Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 428. Watching dune two. At work over night but that’s OK. Working over night this coming Friday too. I’m going to save the money towards Jan-feb as often it’s an expensive couple of months.

Have a fab day folks. F@ck alcohol. The world is a better place without it


Yeah to that! That’s already something worth celebrating! :grin: Have a great day, Dana!


208 days AF

I am quite good, listening to Tara Brach, making notes and sharing with my best Sangha friend.
I joyned a RR meeting online spontaneous on Friday night, cause dark thoughts were hunting. It was good to be back. I got new perspectives. Recovery work is also discipline. So I will listen the course and make a summary and share it with my friend every day. I realy need to learn how to deal with myself. If that makes sence!

Pausing swimming today. Tired.
Eating the house due to hormonal stuff. Lol.
Love you guys :heart:


Second check in for today.
My Ma called my husband to say that she will come for a visit tomorrow afternoon, together with my sister and my nephew.

Love my nephew, not too found of the other two.
My Ma never comes for an unattended visit, she might have been here like 6 times on the past ten years,and two of them since my father died.

I’m already nervous, because I don’t really know what she actually wants. And I’m sure she’s going to be extremely negative as always.


That’s so interesting. I’m sorry that you ended up in foster care. But glad that you were able to get back and learn about your culture and history. It’s so important.


Checking in with 140 days sober. 20 weeks. I’m proud of how far I’ve come.
My husband has been drinking a lot since Thursday, just like every weekend but alas… I don’t want even a sip. I really enjoy remembering my nights and feeling good in the morning. Sometimes the weekend nights are lonely, but I’ve come to appreciate my quiet time after everyone is asleep or passed out.
ODAAT I’ll stay sober today too.


Checking in on day 448 AFAF.
The day started with me feeling not so great. I’m worried about my daughter and the fact she’s missed three days of school already due to poor mental health. I’ve been trying to get her to go to bed at a reasonable time but she keeps staying up really late (I take medication that makes me drowsy in the evening so I can’t stay up to supervise her) I just felt overwhelmed this morning and I nearly cancelled my double yoga class. I’m so glad I went though as it really seemed to help put things in perspective for me.
When I got home I felt creative enough to paint for a while and then I braved the crowded city centre to get ingredients for dinner.
One day at a time and all that.


I think I need some milestones which I can understand and visualise or I feel abit at sea :joy::ocean:

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Checking in day 237 AF :blush:


Only day 3 for me, but I am proud of myself. I went to the store, I was standing in front of the shelf and wanted to buy that vodka so badly, but I stopped myself.


@mindofsobermike OH NO – I’m sorry friend. Glad you are safe and it can be fixed.
@tyland Sorry the dreams are so real and causing panic attacks. Let it out and cry – You may need to weep away the hurt and grief. You are not along my friend I do hope it gets easier for you soon :hugs: Hope you are able to get some sleep tonight
@sissychris39 YEAH 1 week no binge eating – super proud to see this!
@goku2019 Damn thoughts and urges – you are doing great on staying on top of them and hope the sparkling water hits the spot. 1044 days and counting :muscle:
@button83 YES! Lets make it stick. Gotta stay connected and vigilant – I know you can :muscle: Why put yourself through the hell of getting ill – so many other ways to have fun or relax. We got you my friend – keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@juli1 So glad that you were able to connect with your Sangha friend when you experienced dark thoughts. WE need to remember that we are n us for that moment. For the support that helps us for that moment. Totally makes sense to me as I am learning new things about myself and how to cope with my mind in a sober life.
@mrsodh Oh that can be a cause to build up anxiety. I do hope you are able to rest easy tonight and that the visit is a pleasant one.
@vanessa8 Oh that’s awesome girl — 20 weeks is great work :muscle: Keep going strong – you are going to continue being happy and proud
@deelzebub Oh I’m sorry love – that has to be hard to witness. Is she able to see a therapist or doctor? Possibly get her blood levels checked? Glad you were able to do your yoga and are feeling better :hugs:
@chickennugget Welcome to the community friend – well done on 3 days – the first days are the hardest so be proud of your achievements. Glad you were able to resist the alcohol today. If possible – try to stay clear of triggers which you are getting your sober legs on solid ground.

Checking in Sunday late afternoon
Was a decent day. Enjoyed the Jazz in the park and some good family time. Feeling super exhausted to most likely an early night. Gonna put on a good show to zone out to.
Wishing everyone a wonderful evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you :hugs:


Day 49. I need to come here and check in. I should do it more often. I should make more of an effort to interact. It’s a bank holiday weekend. I expect lots have struggled. But there’s no need to worry. Just show up for today :grin:


Day 177

On the road, home tomorrow. :heart:



I think I was happy when I got out of work. Couldn’t really tell bc I was so tired. Did nothing for 2 hours after and I’m feeling good now. Looking forward to the chiropractor tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be beautiful too, so I plan to use the pool one last time before it closes. Can’t believe the summer’s almost over already. Kinda bummed it was so lame :confused: Ah well. I’ll have more time and energy soon, once work slows down and I have more of a schedule. Found out my daughter’s new bus stop is a few blocks away(instead of right in front of our house) and it comes an hour earlier :tired_face: It’s gonna take a while to get used to that. Been going to bed earlier in preparation, so it’s time to start our nightly routine. Goodnight everyone :heart:


Checking in at the end of (another) Day 30. My attitude is better this time around, and I’m taking better care to surround myself in recovery tools. Want to start going to a weekly women’s meeting next month, a mile from the new place I’ll be moving to in a week. Have been in several potentially triggering situations this last month and have kept my resolve during all of them. However, I know the iron can strike at any time so adding more, not less, recovery tools is critical to long term success with this. Thanks gang for reading, writing, and being here. :slight_smile:


Day 686

School starts in the morning… Hoping to get a little sleep before the drop offs begin



Day 92 and still going. I had some cravings today for the first time in awhile, but I put them out of my mind. Looking forward to the 6 month milestone.

Have a great week!



The move to the apartment sounds great. I am praying for you!


Checking in and feeling much better after my near spin out Saturday. I stayed focused on what i needed to do throughout the day and evening. Got the food cooked and served. Sold all of the pies and cheesecake i made. After the kitchen slowed down, i headed upstairs to where the band was playing. I helped auction off some items, gave away some door prizes, talked with guests and encouraged them to donate. At the end of the night, i was able to hand a good amount of money to a very nice family that’s dealing with some horrific medical issues. I also got them in touch with an organization we partner with that will be able to help them even more financially. When i was drinking, I’d help out in the kitchen until i was too hammered and they’d send me home. Now im chairing the whole event and every month we’re helping someone in need. It seems like a much better way to spend my time.
This morning, i got up early, started laundry and then sat down with the paperwork and reports i have to do after our last week long fundraiser at the county fair. I put it off for a week, but it had to be done. Everything is finished, printed and filed appropriately.
Then we went bowling with some friends/family. It was a good time. We start league bowling this week, so i needed to practice. All in all, it was a good weekend. I got a little sideways for a minute, but I’ll be good