Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Checking in! :wave:t2:
Today itā€™s been a busy day! I started my day with a 9K walk, I left way too late, and got home by noon, so it was very hot by then. My mistake. After that I contacted a lady from a shelter because I wanted to adopt a new cat that would give Moka some company.

1 hour later I had this little furry bundle at my place! :see_no_evil:

And Iā€™ve decided to work on my social anxiety, so when my colleague asked me this morning if I wanted to go to see a flamenco show at a hotel where her daughter is dancing, I said yes!
I think even my colleague was surprised! :rofl::rofl:
So here I am sitting at a hotel lobby, waiting for my colleague at almost 8:30 pm. Some would say itā€™s nothing, to me itā€™s totally getting out of my comfort zoneā€¦ :call_me_hand:t2:


Checking in on day 449 AFAF

Iā€™ve been reminding myself that worrying about my daughter not going into school is not helping getting her in so I took a step back this morning when she was beginning to get upset. I hugged her several times for a long time, but I stayed calm. I had been repeating a mantra in my head that I was doing my best, and then I realised that also my daughter is doing her best too. I realised how hard she worked to get herself in to school today and so I decided to buy her a gift as a reward. I got her a set of coloured pens and a sketchbook.

When she got home from school she was in a much better place and loved her gift.
I had a lovely yoga session this morning. My headstand game is really good now.

Then I came home for breakfast and then did some puzzles. I then meditated for an hour, something I neglect to do when the kids are at home. An appointment I had for the afternoon was rescheduled last minute for tomorrow but I headed out to the shops anyway and bought groceries and also some art materials for myself. I called a friend and also did a little more work on a painting.

Now Iā€™m just relaxing before tackling the dishes and then Iā€™ll listen to a podcast until itā€™s time for bed.

One day at a time.


Straight on course to 2 years :facepunch:


My condolences to you and congrats on your recovery years


Checking in day 238 AF :blush:


Day 178

Second check in as I made it home, cat collected and air conditioning fired up. So happy I went, and happy to be home. I am so very chuffed that I got through a trip to the mountains sober! I rested better. Altitude sickness was less severe. All the annoying things were far less annoying. Like I could brush things off and forget them. I think alcohol distorts the negative to be worse, and sobriety keeps things in perspective.

Big laundry party. Itā€™s cloudy and threatening to storm. Yes! Good way to come home to cooler weather- only 90 today.

I have lots of reading to do here. Bed feels good. I am glued to it. Ready to stay put for a bit. Next trip will be planned very soon. I wonā€™t let up on sober work. This is only a start :white_check_mark::heart::heart::heart:


@JazzyS thank you! It kinda upsets me when I go to some remote place and am not welcome. I look normal for Austin but super weird way out in the country I guess. :woman_shrugging: I like to meet different types of people, but some are afraid of different. Thanks for having my back!


@MrsOdh glad you are enjoying the visit with your ma and sisters :blush:.
@Courtni way to go with your double digits :tada::tada:ā€¦ keep it going friendā€¦it gets easier and you never have to repeat day 1. :muscle:t4:
@Jesile wow Jenny! 9k walk in the heat, a new beautiful bundle of joy in your family unit and going out of your comfort zone with going to a show!!! Very impressiveā€¦hope you enjoyed the outing and keep surprising yourself :smiling_face:

Always love. Just so sad that people are afraid of ā€œdifferentā€ the way they areā€¦sad cause they miss out on so much. You are brilliant in every way and Sony you forget that :hugs:


Day 2. here is very hot still and I sweat a lot. I found this meme which represents how I am these past days


Day 925
Happy Monday everyone!
Today so far has been a decent day but something happened while grocery shopping that really surprised me. Thankfully i made the right decision :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So I went to check out my groceries at self check out. When I walked up to self check out, i saw a cell phone with a bus pass attached to it that mustve been left behind by the previous customer. I called over the attendant right away and handed her the phone. But thenā€¦ my mind started goingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø The dishonest part of my mind was thinking, ā€œwhy did u hand that in? You couldve kept the phone and sold the bus pass for at least $80ā€. Well thankfully i didnt listen to it. Thats dishonest thinking and if i had lost my phone, i wouldve wanted someone to turn in it. So Im glad i made the right choice! And im grateful that the right choice was my first instinct (therefore handing it in) instead of the dishonest thinking first. It just amazed me tho how my old way of thinking still pops up now and again. In recovery im all about taking the next right action. And im glad i did that today.

Other than that, today has been good! Did some tidying up once i got home. Just relaxing with my son now. Feeling really positive about this week. I was also requested to make 30 macarons for my husbands coworker in Sept and a dreamcatcher for an auction in October. So ill be busy the next little while.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! Much love!!!


Omg!!! She is sooooo cute!!! So glad u adopted him/her :slight_smile: And way to go on facing ur social anxiety! I hope the show is fantastic. Sounds liks ur having a really good day! hugs


Checking in - day 7 nearly complete!
Slept better last night.
Had more energy today to enjoy myself with friends and family.
Lots of people were drinking and I didnā€™t want to, I was enjoying feeling fresh.
I feel like getting through the next few days should now be OK. Feeling positive and so pleased to come here and read your stories and your advice, thereā€™s no doubt it helps me stay focused.


Congratulations on almost 7 days! Thats a week of freedom!!


Well done, Dana! Itā€™s so strange how those old thoughts will fire off in a flash. And just as quickly, we realize we donā€™t have to act on them or take them in in any way. So happy to be living well now, with a clear conscience :blush:


Second check in of the day! :wave:t2:
The show I went to see was really nice, I had 2 tonic zero! :call_me_hand:t2:
Right now I have my new 6-week old fury hairball lying next to me on the couch. I have to be careful I donā€™t squash her! :see_no_evil:
Iā€™m A bit out of my regular times, usually I am in bed by now, but thatā€™s ok. Today has been a weird day anyhow, with the adoption of my new kitty, Iā€™m a bit of the tracks!


Hey all! Well it has been a busy few days!

Daughters strep, then hubby got sick and pinworms! Yes I said it, pin worms. I only knew about them because my friends kid had them years ago, and yep. Its as fun as it sounds.

Hubby had first day of work at new job today and I was home with the kiddos. First day of school tomorrow and our daughters so excited :slight_smile: Took them to the beach today because its so hot. So tired now, must check out xo.


Checking in Day 35. Went to a wedding over the weekend. It was pretty difficult if Iā€™m being honest. It wasnā€™t so much the urge to have a drink. It was being around a lot of people and watching them get drunker as the night went on. I have social anxiety and alcohol was always that crutch for me in settings like that.

Proud of myself for getting through it. I know those situations will get easier over time. I did meet a few sober adults. One lady was also experiencing her first sober wedding and she was 10.5 months clean. Her boyfriend has been sober for 15+ years. Hung out with them a bunch and found that to be helpful.

Hope everyone got through the Monday okay.


@Laner I can relate on the trauma therapy. It is very disturbing and rewarding at once.

Just wanted to say that you are doing so well. Iā€™ve noticed a change in your posts over time. Youā€™re very articulate, and itā€™s really coming out as you recover. It really is like the lifting of a veil. There is so much joy in seeing otherā€™s recovery. :blush:


Yes, getting that first week finished is huge. This week will bring even greater rewards! :gift: :gift_heart:


Checking in before starting the day,

Got enough sleep and browsed this app a bit first thing. Plan now is to put down my phone, eat something healthy, meditate, workout, go for a swim and go through my to-do-list. I didnā€™t get them all in yesterday and I could feel it impact my mood and motivation for much of the rest of the day, so looking forward to getting back into the routine.

Have as good a day or night as you can folks! :seedling: