?
@MrsOdh Curious to see what you’ll come up writing about.
@Mno Enjoy your lazy sunday. Some downtime is always in order.
@Scorpn Sorry to hear you are so exhausted. When I was so sick before one of my daughter’s birthday I just asked her if it was ok to postpone her gift. She was very understanding. Your daughter is 15. She will surely understand that her parent needs to recover first.
@Just_Laura Hoping you get your time to recover. Working for 11 hours sounds quite insane. Take care. We will be here when you feel better.
@Butterflymoonwoman Thanks for sharing about your new opportunity to give back. These are the kinds of gifts we get in recovery you cannot put into a pamphlet :heart_eyes:
@Bluekoolaid Thank you for sharing Trevor. It really is great to read about your recovery journey, the insights you gained and the changes in your life :green_heart: Fingers crossed the appartment works out. :crossed_fingers: But I think if you stay on your path you will move to a different living situation anyways. If not this week, then at some other point.
@Tyland Don’t let your thoughts bother you too much. They will never obey you. Just let them do their stuff and you do your stuff. It’s a bit like digestion. You put stuff in, the system does something and you keep at your life without obsessing over every burp or fart :wink:
@Alycia Congrats on your huge sober time! My personal experience is that if I actually crave my DOC in order to deal with life’s stress on a regular basis, I need to up my recovery game. Meaning I need to use or find different tools to deal with life. All human beings experience all kinds of pain, discomfort, stress and tragedies. But there are more and less skillful means to deal with being human. Addiction and every kind of drug are one of the less skillful ones, ones that will just add suffering to whatever is already happening. I believe it’s not enough to stay abstinent and sober but I myself need to build a different approach to life. So maybe you could use or learn new tools as well?

277 days no sugar
141 UPF
15 gluten
15 dairy
0 compulsive eating

Did my run, already feeling good. When those hormonal waves hit I find it sometimes hard to reason properly. This morning it worked and I realized that although I am feeling all kinds of discomforts while running I would be feeling them if I was sitting on the sofa the same. But compared with the sofa a run brings me so much benefit. So yay for running, and yay for brain working at the crucial moment. I hope this view holds for the afternoon when I have yoga planned.

There was a storm last night and the cooled down significantly. Today I’m going to do my weekly review, maybe a short bike trip, some yoga and Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Let’s keep our hearts and minds open for today friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Morning check-in! :wave:t2::sunny:
I’ve started my day with a 7K walk. I hadn’t been for a walk since Monday, so it was about time to get my butt moving. My plan is to walk every day during my week of holidays. :call_me_hand:t2:
I’ve just started listening to a new suspense audio book, which seems quite cool. Breakfast and shower time for me now!
Have a good day everyone!


Thats awesome havent seen anything like it for a long time thanks for sharing


Thank you rhe hurt is still there. Im trying not to think or react to her or her actions right now. And be in the now but here its 230am and i am up once again cant sleep ugh


@acromouse Hopefully you were able to nap yesterday :smiling_face: and are feeling more energized today.
Yeah to running and rewiring the mind…I am same way. Have fun with yoga.

Keep working your recovery friend…it won’t be long. :muscle:t4:
@CATMANCAM ah that sounds awful…I’m sorry friend. These scammers are the absolute most horrific people. I do hope you are able to get your money back. Sorry that the therapy session was hard and you were triggered but super proud of how you curbed the binge with finding something else to do. Hope you were able to rest and regain some energy :pray:t4:
@Kareness it’s hard to leave behind engrained learning. I’m sorry your brother has made you feel this way. Glad you are seeing it for the lies it is and are seeing your worth. In these times especially - everyone is raising rates and prices and it is necessary to survive with the increasing inflation. Wishing you the Best :people_hugging:
@Shel75 that is one nasty tricky disease ee have. Grateful you did not give in. We don’t need to relax by poisoning ourselves. Into healthier better living
@Jesile glad you were able to be honest with your friend. She may be upset but I’m sure she will understand and get over it eventually. I had to have a similar conversation with my cousin and I’m grateful that I put myself first.
@SelfLove_42 I’m sorry friend…I know how hard it is to really want to move past the addiction and truly have the best intentions but finding yourself back on day 1. Don’t give up. Keep working your recovery…re-read your thread and your own words may help you stay focused when the urges hit. :pray:t4::people_hugging:
@Courtni sorry yesterday was rough but grateful you got through it and are 1+ weeks into your recovery… keep going…it gets easier :pray:t4::muscle:t4:
@Alycia grateful that you do play the tape forward. The alcohol infused culture is so strong and makes it seem so normal. I have to remind myself that it’s literal poison and the numbness I crave is not going to come easy. It is also a mental hold from the addiction mind that we liked that numb feeling. We were functioning walking zombies. Your coworker sounds like a right ass… Sorry you have to hear his stories and romanticizing drinking. Keep strong my friend…you are crushing it!
@Bluekoolaid oh that’s great news…hope it does work out for you. Have fun with the diet…so many awesome recipes to play with :yum:


@Butterflymoonwoman that’s awesome friend… grateful they have this and that you are able to donate :people_hugging:
@Scorpn I’m sorry you are feeling so low. Hopefully you are recovering from Covid and are now negative :pray:t4:…I know the fatigue from it can last for a very long time. I will try to think of ideas for a gift. Have you gotten a schedule from your new employer? Rest up my friend. Sending energy and healing vibes your way
@Mno sorry the session still has you reeling with thoughts and emotions. Hope today is better my friend :people_hugging:

Good morning my sober peeps… happy Sunday :sunny::blush:
I fell asleep around 5:30 last night and had the best deep sleep in a long time. Up super early today and all the symptoms are back but I don’t feel like a zombie… loving the day ahead and feeling a new.
Hope you all have a fabulous addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 284. Work and tomorrow off, broke my new unicyle:( tried climbing up a hill that was out of my skill range and the unicyle took a pretty hard hit which shorted the controller. Luckily the company i baught it from is sending out a new controller tomorrow to replace it. All is well otherwise. Idk much love everyone


Day 233 AF

Did a mow yesterday and wife left to go to work for the night…

Did I use that excuse to grab a bottle and have a drinky night to myself?
Hell no!!
Jumped on bike after a shower and headed out for an amazing 4.5 hour tour on a beautiful afternoon/evening. It felt so good to be out riding, not even thinking of getting home to start my night of drinking. Just enjoy the time with no plans to rush to be anywhere. Just be in the moment and ride. It’s probably one of the best feelings I’ve had since I began this journey… it just set in, to be there, in the moment. Not thinking of anything but the now!
I was in total peace :peace_symbol:

Man I love sobriety :heart::heart::heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1533. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:





Well good morning for not getting much sleep last night im up ready to go catch some fish this bright morning its really not its cloudy lol well wish me luck. On a other note my demons were out last night and bad dreams been up like since 230 with a nape in between just hope things turn around soon again really dont know how much more i can take if im not crying when i go to sleep my mind just goes and goes then dreams some have been so real that i wake up in a panic ugh anyways have a wonderful day every one keep your head up one day at a time it works if you work it.


Day 3
No shopping

Day 7
No binge eating


Amazing picture!


143 days sober
Todays been better. I didn’t set an alarm and just let myself sleep as long as I needed and I slept long and deep! I still had higher anxiety today but I don’t feel as bad as yesterday. I had a long hike in the morning which felt great. Then I was booked to go to the bath house to do sauna and bathe but unfortunately they double booked on me so I came home. I put some buckets out to sit in the sun then had a bucket bath. Not as satisfying but I’m clean.
Later I went to my friends for coffee and then stayed for dinner. We had a good time together. Was glad to be social today.


The story about your son made me smile. I lived on a Native American reservation until my parents died as part of the Mi’kmaq tribe. Unfortunately I was moved out after going into foster care but I was always proud of this heritage and as an adult I went back and learned what I could about where I came from.
Good for him learning about and being interested in other cultures! So glad he got his thunderstorm!


Day 924
Morning TS fam! :sunny: How is everyone today? Im currently at work for another shift. Had a pretty deep sleep last night and woke up feeling groggy but managed to get out the door on time for me to grab an extra coffee :coffee: Not much else happening today. Hope u all have a fantastic day! :butterfly:


Leaving church and heading into work. Will be my last Sunday having town work for a bit. Today I’m going to really focus on taming my thoughts, gossip between coworkers, and just staying present in gratitude. Have a relaxing Sunday sober fam.


Day 1044 AF

Good morning, gang.

Had to work the Saturday shift yesterday. It was a very slow day. Didn’t do much. Easy money, I guess. Went to get the little man’s haircut and then visited my in-laws and my mom.

We don’t have anything planned today. It’s a beautiful Sunday morning here in Cali. I have to go do laundry and prolly take the kids to the park.

I did some urges out of the blue the other day. Thought about having a drink with the wifey. With the kids back to school and all. We have some free time in the morning/afternoon. Thoughts about having a drink by the beach side or a local bar or something. I think it might be related to the heat. Anyway, from my past experiences, I know ONE drink will never work for me. “Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic.” Gonna continue sippin on these sparkling waters.

Have a great day everyone! I hope all is well. ODAAT :heart:

Luv y’alls.


Day 1345,

Was a good weekend with my girlfriend. But missing someone sober is a new experience. Quite challenging. So of to a meeting tonight. :pray:


Alright lets make it stick this time. Every time i drink and its not everyday. Mostly on the weekends i end up sick. I notice im not drinking into obivion but it doesnt matter. It still makes me ill. Day 1