Checking in daily to maintain focus #69



@Laner I agree 100%. @Lighter your post have been lighter and energetic and positive also. I enjoy both of you so very much. Thank you for being here.


Another day
Just checking in


That made me laugh :joy: Reminds me of the wintertime when I say ā€œOooh, 33Ā°! Todayā€™s a warm one!ā€ :rofl: Hope that storm you seem to want comes!

@Ncgolfer Thatā€™s great you met sober people at the wedding! Theyā€™re alot easier to spot when you arenā€™t drinking. As someone whoā€™s been sober for many weddings(at work), I know it can be hard to watch as the night goes on. For me, it makes me wonder if thatā€™s how I looked to others and gives me even more reason not to drink. We hosted a wedding this weekend and a girl vomited all over the ladies locker room! Disgusting and embarrassing. No thanks :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This morning and afternoon were extremely uneventful. Didnā€™t leave the couch for much, and thatā€™s just the way I liked it :smirk: Then we had our chiropractor appt. Finally! She said my neck vertebrae shifted to one side and the muscles in front were extremely tight, as well as my jaw, and that my right leg was shorter, so it explains why Iā€™ve been favoring my left side. Anyway, I walked out virtually pain free :hugs: Iā€™m just starting to feel sore from the adjustment, six hours later, but Iā€™ll be in bed soon soā€¦who cares! We went straight to the pool from the appointment and it was really peaceful. Two hours before closing so there werenā€™t many there. Then treated us to some Italian take out. I felt like I needed some carby calories. All in all, a pretty good day off :relieved: Wishing you all the best :heart:



Having my coffee and getting ready for work. Had a good nightā€™s sleep, albeit a bit short. But no crazy dreams like the night before. Dreams that related to the emdr I did last Friday and really made me feel tired and unstable at work yesterday. Where some new and hard to handle patients had arrived during my days off. Which made for a very hard day at work yesterday. Iā€™m glad I do experience wrok today and tomorrow because the interpersonal dynamic of that work is really different form the role I have as a nurse.

Iā€™m going to have as good a day as I can. Sober and clean. As I expect from all of you here my friends. One day at a time. Much love.


Day 1045 AF

Whatā€™s up, gang.

We dropped off the kids at school this morning and then went for a walk on a trail with the wifey. It was chill.

Didnā€™t do much afterward. Picked up the kids and just chilled at the apartment.

Iā€™ve been noticing a lot of back acne, and I am breaking out around my chin/neck area. Itā€™s not too noticeable on my chin, but itā€™s been bugginā€™ me. It doesnā€™t help that my little man keeps picking at em. He has a thing for pimples. Idk it might be my diet. Back to drinking soda, coffee, and eating junk. Canā€™t seem to get back to the healthy eating.

Anyway, Iā€™ve been having the same dreams. Dreams about my childhood apartments. That Iā€™m there visiting. Walking around. Itā€™s a trip because I feel like Iā€™m actually there. I can see the same structures and units. A lot of things happened there. Bad memories. But I also have good memories. I kinda miss my childhood days. Before I started drinking. Playing hockey with rollerblades and using a tennis ball as a puck. We would make our hockey sticks out of pieces of wood. Iā€™d go around catching grass hoppers and beetles with my bare hands. Playing pogs and marbles. Life was easy back then. There were also things that I didnā€™t know were wrong. Until I got older and realized how fucked up things were. That place left a nasty scar in my life. Canā€™t seem to move forward. There are also things that I canā€™t talk about publicly. I donā€™t think I ever will.

Well, thatā€™s all for today.

Gonna pass out. Itā€™s back to the grind tomorrow. Goodnight, everyone!

Luv yā€™all. :heart:


Day 430. Worked called me by mistake at 6.30am. They forgot I was working Sunday night instead. So I am now awake . I will work 8-4ish I think.

Setting monthly milestones on my counter as its hard to know where I am at. Iā€™ve set monthly counters to just over two years. I will keep adding them.
. Trying hard to plan financially ahead these days. Trying to focus on some deferred gratification rather than ooooo I fancy new trainersā€¦ I donā€™t need any new clothes this side of the new year.


I have three weddings next month and currently I am only 8 days into sobriety. I am nervous about it. Iā€™m looking forward to dancing and chatting, but the urge to drink is going to be so strong being surrounded by so much alcohol! You were very good staying strong, do you have any tips for me?


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 181

Sun is shining again, not that warm but warm enough to not need a jacket.

At peace because the visit from Ma went smooth.

A little worried about my oldest daughter whoā€™s back in Poland for holiday again, with her boyfriend Iā€™m not a fan off. I had three misses calls from her at 04.30 this morning.

I called back when I woke up at 06.00 and tried to get a response on every platform she uses, but nothing. I hope it was just a drunk call. And that sheā€™s asleep. Really hope that I hear from her soon. At least I got the adress to the place theyā€™re staying.
Always make sure I get adress and contact information when sheā€™s getting somewhere, especially with that guy.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.


Thatā€™s sounds stressful. I hope your daughter is safe and well


Day 591.

Wellā€¦ this is new. Todayā€™s workout was particularly taxing to the point that I cried after. Like an emotional release of sorts.

In the last few weeks of my travels I kinda dropped the ball on my healthy eating and workouts. Chocolates, Italian cornettos with pistachio creamā€¦ the works. My restless leg was back with a vengeance and my depression was rearing itā€™s sad, ugly head. Since Iā€™ve been back, I cut out sugar and Iā€™m getting back into my freeletics. And guess what? All my problems are gone! Nah, just kidding. Still depressed but the restless leg is gone. Clearly, I need to avoid sugar as it triggers it. The internet says I should also avoid caffeine, but thatā€™s not happening.


*Day 2169 :walking_woman:
Last day of working in another store than Iā€™m used to. Not my hobby, but tonight thatā€™s behind me for a while :confetti_ball:
2,5 weeks of work ahead before holiday. Going to France and rented two Airbnb houses (1 week in each of them). The first one has a pool (not heated) so I hope for warm weather :pray:
Going to vistit Disney in Paris too.

Picture of my fresh mint tea a few days ago and I loved the plate beneath it. Wish I could have bought it. That text! :sweat_smile:
Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@Amy30 Sugar is my substance number one. I have so many ugly symptoms when I eat it, itā€™s mind boggling. And it definitely has a huge impact on my mental health. Caffeine on the other hand has only good effects on me. Glad to hear cutting out sugar is helping you too.
@MrsOdh My heart goes out to you and your daughter sending safe travels energy :ocean:
@Alicat22 Hey friend :wave: Congrats on your week of sobriety :partying_face:
Most of us decide to avoid social events where we would be surrounded by our DOC and people using for at least three months. So if you are not sure you can handle the preasure consider putting sobriety first.
Should you choose to go, have a plan: tell someone who is also attending that you are in recovery to help you stay accountable, try to stay around people who do not drink - like pregnant people, children, others in recovery, etc., hold a non-alcoholic drink at all times in your hand, have a sober buddy/community you can contact in case of severe cravings, have an escape plan to leave early if things become overwhelming.
@GOKU2019 Thanks for sharing about your dreams and your childhood. Childhood memories often leave me feeling conflicted too.
If you want to get back to less junk eating/drinking a lot of people have good results with meal planning and meal prepping. You donā€™t have to do everything at once. You could start with one meal a week. Just to get into the habit and built it up slowly from there.
@Mno Thanks for the picture. I do miss all the water youā€™ve got around. And I hope you get some well deserved rest soon.
@Just_Laura Nice to hear you had a relaxing day after all that stress at work the last days.
@1in8billion Routine is what keeps me sane :muscle: Go for it.
@Ncgolfer Congrats on getting through the wedding sober :muscle: And a really smart move to hang out with other sober people! Drunk people are triggering even to those of us who donā€™t have alcohol as their DOC.
@Mira_D Ugh. What a nightmare. Having everyone sick at home is such a drag on any energy. Hope you can recharge soon :battery:
@Butterflymoonwoman Thanks for sharing your story about the cell phone and honesty. We had a reading in yesterdayā€™s RD meeting about wise/skillful actions. And I really liked the inquiry question there. You acted out of generosity and kindness and your emotional and mental response is: you are glad you did so. It gave you peace. Here is the quote:

During those times you were unskillful or created suffering, how would it have changed the outcome if you had acted out of compassion, kindness, generosity, and forgiveness? Would you now have a different emotional or mental response to your past actions if you had acted with these principles in mind?

279 days no sugar
143 UPF
17 gluten
17 dairy
0 compulsive eating

Still hormonally challenged.
My daughter is well again and went to school. I did the groceries early in the morning. I like this new morning person vibe. I hope it holds beyond the summer. But even if it does not, I really am enjoying it.
I have a doctorā€™s checkup today, and am going to meet a dear friend in the afternoon. Looking forward to it. She is very special too me. Some relaxation practice with my daughter and Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Letā€™s keep our hearts and minds open friends. Just for today :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Day 235

Late night working last night, and OT shifts for next two nights starting at 3am, oy vey.

Besides that, feel good and strong, and enjoying it all.

Last evenings sunset just as I was about to hit the hay!


@Butterflymoonwoman oh that is great that your first thought was to do the right thing. Our old eats will always be in the background waiting for a chance to rear their ugly heads. We know better now so we donā€™t listen to that BS. You should be proud
@Alicat22 way to go with 1 week of sobriety :muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball: it keeps getting better :hugs: thatā€™s a lot of triggering situations to be in so early on. If you absolutely have to go, I would have a plan ahead - make sure you have a non alcoholic drink in hand at all times (harder for someone to offer one if you have something). Have an escape plan if things get too much. Find a place to go at event if you need a breather. This place is always active so reach out at any time.
@Mira_D omg! Never heard of em but just googled
ā€¦hope he gets well soon and that goes for your daughter as well. :pray:t4::pray:t4:. Sending healing vibes your way :people_hugging:
@Ncgolfer congratulations on getting through your sober wedding. Glad you had others that you could hang with. It is hard on many fronts to be around drinking crowd. Glad you are still stacking up the days :muscle:t4:
@Just_Laura oh thank goodness for the chiropractorā€¦glad she helped and you are feeling better
@MrsOdh oh I hope everything is ok and you do hear from her soon :pray:t4:
@SoberWalker ooh love that you will go to Disney Parisā€¦have fun. I do love that text! I need it at home :rofl:

Checking in on Tuesday morning
Got some good spurts of sleep. Loads of good coffee coming my way. Got my new battery in my TENS unit to hopefully help with at least the back issues.
Itā€™s a decent weather dayā€¦I do hope we get more of these days as I feel it goes from too hot to too cold rather quickly.
Enjoying a quiet morning reading with coffee. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Checking in day 162. I missed yesterdays check in as we went camping again as a family and all fell asleep very early.

Back home today with a realisation that Iā€™ve been holding off living my life because weā€™ve put a new or bigger house as the main goal, and felt guilty if we were to do anything else. Even the big shed we built, what little space we do haveā€¦ has been dedicated to work yet Iā€™m not getting paid extra for housing all the work gear.

Today I took back a huge amount of work gear back to the owners and went a bought 2 little storage sheds to be installed beside our big shed for the rest of the yard work gear, so I can use the big one for what I always intended, to buy a little vintage car. I have been putting everyone and everything else first and it really hasnā€™t gotten me far. It is time to focus on myself for a hot minute

Have a great week everyone, hereā€™s a picture of our camp site.


Starting my 8th day feeling very clear headed and comfortable. Happy that I am calmer, interactions with family are better, and I find myself actually able to smile. Hope everyone has a great day!


Day 11. Last night I had my first counseling session. It was so wonderful to talk to someone on the outside about all of my buried trauma. I have a lot of stuff to unpack. It was like talking to someone Iā€™ve known for years. In a few weeks Iā€™m leaving for the beach. On that trip Iā€™m going to do some soul searching. Write some letters to people. I plan to walk on the beach at sunrise and sunset. Do something thatā€™s always made my soul happy. Hereā€™s to another day of happy!


Hey all, checking in on day 1535. I hope everybody has a good one!


@JazzyS thank you :blush: Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t eat crisps or sugary stuff, thatā€™s progress atleast. I enjoy my visit with my brother, SIL, and nieces :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope the TENS unit does help :crossed_fingers:t2:šŸ©µ
@zzz congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Courtni congrats on double digits :tada:
@Jesile omg so cute :heart_eyes: I hope you enjoyed the show :blush:
@Alicat22 congrats on your week :tada:
@GOKU2019 sorry about the dreams :people_hugging: and the stuff you canā€™t talk about. Sending strength šŸ©µ
@Ncgolfer congrats on staying sober at the wedding :tada:
@MrsOdh Iā€™m glad you Maā€™s visit went smoothly :blush: and I hope your daughter is okay :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Player-1 congrats on your week :tada:

1477 days no alcohol.
942 days no cocaine.
457 days no vape.
30 days no crisps.
1 day no binge-eating.

I had a lovely time with my brother and his family yesterday. My eldest niece was full of energy as usual, and very entertaining, and my baby niece didnā€™t scream or cry when I held her this time, so that was nice too. At first she kept looking at me, then my brother, then me, then my brother, backwards and forwards, so she must think we look similar and maybe that confuses her. Sheā€™s rolling over by herself now. I completely forgot to take the photos with me, but I will take them when I see them again in less than a month for my nieceā€™s birthday.

I slept in clusters last night as usual, but overall made up a bit for the lack of sleep the night before.

Today I had my first pumpkin spiced frappucino from Starbucks, I also tried their iced matcha. Autumn is on itā€™s way. :leaves: :fallen_leaf:
