Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in 3y 2m 14d alcohol free. Also today is the anniversary of my quitting smoking many years ago. I’m grateful that I did it when I did because it was incredibly difficult. I don’t ever want to go through that again. Wishing everyone peace :blue_heart:


Checking in. 9 days. I survived another weekend without alcohol.


Checking in.

Got to sleep really late last night as I finished a song I’ve been composing on the guitar (I can hardly believe it!) and then tried to organise something after but that was in vain and will have to wait so was a waste of time. Woke up tired as a result. It’s crazy how sleep effects mental clarity and strength… My tired mind managed to bring about a brief moment of carelessness, self-doubt and unexpected cravings when I woke up this morning, I rolled over and it passed, but I need to be careful and mindful of these triggers.

Also trying to think of a way to tell a girl I had a fling with a couple of months back that I still have feelings for her when we talk and staying in touch confuses and strains me.

Anyways, it’s already midday and I haven’t eaten or done my morning meditation and workout routine yet so I’ll jump into it and go for a swim in the cold but beautiful ocean after :slightly_smiling_face: it’s crazy how much I’ve been maturing since setting off travelling… :pray:

As usual, I promise myself to give my best to be my best today. One step at a time. Odaat.

Have as good a day or night as you can sober legends! Mindful… :seedling:



Back to work this morning for my last workweek before my vacay. Had a nice walk yesterday, discovered a path close to my place I never walked before, missed another one (so I have a good reason to go back there, not that I need any). I’m amazed at how much there still is to discover in my own town and surroundings. A bit of an allegory to what has been happening inside of me, in my head mind and body, since I got sober and started my journey of Discovery. Discovering new, better, healthier, happier ways of living life. One day at a time.

Let’s have as good a day as wel all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come from it. Love from my walk.

@icebear Huge congrats Drew! Nicotine is a beast. Never going back to that lying killing addiction.


Talk about inspo! You look amazing congrats!

Day ten tomorrow for me, just checking in 🩷


Hotel has jet engine air conditioning. :laughing: I’m still buzzing from driving 8 hours. I don’t care. I was so happy I got to go to the mountains! Now I wait for breakfast. I’ll sleep a bit I’m sure. If not, I’ll wipe out the continental breakfast and put it in my gigantic purse. For the road!

Not 1 thought of drinking over the past week on my trip to the Rockies. Free! Road trips & plane trips are, by far, the most triggering as far as drinking thoughts go. Not this time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. It’s so amazing. I will try not to kick myself for wasting so much of my precious time and energy. I’m not young but I’m not old. There is still time. Maybe a lot

I’m going to go to the lobby in my pajamas with a blanket and pillow just to fuck with them. Why is the ac sooooo loud? :laughing: Do you like breakfast tacos? When is breakfast going to be ready? Can I have it now? Do you have any guest snacks? My blood sugar!!

I’m so happy and it’s almost my 6 months! I would be cool with never drinking again.

Lots of love and Day 178 starting. Home tomorrow afternoon


Thanks for giving me the giggles here in the early morning Marie. Hope you’ll get a less enthusiastic AC and some sleep. Freedom rocks. Safe travels :heart: :people_hugging: :heart:


Glad I made you laugh! Have a great day, Menno :blush:


i’m only a couple weeks away from a year sober!! the longest i’ve ever been sober since i took my first drink at 16, twenty years ago :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:. i’m also 3 weeks off cigarettes/nicotine - FINALLY freed from that wicked snare as well. feeling clearer and more real every day. OH how down and delusion i’d been!!! excited to be learning who i actually am and what my world truly is. LIFE IS PRECIOUS. strength and joy and love you all :heart::heart::heart:



  1. Nice but stressful day yesterday that showed my 79 yo mother in law to be an old 79. It’s so weird to watch someone I’ve known almost twenty years fight and lose the aging and bodily and mental changes. We are staying another day now and will leave tomorrow at 5am before London gets cranky and aggressive. I’m still not getting over 4 or 5 hours max sleep a night and it’s a bit tiring now, the accumulation and longevity of deprivation. I’ll live. I’m reaching my social fatigue levels bit by bit so I’ll take some me time today just to reset my compassion bank.

What I’ve learned from this break:

Keep your mind and heart open, always
Don’t believe the internet or biased troll politics
Don’t always get into lazy short cuts, take the long road
Keep using your mind, it’s precious
Keep exercising daily; stay flexible and USE THOSE CORE MUSCLES
Make LOVE the only way

Have a 24 hours you want, it will pass anyway, regardless.


268 days
Quick check in. Pretty standard day.
Back at work tomorrow morning


Day 429.a quiet night at work. Today I’m going to take it easy. Short week but I am working over night on Friday too

Any extra money I am saving towards Christmas and Jan - Feb as it will help.

Have a fab day folks


@Tragicfarinelli Thanks :heart: :heart_hands: :heart:
@zzz I could use some drifting through the day today :joy:
@JuliaLuna This is so exciting!
@Lighter Now that thing with the PJs in the lobby is just a movie worthy scene :joy:
@Mno Are these the kinds of houses that were built on the old dike?
@1in8billion Lack of sleep always messes with my emotions, mental health and mental clarity. I could wing sleepless nights far better 30years ago :rofl:
@Courtni Congrats on getting through two weekends in a row! :muscle:
@Shel75 Isn’t it crazy how when we are in active addiction the only person we care about is us, and then with recovery comes the discovery that caring for others, helping others is so much better? :heart_eyes:
@Kris Good job on getting over your cravings. :+1:
@Ballroomdaze Congrats on 30 days! :partying_face: In early recovery I have found diving deeply into recovery tools and materials very beneficial. It’s a bit like a bath: submerging into recovering people, recovery attitudes, recovery mindsets, recovery communitites, recovery materials as much as I could until I am thoroughly soaked so that the addictive voice does not get much of a chance to scream at me.

278 days no sugar
142 UPF
16 gluten
16 dairy
0 compulsive eating

Hormones are making everything around hunger, satiety and eating difficult.

Did my morning run, realized my mood is and will be :poop: no matter if I run or not, so I opted for running.
My daughter has been suffering from a nasty migraine since yesterday afternoon. I hope this episode ends soon. My poor baby.
Me, I’m going to work on the game, come up with good riddles and puzzles. Some yoga in the afternoon. And should my energy levels improve I’m going to join a gaming group this evening or RD else.

Whenever I am clear in my mind I will try to keep my heart and mind open :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Yes. We biked along that dike. Walked a short version of the route we did yesterday.


Day 196
Fairly uneventful Monday so hopping into bed at 7.30pm to find something good on Netflix hopefully.
Peace to you all


@Ballroomdaze WOW 1 month is awesome! Glad you are surrounding yourself with recovery tools and staying vigilant about your surrounding!. Keep stacking up the days :muscle: :tada:

This is beautiful. Love how much we can do and what we can become in our sober recovery!
@icebear Way to go Drew - congrats on your smoke free time - happy anniversary for NO SMOKING!
@1in8billion Sleep is so important to mental thinking and clarity. Do not let the self doubt roll over into your full time thinking. A jump in the cold ocean sounds heavenly - enjoy! Love that you are finding yourself in this adventure :hugs:
@Lighter Oh i do love your sense of humor! Glad you enjoyed the trip and are now relaxing in a lovely hotel with blasting AC. Hopefully you will be able to rest too :hugs:
@JuliaLuna Oh how awesome is this – love that I have been on this journey with you and seen you stack up the days – keep going strong my friend – you are living a wonderful life! :heart:
@acromouse Sorry for the :shit: mood – hope the run helped. Hopefully your daughter starts to feel better soon too :hugs:
@Rob11 oh how beautiful - love when we can connect with others through our experiences / words. Really helps to know that what we are feeling / going through is something many experience. :heart:
@Deelzebub How is your daughter feeling?

Checking in on Monday morning
Had a fairly good nights sleep. Have a day planned with family and hopefully I will be able to hang with them. The pain these days has been intense and its hard to stay focused or mobile. Not letting it mess with me mentally. It will be a good day!
I lam enjoying a lovely cup of coffee. Hot and perfectly rich. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Wishing everyone a fabulous addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@Scorpn theme park?
@Mno thank you :blush:🩵
@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵 I’m sorry for your pain levels :people_hugging:
@Sissychris39 congrats on your week :tada:
@Button83 never stop trying :crossed_fingers:t2: welcome back :people_hugging:
@chickennugget welcome :blush: congrats on 3 days :tada: avoid that aisle!
@Ballroomdaze congrats on 30 days :tada:
@icebear congrats on your smoke-free anniversary :no_smoking::tada:
@JuliaLuna congrats on 3 weeks no nicotine :tada:

1476 days no alcohol.
941 days no cocaine.
456 days no vape.
29 days no crisps.
0 days no binge-eating.

I should have been checking-in with 29 days for no binge-eating, but things were out of control last night when I couldn’t sleep again. I ended up going to the shop to buy ‘just one’ healthy thing to eat, but their reduced to clear section was full of things I had been wanting to try. I bought 6 items, thinking I’d save the rest for today, but no, I proceeded to eat one after the other in the space of 4.5 hours. I’d already had a pizza at 10:30am, and a whole load of fruit throughout the day too. I’m gutted to start over, but it happened and I can’t deny it.

Today would usually be therapy day, but it’s a bank holiday here in the UK. I am hoping to visit my brother and his family later this afternoon, so that will be nice. :blush:



Day 178

Good morning from funky west Texas! Rolling hills of red dirt and short, scrubby mesquite trees. An old hotel with an extremely loud but cold AC.

Another fun story: I got hassled by a country cop in the Wal-mart parking lot last night as I was looking at my phone’s map after taking a wrong turn. Haha! He took a look at me and said: “you’re not from around here are you?” Apparently I don’t have the West Texas vibe :laughing:. “It’s ok, hon, I’m from Abilene”. He had the mirrored aviators and porn stache, just like the movies! And kept talking down to me about being lost. “No thank you, I’ll be going.” “But wait, I want to help!”. “Thank you, bye”. They don’t seem to like my look around here. He didn’t have a reason to hassle me. So I’ll not stay much longer! I look too out of place lol. I usually get hassled by someone on a road trip! I was really annoyed but bit my tongue. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I was hot, sunburned and tired. I was a bit curt with him. This morning I’ll try to be friendlier. But mostly I’ll just leave.

I had a great trip, the kind where you want to keep the momentum going at home. To really start living now that I’m gaining confidence. The early days are fading now and I can do more. A sober life is coming together, not just marking time.

Ok, I’d better caffeinate, see what they have to eat and leave before Porn Stache sees me again! This time he’ll arrest me :laughing:

Have a great sober day :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1534. I hope everybody has a good one!